15 research outputs found


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    Berangkat dari masih sedikitnya siswa tunanetra yang melakukan wirausaha berdagang. Bertitik tolak dari permasalahan tersebut maka penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai pembinaan minat siswa tunanetra dalam wirausaha berdagang di PSBN Wyataguna yang meliputi: (1) Bagaimana pengetahuan siswa tunanetra mengenai wirausaha berdagang; (2) Bagaimana pandangan PSBN Wyataguna terhadap wirausaha bagi siswa tunanetra; (3) Bagaimana gambaran minat wirausaha berdagang siswa tunanetra di PSBN Wyataguna; (4) Apa jenis wirausaha yang diminati siswa tunanetra di PSBN Wyataguna; (5) Apa faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat minat wirausaha pada siswa tunanetra di PSBN Wyataguna; (6) Adakah upaya pengembangan minat wirausaha pada siswa tunanetra di PSBN Wyataguna? Jika ada, bagaimana upaya yang dilakukan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa pengetahuan siswa mengenai wirausaha berdagang masih sangat kurang, karena PSBN Wyataguna tidak memberika izin kepada siswanya untuk berdagang di lingkungan PSBN Wyataguna padahal beberapa siswa sudah melakukan wirausaha berdagang dengan serius. Faktor pendukung minat siswa tunanetra dalam wirausaha berdagang berasal dari kesiapan siswa untuk berdagang, sedangkan hambatan siswa adalah teman-temannya yang sering menghutangi dagangan. Upaya pengembangan minat wirausaha berdagang belum dilakukan PSBN Wyataguna karena koperasi siswa yang dibentuk sudah berhenti sejak dua tahun yang lalu


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    Pendidik merupakan ujung tombak dan penanggungjawab pendidikan. Peran utama pen- didik adalah sebagai pelayan belajar, sebagai model dan petunjuk arah. Pendidik mempunyai peran penting dalam membentuk moral bangsa. Tetapi sistem pendidikan nasional justru diidentikkan dengan proses peningkatan kemampuan, keterampilan dan kecerdasan belaka. Sehingga orientasi pembelajaran lebih mengutamakan proses penguasaan materi dan nilai daripada pembentukan ke- pribadian. Akibatnya kondisi moral dan budi pekerti siswa masih memprihatinkan, hal ini dibuk- tikan dengan perilaku siswa yang kurang sopan dan tidak menghormati orang yang lebih tua atau guru. Selain itu, siswa cenderung mudah berkata kasar dan menjadi susah diatur. Perilaku- perilaku tersebut tentunya akan memicu timbulnya tindak kekerasan di kalangan siswa. Dikha- watirkan penurunan moral dan budi pekerti akan terus meningkat apabila tidak segera dilakukan penanganan yang tepat. Oleh karena, diperlukan metode penanaman moral dan budi pekerti yang terintegrasi dalam setiap mata pelajaran di Sekolah Dasar. Melalui penanaman moral dan budi pekerti yang terintegrasi dalam setiap mata pelajaran diharapkan mampu meminimalisir fenomena kekerasan di kalangan siswa. Kata kunci: Pendidik, Integrasi pendidikan moral dan budi pekerti

    Spatial modelling of multidimensional poverty in rural area: Evidence from Malang Regency, Indonesia

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    Poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon that causes difficulty for people to meet their needs. The research aims to scrutinize physical and social infrastructures concerning multidimensional poverty levels using the spatial approach. Jabung District, Malang Regency, Indonesia has 35% poor households in this case study. The objectives are to measure multidimensional poverty levels, social capital indices of the rate of participation (RoP) and density, and scrutinize neighborhood relationships among 15 villages using spatial regression analysis. Data collection is through a questionnaire survey of 274 heads of households. The research identified four poverty levels (very low to high), where five villages with high poverty levels (Jabung, Taji, Kemiri, Gunungjati, Slamparejo) became the targeted areas. The majority of the villages had a medium level of both the RoP and density, and the community had moderate social relations among community members. The spatial regression analysis indicates that the attribute of the RoP and weight matrix have a significant impact on the poverty level. It is recommended that poverty alleviation programs should focus upon the cluster of poor villages through social infrastructure development as the action to end poverty.JEL Classification A13; I32; R5

