7 research outputs found

    Loneliness and internet addiction in doctors and medical students: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Our aim in this study is to determine the level of internet addiction in medical school students and primary care physicians and the factors affecting them.Methods: A 68 physicians and 167 students participated in this descriptive study. The participants were administered the young ınternet addiction test, UCLA loneliness scale and asked to respond to survey questions about their ssociodemographic characteristics, and the relations were evaluated with appropriate statistical methods.Results: It has been identified that playing games online, surfing the internet aimlessly and loneliness score affected internet addiction regardless of other variables (p<0.05). A statistically significant correlation between addiction level and age (r= (-0.341), p<0,001), loneliness score (r=0,284, p<0,001) and online time (r=0,387, p<0,001) has been discovered.Conclusions: In this study, it was found statistically significant that students with internet addiction stayed online for long periods of time and it seemed in line with the criteria observed in substance use disorders such as longer duration of use than intended and not being able to spare time for other activities

    Levels and interrelations of empathy, job satisfaction, and job stress of physicians

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    Sağlık hizmetlerinde, yeterli mesleki bilgi ve becerilere ilaveten nitelikli hasta hekim ilişkisi de gereklidir. Hasta hekim ilişkisinin niteliğini belirten bileşenlerden biri ise; hekimin hastasına karşı sahip olduğu empatidir. Ülkemizde hekimlerde hem empati, hem iş doyumu, hem de iş stresi düzeylerini bir arada ele alan çalışma saptanmamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; hekimlerdeki empati eğilimi, iş doyumu, iş stresi düzeyleri ile ilişkili genel ve mesleki özelliklerin ortaya konulması ve hekimlik mesleğinde empati eğilimi, iş stresi ve iş doyumu düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. Bu çalışma kesitsel tipte bir araştırmadır. Araştırmada Denizli Merkez İlçesi'nde çalışan hekimler arasından örnekleme alınan 330 hekimin 318?ine (%96,3) ulaşılabilmiştir. Araştırmanın bağımlı değişkenleri "empati eğilimi düzeyi, iş stresi düzeyi ve iş doyumu düzeyi"dir. Araştırmanın bağımsız değişkenleri ise, katılımcıların genel özellikleri ve çalışma yaşamı özellikleridir. Araştırma verisi; sosyodemografik ve çalışma yaşamı özelliklerine ilişkin sorular ile Dökmen'in empatik eğilim ölçeği, Minnesota iş doyumu ölçeği ve İsveç iş yükü kontrol destek ölçeği sorularını içeren soru formları vasıtasıyla toplanmıştır. Katılımcıların empati eğilimi ölçeğinden aldıkları puanların ortalaması 70,5, iş stresi ölçeğinden elde edilen iş stresi puanlarının ortalaması 0,8, genel iş doyumu düzeyi puanlarının ortalaması 3,4'tür. Katılımcıların cinsiyet, yaş, çalıştıkları kurum özellikleri kontrol edildiğinde, empati eğilim puanının; genel iş doyumu puanı ile pozitif yönde, genel iş doyumu puanının, iş stres puanı ile ters yönde orta dereceli korelasyon gösterdiği bulunmuştur. Çalışmada, empati ve iş doyumu düzeyleri yüksek, iş stresi düzeyi ise düşük bulunmuştur. Çalışma sonucuna göre, hekimlerin empati düzeyleri yükseltilebilirse, yüksek iş stresi olan hekimlerde bile iş doyumları artırılabilir.In addition to adequate professional knowledge and skills, the qualified patient-physician relationship is required in health care. One indicator of the quality of the patient-physician relationship is the physician?s empathy towards his/her patients. In our country, there hasn't been any study dealing with any combination of the empathy, job satisfaction and job stress levels of physicians totally. The aim of this study is to find out general and professional features associated with levels of empathy tendency, job satisfaction, job stress of physicians and to evaluate the association between levels of empathy tendency, job satisfaction, job stress in the profession of medicine. This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Central District of Denizli, with clinicians who were currently practicing. As a result of the sample size calculation, it was planned to reach 330 physicians. 318 (96.3%) physicians were reached in the data collection phase. The dependent variables of the study were the levels of empathy tendency, job satisfaction and job stress. The independent variables of the study were the general and professional features of the participants. The data was gathered with a questionnaire containing the questions with regard to the sociodemographic attributes, the features of working life, the Dökmen's Empathic Tendency Scale, the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale and the Swedish Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire. Mean scores obtained from the scales of empathic tendency, job stress and general job satisfaction of the participants were 70.5, 0.8 and 3.4 respectively. Controlling for participants' characteristics of sex, age and the institution they worked, the empathy tendency scores were positively correlated with general job satisfaction scores and the general job satisfaction scores were moderately negatively correlated with job stress scores. In this study, it was found that the levels of empathy and job satisfaction were high, the level of job stress was low. In addition, when the level of empathy of the physician?s increases, despite having an even higher job stress, the physician's job satisfaction increases

