928 research outputs found

    Frequency of Predisposing Factor of Nausea and Vomiting After Chest Surgery Under General Anaesthesia

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    Background: Postoperative nausea and vomiting are common and distressing postsurgical symptoms. These symptoms are of particular concern in outpatient surgery because they may require additional direct resources, such as supplies and antiemetic drugs, and may delay discharge. The objective of this study was to measure the frequency of factors which can cause nausea and vomiting under general anaesthesia after chest surgery. Methodology: This descriptive case series evaluated frequency of predisposing factor of nausea and vomiting in patients of anaesthesia department of Gulab Devi Hospital Lahore. Questionnaire is made and patients were asked about their age, fever, previous surgery, NPO status, smoking history and hospital stay. This study included 140 patients with post-operative nausea and vomiting. Results: In this study, 140 patients were taken in which  65 (46.43%) were female and 75 (53.57%) were male. In 140 patient 134 (95.7%) were NPO and 6 (4.3%) were not  NPO, 25 (17.9%) were obese and 115 (82.1%) were not obese, 88 (62.9%) patients were suffering fever and 52 (37.1%) were not suffering fever, 80 (57.1%) were infected and 59 (42.1%) were not infected, 53 (37.9%) patients had previous surgery and 87 (62.1%) had no previous surgery, 94 (67.1%) patients had received nitrous oxide and 46 (32.9%) didn\u27t, 97 (69.3%) received volatile gases and 43 (30.7%) not received, 29 (20.7%) received ketamine and 111 (79.3%) not received, 87 (62.1%) received suxamethonium and 53 (37.9%) not received, 119 (85.0%) received propofol and 21 (15.0%) not received, 110 (78.6%) received naluphine and 28 (20.0%) not received. Out of 140 patients, there were 122 (87.1%) who were suffering from pain and 18 (12.9%) were not. 91 (65.0%) patients had gastric distention and 49 (35.0%) patients didn\u27t. Opioids were given to 34 (24.3%) patients and not given to 106 (75.7%) patient. Conclusion: It is concluded that the nausea and vomiting after surgey under genral anesthesia is due to patient related factors in which most frequent is NPO. Drug related factors include propofol and nalbupin administration. Post operative factors include pain. In whole study of 140 patients, the  most frequent is patient related factor (NPO) other than drug related factors and post-operative factors

    Perilaku Rumahtangga Miskin dalam Perawatan Kehamilan di Desa Muntuk, Kecamatan Dlingo, Kabupaten Bantul

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    Perilaku perawatan kehamilan adalah salah satu aspek dan upaya yang penting dilakukan untuk mengurangi jumlah kematian ibu dan kematian bayi. Rumahtangga miskin merupakan rumahtangga yang rentan untuk tidak melakukan perawatan kehamilan atau pemeriksaan antenatal care. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku perawatan kehamilan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan melakukan survey dan wawancara terstruktur terhadap semua rumahtangga miskin yang mendapatkan bantuan berupa Raskin yaitu di Desa Banjarharjo 1 (49 rumahtangga) dan Desa Banjarharjo 2 (95 rumahtangga). Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis inferensial yang berupa uji korelasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perilaku perawatan kehamilan memiliki hubungan dengan faktor umur kepala rumahtangga, akses, dan kondisi ekonomi

    Analisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (Ipm) Di Wilayah Karesidenan Surakarta Dalam Tinjauan Maqoshid Syariah (Tahun 2011-2015)

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    This research is shown to analyze the quality of human resources in the Surakarta Residency area for the period of 2011-2015 which is measured using Human Development Index. This study aims to analyze how the concept of Maqoshid Syariah can have an influence in the development of quality human resources. The Maqoshid Shariah has 5 fundamentals: the Religion Index (ad-Dien), Wealth Index (al-Maal), Soul Index (an-Nafs), Knowledge Index (al-Aql), and Descendant Index (an-Nasl). These five baselines are converted into several indicators of secondary economic data obtained from various sources. Analyzer in this research use panel data that is combination of Time series data and Cross section. The results showed that simultaneously Religion Index, Mental Index, and Knowledge Index significantly influence the development of Human Development Index in Surakarta Residency area. The Religion Index shows a negative influence on the Human Development Index, while the Mental Index and Knowledge Index show Positive influence. Keywords: Human Development Index, Maqoshid Syariah, and Human Resource

    Site Suitability Analysis for Urban Settlements along River Jhelum, Pakistan using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques

