4 research outputs found

    Mahyeldi-Audy Political Marketing Innovation During the Covid-19 Pandemic During the 2020 West Sumatra Regional Election

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    This study discusses the political marketing innovation of the Mahyeldi-Audy couple in the face of the 2020 West Sumatra Provincial Election during the Covid-19 period. The victory obtained by the Mahyeldi-Audy couple is a manifestation of the success of political marketing that has been carried out. This study aims to describe and analyze the political marketing strategy of the Mahyeldi-Audy pair in the 2020 West Sumatra gubernatorial election contestation. In researching the author, the author uses the theoretical framework of Niffenegger's 4P political marketing and Adman Nursal's 3P. This research is in the form of a qualitative descriptive. To obtain the data, it was obtained through in-depth interviews with the informants and coupled with a literature study which was then analyzed using theory. The results of this study indicate that the Mahyeldi-Audy pair runs a 4P marketing mix (product, promotion, place, and price). Strong political products can be seen from the figures, candidate backgrounds, vision and mission and work programs that are in accordance with the needs of the community. Effective promotions by both Mahyeldi-Audy and the winning team using push, pass, and pull marketing methods. The use of minimal material resources but with maximum results. Placement, mapping and segmenting voters as well as creating a good image and being able to place oneself at every level of society. The success of the Mahyeldi-Audy pair in winning the 2020 West Sumatra gubernatorial election was due to being able to design and execute a structured, creative and innovative political marketing strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic


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    The quickly development of the industrial world requires to think hard, especially in the industrial sector as a form of fulfilling a system that can keep up with the accelerating pace of industry today. Employees as a company resource are expected by the company to always pay attention to the conditions of employees to fulfill optimal resources. PT. XYZ with fluctuating customer requests, so it can cause fatigue when demand rises. In the work process, employees in completing work in the production planning department when production planning process problems often occur such as material arrivals not according to estimates, product defects, and late manufacturing drawings. This can lead to work processes piling up at the end and being chased by the timely completion of orders that have been scheduled for delivery it can cause excessive workload when working when complicated constraints occur. This research will be carried out by analyzing the mental workload in the production planning department. The purpose of this study was to find out how much mental workload there is in the production planning department so that a measurement of the mental workload of employees is obtained to be able to find out the amount of workload of employees in the production planning department. The limitations of this study only analyze the mental workload of employees with structural positions in the production planning department. Based on the calculation of the final NASA-TLX score, 13 respondents in the Production Planning Department had an overloaded workload. Based on the calculation of the proposed mental workload improvement, the total score of the old mental workload was 74.102 in the overload category to become a new mental workload of 56.666 in the optimal category with the addition of 4 employees in structural positions


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    This study aims to develop a dribble jump shoot training model in basketball. This type of research is research and development (Research and Development). In this development research, the product developed is a dribble jump shoot training model in basketball.The subjects in this research and development were 3 experts and 10 basketball athletes. The instruments used in this research and development were questionnaires and questionnaires used to collect data at the following stages: (1) needs analysis; (2) expert evaluation; (3) small group trials; and (4) field trials. The effectiveness test is the result of validation from 3 experts and the results of field tests. The results of the 3 experts stated that 86.25% was very suitable for use and the effectiveness test revealed a high gain value of 0.90. Based on the results of research and development, it can be concluded that: (1) By developing an exercise model dribble jump shoot This, can help students in improving basketball jump shoot skills. (2) Provide a new reference for basketball jump shoot practice.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model latihan dribble jump shoot pada olahraga bola basket. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development). Pada penelitian pengembangan ini produk yang dikembangkan adalah model latihan dribble jump shoot pada olahraga bola basket. Subjek dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah 3 orang ahli dan anggota atlet Basket yang berjumlah 10 0rang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini berupa kuesioner dan angket yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data pada tahap: (1) analisis kebutuhan; (2) evaluasi ahli ; (3) ujicoba kelompok kecil; dan (4) ujicoba lapangan. Tes efektivitasnya adalah hasil validasi dari 3 ahli dan hasil tes uji lapangan. Hasil dari 3 ahli menyatakan bahwa 86,25% sangat layak digunakan dan uji efektifitas menyatakan nilai gain yang tinggi yaitu sebesar 0,90. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pengembangan dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Dengan pengembangan model latihan dribble jump shoot ini, dapat membantu siswa dalam meningkatkan keterampilan jump shoot bola basket. (2) Memberikan referensi baru latihan jump shoot bola basket