    Loneliness and internet addiction in doctors and medical students: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Our aim in this study is to determine the level of internet addiction in medical school students and primary care physicians and the factors affecting them.Methods: A 68 physicians and 167 students participated in this descriptive study. The participants were administered the young ınternet addiction test, UCLA loneliness scale and asked to respond to survey questions about their ssociodemographic characteristics, and the relations were evaluated with appropriate statistical methods.Results: It has been identified that playing games online, surfing the internet aimlessly and loneliness score affected internet addiction regardless of other variables (p&lt;0.05). A statistically significant correlation between addiction level and age (r= (-0.341), p&lt;0,001), loneliness score (r=0,284, p&lt;0,001) and online time (r=0,387, p&lt;0,001) has been discovered.Conclusions: In this study, it was found statistically significant that students with internet addiction stayed online for long periods of time and it seemed in line with the criteria observed in substance use disorders such as longer duration of use than intended and not being able to spare time for other activities

    Are there predictors that can determine neoadjuvant treatment responses in rectal cancer?

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    Background/Aims: This study aimed to determine a predictive bioindicator that would detect the treatment response of patients diagnosed with rectal cancer and treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (nCRT). Materials and Methods: The data collected from 37 patients receiving nCRT were retrospectively evaluated. The p53 score and gene instability in MLH1 and MSH2, which are among the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes, were evaluated using immunohistochemical methods. The neutrophils-leukocytes ratio (NLR), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), and carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19-9 values were obtained as hematological parameters from computer records. The pathologic analysis of the therapy response after nCRT was classified according to the modified grading system by Ryan et al. Results: The changes in the NLR, CEA, and CA19-9 values before and after treatment were statistically significant (p?0.001 and p=0.005). A near significant effect of the decrease of the CEA value in the 5th week after treatment was detected on the pathological response score (p=0.075). The p53 mutation score in those patients with any residue was higher than the total response. Overall, 89.2% of the patients exhibited MMR positivity (stability), and 10.8% of the cases with MRM negativity (instability) had a macroscopic residue. Cases with pathological total response were MRM positive. Conclusion: Consequently, in most of the patients treated with nCRT, the treatment caused tumor and nodal remission. In the prediction of this therapy response, hematological and genetic parameters, such as NLR, P53, MLH1, and MSH2, play a predictive role