    Multidimensional Poverty, Social Networks: Spatial Neighbourhoods on Poverty Eradication in Tumpang District, Malang Regency

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    Poverty is multidimensional problem of the development that cause human difficulties in accessing public facility and infrastructure. Along with target of SDGs regarding poverty alleviation, main aims of this research are i) measure poverty level through three dimensions – health, education and standard of living of the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), and ii) scrutinize influential variables of the poverty through Spatial Regression Analysis whereby physical as well as social variables are put it together in the model. This research would like to propose a set of research approach on how dealing with poverty in a certain area.  Area of study is Tumpang district in Malang Regency, East Java Province consist of 15 villages, wherein at about 36,61% family are receiver of the Raskin (Beras Miskin – Poor Rice) program as one of the poverty alleviation programs in Indonesia. Both field observation as well as depth interview are conducted towards 274 head of households. Result study finds out that there are five villages which have high value of MPI in Tumpang District, namely Duwet Krajan, Duwet, Benjor, Tulusbesar and Kidal, and the two dimensions – education and living standard give significant contribution to the poverty. Next, poverty in the research area has influenced by both social relations among residents within a village as well as geographical location of the nearest neighbourhoods. Then, eradication poverty is necessary to put consideration on strengthening ‘constructive’ social relations among residents through their existence community groups


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    Kesetaraan gender masuk dalam pilar nomor 5 dari Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, sebagai salah satu pendekatan komprehensif untuk mengentaskan kemiskinan masyarakat di suatu wilayah. Tujuan utama penelitian ini untuk menyelidiki keterkaitan antara nilai kesetaraan gender dengan ikatan sosial dalam masyarakat, guna menyusun rekomendasi kebijakan publik dalam pengentasan kemiskinan. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua pendekatan metode analisis yaitu mengukur kesetaraan gender (Gender Inequality Index) dan mengukur dua indeks modal sosial (rate of participation dan kepadatan), dimana sampel penelitian dibedakan menjadi sampel rumah tangga miskin dan tidak miskin yang terbagi secara proporsional pada total 330 responden. Temuan hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa rumah tangga miskin memiliki indeks ketimpangan gender yang lebih tinggi daripada rumah tangga tidak miskin, dan rumah tangga miskin memiliki ikatan sosial yang lebih rendah dibandingkan rumah tangga tidak miskin. Hal Ini menyiratkan bahwa masyarakat dengan kesetaraan gender yang baik, dan ikatan sosial yang kuat melalui afiliasi anggota masyarakat dengan lembaga eksisting dapat memberikan peluang lebih besar untuk terwujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang lebih tinggi. Kesimpulannya, penguatan ikatan sosial di antara anggota masyarakat dapat memperluas perspektif masyarakat tentang betapa pentingnya kesetaraan gender sebagai bagian dari tindakan mereka untuk mengatasi kemiskinan

    Recent Updates of the Oral Benefits of Mangosteen Plant Extracts: Review

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    Mainly in developing countries, herbal medicine has remained the mainstay of approximately 75 to 80 % of the world population. Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) fruit consists of several active components with major bioactive secondary metabolites that are xanthone derivatives. Traditionally, mangosteen has been used as a remedy for anti-diarrheal, skin infection on account of anti-bacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory benefits which all lead to improving the general health. Nowadays, several studies discuss the benefits of mangosteen, on account of the fact that plenty of recent articles concerning the medical and oral benefits of mangosteen extracts abound. However, still no previous review (up to 2015) covered the oral benefits of the mangosteen. This review is new in that it addresses the recent updates of the oral benefits of mangosteen extracts. To achieve the study goal, this review covered recent published articles from 2015 onward, which focused only on the oral benefits of mangosteen extracts in use. The results reveled that oral benefits of mangosteen extracts have been widely used as anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbes which were evaluated and discussed in this review. To conclude, this review highlighted and addressed the manipulations and oral beneficial effects of mangosteen extracts that were dependent on several active compounds. It is hoped that this review will be important and beneficial to researchers tackling the future challenges and developments on mangosteen extracts studies