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    Infrastructure development is critical to the success of economic growth policies. Remote sensing and GIS tools have an important role to play in the development of various urban infrastructures. Due to the rapid growth of urban population and urbanization, it is necessary to find out the site's suitability for sustainable urban development. The main aim of the study is to study the growth and trend of urbanization, as well as to find out the suitable sites for further urban development in northern Punjab, along the river Jhelum, Pakistan. The study illustrates the use of geographic information system (GIS) and Remote Sensing based techniques i.e. Human Natural Environment Index (HNEI) applied with a foundation of Relief Degree of Land Surface (RDLS), Temperature Humidity Index (THI), Water Resource Index (WRI), and Land Cover Index (LCI) for selection of the suitable site for urban settlements along river Jhelum, Pakistan. For this purpose, Toposheet and Landsat satellite data were used to generate various thematic layers using ArcGIS software. The results were generated in form of five categories i.e., highly suitable, moderately suitable, relatively low suitable, low suitable, and non-suitable. The final results indicated that district Sargodha is most suitable for long-term sustainable urban settlements favored by relief, climate, water availability, land cover scenario, and flood hazard-free area. Eventually, a site suitability map is prepared for further urban development. The present study allows the local people as well as urban planners for the appropriate plans of land use planning in sustainable urban development

    Impact Assessment of Urban Built-up Area on Groundwater Level of District Faisalabad, Pakistan

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    This paper attempts to explore the impact of built-up areas on groundwater levels in district Faisalabad.To understand the rate of built-up area expansion and changes in the level of groundwater in the study area, groundwaterdata has been acquired from the Land Reclamation Department for all tehsils in district Faisalabad. This study wasconducted to assess spatial and temporal variation of groundwater level because of the built-up area change. Descriptivestatistics (Scatter Plot correlation technique) have been applied to figure out changes in groundwater levels. Furthermore,some built-up area extraction methods have been incorporated that are always found to be effective tools for theassessment of built-up area change. The spatial analysis tool Spline has applied to 79 bore points in all tehsils of districtFaisalabad. Results clearly show that a built-up increase of 41 km2in Faisalabad city is causing 1-foot depletion ingroundwater as compared to other tehsils, where a built-up increase is negligible. Such research studies of groundwaterchanges would assist the planners to adopt effective sustainable measures

    Three dimensional point cloud compression and decompression using polynomials of degree one

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    © 2019 by the authors. The availability of cheap depth range sensors has increased the use of an enormous amount of 3D information in hand-held and head-mounted devices. This has directed a large research community to optimize point cloud storage requirements by preserving the original structure of data with an acceptable attenuation rate. Point cloud compression algorithms were developed to occupy less storage space by focusing on features such as color, texture, and geometric information. In this work, we propose a novel lossy point cloud compression and decompression algorithm that optimizes storage space requirements by preserving geometric information of the scene. Segmentation is performed by using a region growing segmentation algorithm. The points under the boundary of the surfaces are discarded that can be recovered through the polynomial equations of degree one in the decompression phase. We have compared the proposed technique with existing techniques using publicly available datasets for indoor architectural scenes. The results show that the proposed novel technique outperformed all the techniques for compression rate and RMSE within an acceptable time scale

    Distribution of Various Mycotoxins in Compound Feed, Total Mix Ration and Silage

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    Present study was planned to assess the spectrum of natural occurrence of aflatoxins, zearalenone, ochratoxin A and A-B trichothecenes in dairy feed, silage and total mixed rations. One hundred and seventy one samples were analyzed by chromatographic technique. In cattle compound feed, there was a high incidence of aflatoxin B1 (97.3%) followed by aflatoxin B2 (50.3%), aflatoxin G1 (10.7%), aflatoxin G2 (1.5%), zearalenone (39.3%), ochratoxin A (37.5%) and deoxynivalenol (2.9%) with average values of 29, 8, 21, 10, 862, 64 and 813 ng/g respectively. Nine samples were found tainted with T-2 toxin (282ng/g), nivalenol (285ng/g) and fusarenon-x (1625ng/g) respectively. However, frequency distribution showed that positive seventy-seven (51.6%)samples found to be contaminated with aflatoxin B1 levels higher than permissible level of European Commission (<20ng/g). For zearalenone, forty-four (32.5%) samples were tainted with levels ranging from ≥500 to 3750ng/gi.e. higher than recommendations by European commission (<500ng/g). In contrast to compound feed, mycotoxin analysis in silage samples demonstrated the high prevalence of ochratoxin A (77.8 %) followed by AFB1 (25%) with mean of 53 and 8.71ng/g respectively. A scrutiny of mycotoxin for total mixed ration depicted that all samples were contaminated with aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A with an average of 30 and 48.5ng/g respectively. As far as multi-mycotoxin co-existence is concerned, compound feed was concurrently contaminated with two, three and four types of mycotoxins
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