30 research outputs found

    Concentração de macronutrientes em função da idade, doses de fósforo aplicadas e partes de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)

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    O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido visando atingir o seguinte objetivo: determinação das concentrações dos macronutrientes, nas partes da planta, em função de níveis de adubação fosfatada. Para verificar os parâmetros propostos foi instalado um fatorial 3³ com três repetições em solo da serie Guamium, no município de Piracicaba, SP. Usou-se o cultivar IAC-2 de habito de crescimento indeterminado. Aplicou-se no sulco na ocasião da semeadura as seguintes quantidades de fertilizantes: 0, 20 e 40 kg de N por ha; 0, 60 e 120 kg de P2O5por ha; 0, 30 e 60 kg de K2O por ha. Foram igualmente incorporados 2,7 t de calcário dolomitico por ha. Foram colhidas amostras de plantas em intervalos de 21 dias, a partir da emergência, até a queda parcial das folhas aos 105 dias de idade. Conclusões: concentrações maiores de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio e enxofre foram encontradas nas folhas superiores; e as maiores concentrações de cálcio e magnêsio localizaram-se nas folhas inferiores. As variações nas concentrações de fósforo e magnêsio com a idade das plantas, foram afetadas pelas doses de fósforo.This study was conducted with the objective of determining the concentration of macronutrients in the plant as function of fertilization with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. A 3³ factorial experiment with three replications was performed. The experimental area was located at Piracicaba (ESALQ), the soil belonging to the Guamium series. IAC-2, an indeterminate soybean cultivar, was used. N, P and K were applied in the rows at the levels of 0, 20 and 40 kg/ha (N), 0, 60 and 120 kg/ha (P(2)0(5)), and 0, 30 and 60 kg/ha (K(2)0), Plant samples were taken at 21-day intervals at emergence and continuing until partial fall of the leaves (105 days after emergence). The several plant parts were analysed for macronutrients (.N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S). The following conclusions were reached: during the period of greatest efficiency of the crop, the level of 40 kg/ha of nitrogen increased the nitrogen concentration in the upper leaves. The level of 120 kg/ha of P2O5 increased the concentration of phosphorus and potassium in the upper leaves. The highest concentration of calcium and magnesium were found in the lower leaves, while the highest concentrations of sulphur were found in the upper leaves, independent of the levels of N, P and K applied to the soil

    Sun-Angle Effects on the Red and near Infrared Reflectances of Five Different Crop Canopies

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    The objective of this paper is to study relationships between dai/y variations in sun angles and red and near infrared reflectances measured throughout a growing season over different types of crop canopies. Five architecturally different crop canopies were planted: wheat (NNW-SSE rows 0.18 m and 0.35 m apart), barley (NNW-SSE rows 0.18 m apart), corn (NNWSSE rows 0.46 m apart), and sunflower (N-S rows 0.92 m apart). Each canopy was planted at three different densifies in\ud order to add intraspecies variability. Spectral reflectances were measured with a sensor in the nadir position located on a ground platform. \ud Changes in sun angles usually affected the red more than near infrared reflectances. Within each crop, the canopies with the lowest LAI a/ways showed the larges! variations in spectral reflectances. But among the crops, the importance of changing sun angles on crop canopy reflectances varied with the architecture of the canopy. Red reflectances collected over corn and sunflower at LAI of 6 were insensitive to changes in sun angles, while those collected above sunflower showed significant differences when LAI was around 4. The higher proportion of horizontal foliar area compared to the vertical one in corn canopies could account for this difference between the two crops, since a canopy with horizontal foliar distribution is a nearer approximation of a lambertian surface. The differences in row width and orientation could also explain some of these differences. Reflectances of wheat canopies planted with rows 0.35 m apart showed larger red reflectance variations within a day than those planted 0.17 m apart. The maximum red reflectances always appeared when the sun was in fine with row direction. The fact that most rapid variations in red reflectances were occurring around this particular time of the day also confirmed that there is a strong interaction between row direction and width with the position of the sun in the sky. The magnitude of the effect of the variations of sun angles on crop canopy spectral reflectances was shown to be dependent on the species, planting patterns, wavelength band, and sky conditions. \ud \ud Le présent article décrit une étude des relations entre les variations quotidiennes de l'angle du soleil ainsi que des réflectances dans le rouge et le proche infrarouge mesurées tout au long d'une saison de récolte sur différents types de couverts végétaux. Cinq couverts végétaux de structure différente ont été semés: blé (rangs NNO-SSE à intervalles de 0,18 et 0,35 mètres), orge (rangs NNO-SSE à intervalles de 0,18 mètre), maïs (rangs NNO-SSE à intervalles de 0,46 mètre) et tournesol (rangs N-S à intervalles de 0,92 mètre). Chaque couvert végétal a été semé à trois densités différentes de manière à pouvoir mesurer la variabilité au sein de chaque espèce. Les réflectances spectrales ont été mesurées à la position nadir à l'aide d'un capteur fixé à une plate-forme au sol. En général, les variations de l'angle du soleil touchaient davantage les réflectances dans le rouge que les réflectances dans le proche infrarouge. Pour chaque culture, les couverts ayant l'indice de surface foliaire (ISF) le moins élevé ont systématiquement donné la plus grande variation au niveau des réflectances spectrales. Par contre, entre les diverses cultures, la variation de l'angle du soleil sur les réflectances des couverts végétaux était fonction de la structure du couvert. Les réflectances rouges recueillies au-dessus du maïs et du tournesol avec un ISF de 6 étaient insensibles aux variations de l'angle du soleil, tandis que celles mesurées au-dessus des tournesols variaient substantiellement lorsque l'ISF était aux environs de 4. Cette différence entre les deux cultures peut s'expliquer par la présence d'une plus grande distribution foliaire horizontale comparativement à la surface verticale offerte par le couvert de maïs, puisqu'un couvert ayant une distribution foliaire horizontale se rapproche davantage d'une surface lambertienne. La différence dans la largeur et l'orientation des rangs pourrait aussi expliquer certaines de ces différences. Les couverts de blé semés en rangs à intervalles de 0,35 mètre ont donné des variations de réflectances dans le rouge plus grandes dans une journée que ceux semés à intervalles de 0,17 mètre. Les réflectances maximales dans le rouge se produisaient toujours lorsque le soleil était en ligne avec les rangs. Le fait que la plupart des variations rapides des réflectances dans le rouge se produisaient à ce moment particulier de la journée a aussi confirmé qu'il existe une forte corrélation entre la direction et la largeur des rangs et la position du soleil dans le ciel. Cette étude a démontré que l'ampleur de l'incidence des variations de l'angle du soleil sur les réflectances spectrales des couverts végétaux est fonction de l'espèce, du mode de semence, de la longueur d'ondes de la bande et des conditions du ciel