    Recent Updates of the Oral Benefits of Mangosteen Plant Extracts: Review

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    Mainly in developing countries, herbal medicine has remained the mainstay of approximately 75 to 80 % of the world population. Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) fruit consists of several active components with major bioactive secondary metabolites that are xanthone derivatives. Traditionally, mangosteen has been used as a remedy for anti-diarrheal, skin infection on account of anti-bacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory benefits which all lead to improving the general health. Nowadays, several studies discuss the benefits of mangosteen, on account of the fact that plenty of recent articles concerning the medical and oral benefits of mangosteen extracts abound. However, still no previous review (up to 2015) covered the oral benefits of the mangosteen. This review is new in that it addresses the recent updates of the oral benefits of mangosteen extracts. To achieve the study goal, this review covered recent published articles from 2015 onward, which focused only on the oral benefits of mangosteen extracts in use. The results reveled that oral benefits of mangosteen extracts have been widely used as anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbes which were evaluated and discussed in this review. To conclude, this review highlighted and addressed the manipulations and oral beneficial effects of mangosteen extracts that were dependent on several active compounds. It is hoped that this review will be important and beneficial to researchers tackling the future challenges and developments on mangosteen extracts studies


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    Kuliah Kerja Nyata Universitas Ahmad Dahlan di dusun Jarah II berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Semua program kerja yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa KKN mendapat apresiasi dari masyarakat dusun Jarah II. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan antusias dan partisipasi dari masyarakat dalam mengikuti kegiatan selama KKN berlangsung. Adapun kegiatan tersebut antara lain Penyuluhan Pertanian, Penyuluhan Kesehatan, Tabligh Akhbar, Jalan Sehat, Festival Anak Sholeh (FAS), Outbond, Pengolahan Mocaf, Lomba Gerak dan Lagu, dan Lomba Tonis

    Aku & cagar budaya: masa lalu yang melebur dalam kekinian

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    Aku dan Cagar Budaya, merupakan sebuah buku berisi kumpulan karya yang ditulis secara popular oleh 30 orang penulis wanita di bawah komunitas Ibu-ibu Doyan Nulis (dinaungi oleh Indscript Creative) yang berkisah tentang pesona Cagar Budaya Indonesia. Para penulis dari berbagai latar belakang pendidikan dan profesi yang berasal dari berbagai daerah telah mengungkap kemegahan, keindahan, kemanfaatan serta nilainilai yang terkandung pada objek cagar budaya yang ada di sekitarnya. Membagikan pengetahuan mereka kepada pembaca terkait informasi kecagarbudayaan dan kepedulian mereka terhadap cagar budaya

    Pengelolaan Infrastruktur Air Bersih Berkelanjutan Berbasis Masyarakat (Studi Kasus: Modal Sosial dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Air di Hutan Bambu Desa Sumbermujur, Lumajang)

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    Development has a purpose to improve the standard of living. The government began to apply the concept of sustainable development through the SDG's programme which integrates economic development with the socio-cultural and environmental aspects. This study aims to identify the participation (social capital) of Sumbermujur Village community on the activities of conservation that can maintain the quality and quantity of the Sumber Deling springs. The method used is social network analysis based on three measures of rate of participation, density and centrality. The results showed that the values showed moderate and low participation rates with high density and centrality values with some actors in the network. this is quite good because it can help in the development of water management