    Hypernatremic dehydration in breastfed ınfants

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    Giriş: Hayatı tehdit eden komplikasyonlara neden olabildiğinden, yenidoğanlarda yetersiz emzirmeye bağlı hipernatremik dehidratasyonun tanı ve tedavisi önemlidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada 2006-2012 yılları arasında sadece anne sütüyle beslenen ve hipernatremik dehidratasyon (serum Na≥150 mEq/L) saptanan 37-42 haftalık yenidoğanların dosyaları geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Bulgular: Hipernatremik dehidratasyon saptanan 26 yenidoğanın ortalama gebelik yaşı, doğum ağırlığı, ağırlık kaybı, anne yaşı ve tanı yaşı sırasıyla 38,8±1,1 hafta, 3292±458 gr, %13,5±5,5, 27,6±4,9 yaş ve 3,9±3,5 gündü. Kız cinsiyet, sezaryen doğum ve primipar anne oranları sırasıyla %57,6, %61,6 ve %57,6 idi. Başvuru şikâyetleri ateş (%30,7), emmede azalma ve sarılık (%26,9), huzursuzluk ve hipoaktivite (%7,6) idi. İlk beş gün içinde, yaz mevsiminde ve hastanede yatarken hipernatremik dehidratasyon sıklığı sırasıyla %84,6, %73 ve %42,3 idi. Ortalama BUN, kreatinin ve sodyum düzeyleri sırasıyla 45,6±64,1 mg/dl, 1,5±2,3mg/dl ve 157±11,9 mEq/L bulundu. Yirmialtı annenin %57,6’sı emzirme eğitimi almışken, %84,6’sı yeterli sıvı almamıştı. Konvülziyon saptanan dört hastanın birinde diyaliz gerektiren renal yetmezlik, üçünde prerenal böbrek yetmezliği ve birinde beyin ödemi gelişti. Serum sodyum düzeyleri primipar anne bebeği olan (p=0,002), dış merkezde doğan (p=0,012), anne yaşı küçük olan (p=0,035), emzirme eğitimi almayan (p=0,007) ve hastaneye geç başvuran bebeklerde (p<0,01) yüksek bulundu. Serum sodyum konsantrasyonunun ≥160 mEq/L olması komplikasyon ile ilişkiliydi (p<0,01). Anne yaşı azaldıkça (p=0,035) ve ağırlık kaybı arttıkça (p=0,016) serum sodyum düzeyi artmıştı. Sonuç: İlk hafta içerisinde ağırlık kaybının yakından izlemi ve başarılı emzirme teknikleriyle dehidratasyon bulgularının annelere öğretilmesi sayesinde yenidoğanlarda hipernatremik dehidratasyon önlenebilir.Introduction: Since it can cause life-threatening complications in newborns, diagnosis and treatment of hypernatremic dehydration associated with inadequate breastfeeding is important. Materials and Methods: Records of exclusively-breastfed newborns (37-42 weeks) with hypernatremic dehydration (serum Na ≥150mEq/L) admitted between 2006 and 2012 were reviewed retrospectively. Results: The mean gestational age, birth weight, weight loss, maternal age, and age at diagnosis of 26 newborns with hypernatremic dehydration were 38.8±1.1 weeks, 3292±458 gr, 13.5±5.5%, 27.6±4.9 years, and 3.9±3.5 days, respectively. The percentages of female patients, caesarean delivery, and primipar mothers were 57.6%, 61.6%, and 57.6% respectively. Admission complaints were fever (30.7%), poor feeding and jaundice (26.9%), restlessness and hypoactivity (7.6%). Hypernatremic dehydration frequency within first five days, in summer season, during hospitalization were 84.6%, 73%, and 42.3%, respectively. The mean serum BUN, creatinine, Na levels were found 45.6±64.1 mg/dl, 1.5±2.3 mg/dl, and 157±11.9 mEq/L, respectively. Of 26 mothers, 57.6% had received breastfeeding education and 84% had inadequate fluid intake. Among four patients with seizures, three had prerenal failure, one had renal failure requiring dialysis, and brain edema developed in one. Serum Na levels were higher in infants who were baby of primipar mother (p=0.002), born in another hospital (p=0.012), from young mothers (p=0.035), from mothers with no breastfeeding education (p=0.007), and with delayed hospital admission (p<0.01). Serum Na concentrations ≥160mEq/L were associated with complications (p<0.01). Serum Na levels were negatively correlated with maternal age (p=0.035) and positively correlated with (p=0.016) weight loss. Conclusions: Hypernatremic dehydration can be prevented in newborns by close monitoring of weight loss and by teaching successful breastfeeding techniques and signs of dehydration to the mothers within first week