1,170 research outputs found

    The Politics of the Labor Movement Revitalization: The Need for a Revitalized Perspective

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    [Excerpt] Unions everywhere are struggling. Globalization, with its supporting neo-liberal ideology, encourages employers and governments to push vigorously against the constraints of employment regulation. Unions have to fight to protect past gains, resist decline and find new allies. To some extent, labor is always on the defensive in a capitalist economy, where ownership and economic decision-making lie largely beyond the reach of workers and unions. Yet the competitive pressures of today\u27s increasingly global capitalism accentuate the pressure. Firms have new options and increasing mobility, far beyond those that most workers and unions can claim. One response is common to all of our country cases, despite other differences. Unions are everywhere re-launching themselves as \u27political subjects\u27, as actors engaged not just in collective bargaining and workplace regulation, but also in the broader aggregation of political and social interests (Pizzorno, 1978). Labor movement politics today go well beyond traditional links with lab our-friendly parties and negotiations with governments, to involve grass-roots politics and local campaigns. The exact forms taken by such political strategies are shaped differently in each country according to the challenges faced, existing institutions and opportunity structures. But in all cases, the shift toward a fuller political subject orientation lies at the center of contemporary strategic adaptation and revitalization

    Pay for Performance and Corporate Governance Reform

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    Directors’ pay and corporate governance continue to generate public outrage and calls for reform. Our meta-regression analysis of all comparable UK pay-for-performance estimates finds little, if any, meaningful association between directors’ pay and corporate performance. However, there is evidence of the effectiveness of past ‘comply-or-explain’ rules, especially the Cadbury Report. Unfortunately, the effects of past reform efforts tend to erode over time. The paper also explores differences between pay-performance estimates, finding that these are largely explained by how pay and performance are measured by a given study.Directors’ pay, governance reform, meta-regression analysis

    L’ impact de l’audit interne à travers le comité d’audit sur la performance financière des entreprises camerounaises

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    L’objectif fondamental de ce papier à la lumière de la littérature consiste à présenter le rôle que joue l’audit interne et plus précisément le comité d’audit sur la performance financière des entreprises. Il consiste à examiner l’impact que pourrait avoir l’audit interne sur la performance financière des entreprises camerounaises par l’entremise des composantes du comité d’audit. Cette revue exhaustive de la littérature a permis de mieux clarifier les principaux concepts, et les différentes théories qui les sous-tendent (théorie de l’agence, théorie des coûts de transaction, théorie du signal) afin d’appréhender clairement cet impact. A cet effet, notre étude a été menée auprès de 68 auditeurs sur 267. La méthode d’échantillonnage probabiliste a été adoptée pour des raisons d’accessibilité très difficile aux auditeurs. La posture épistémologique positiviste dans une approche hypothético-déductive basée sur une étude quantitative a été le courant adopté. Les résultats obtenus au terme de cette recherche ont justement montré que, le comité d’audit à travers ses composantes telles : sa taille, sa composition, ses fréquences et l’expertise de ses membres influence significativement la performance financière des entreprises camerounaises. &nbsp

    Trauma-Informed Practices and Their Effects on Student Behaviors

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    There is a growing number of educators, schools, and parents that are looking to trauma-informed practices as beneficial to educating the whole child. This literature review aimed to explore if whether implementing these practices is worth the time and money needed to achieve the full benefits of these programs. Database websites were used to gather peer reviewed journal articles for the researched information in this literature review. When creating trauma-informed schools there are significant challenges that come into play such as the cost of implementation and taking away instructional time to implement said practices. However, the current findings of this literature review found that the benefits of these practices do out-weigh the drawbacks such as lower absenteeism, high academic achievement, and more engaged students

    Les ONG et la lutte contre la sous-scolarisation dans la partie septentrionale du Cameroun

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    The three regions of Cameroon were subjected several years ago to vulnerabilities of all kinds. All of these crises mean that the affected populations are victims of the under-education. That’s why we’re talking about priorities zones of education. Many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) intervene in order to restore these situations. However, their interventions seem to be effective because percentage of education for the northern regions of Cameroon know an evolution, which makes them priority education areas. This call for contributions intends to emphasize the contributions of humanitarian action in the fight against under-education in North Cameroon. So, what are the contributions of NGOs in the fight against under-education? Combining the biographical approach and the historical-systemic analysis, the work is based on the books, oral sources and the press collected dealing with the theme in relation to the study area. The compilation of the data collected and their analysis will allow us to build a reflection around two (02) major ideas: the school situation in North Cameroon and analyze the actions done by de NGOs in order to grow up of the educationTrois régions du Cameroun sont soumises il y a plusieurs années à des vulnérabilités de toutes sortes. Ces crises font en sorte que les populations soient victimes de la sous-scolarisation. C’est d’ailleurs pour cette raison qu’on dit que les régions septentrionales sont des zones à éducation prioritaire. Beaucoup des Organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) interviennent dans le but de lutter contre cette situation. Mais, leurs interventions semblent avoir un bon effet car, les régions septentrionales du Cameroun connaissent une évolution du taux de leur sous-scolarisation qui les éloigne du qualificatif des zones à éducation prioritaire.Cet appel à contribution entend mettre un accent sur les actions des humanitaires dans la lutte contre la sous-scolarisation au Nord Cameroun. Ainsi, quels sont les apports des ONG dans la lutte contre la sous-scolarisation? Combinant l’approche biographique et l’analyse historico-systémique, le travail est basé sur les livres, les sources orales et la presse collectées traitant du thème en rapport avec la zone d’étude. La compilation des données recueillies et leur analyse vont nous permettre de construire une réflexion autour de deux(02) idées majeurs : la situation scolaire au Nord Cameroun et analyser les actions entreprises dans la hausse du taux scolarisation

    Les Effets Des Transferts De Fonds Des Migrants Internationaux Sur Le Capital Humain Au Cameroun

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    Les transferts de fonds des migrants internationaux de plus en plus intenses fournissent aux pays en d veloppement de sources de revenus extr mement importants Ces flux massifs et croissants sont dus principalement la migration internationale qui ne cesse de s accroitre et aux progr s technologiques qui facilitent l envoi des fonds du migrant vers son pays d origine Afin de mieux tirer parti de ces fonds il est important de comprendre leurs effets sur le d veloppement des pays b n ficiaires travers leurs apports aux diff rents m nages Notre travail aborde alors la question des effets de ces fonds sur le capital humain au Cameroun Nous appliquons la m thode IV-2SLS sur les donn es de la quatri me Enqu te Camerounaise Aupr s des M nages travers le mod le des choix du consommateur de Becker 1965 adapt l conomie de la famille De cette analyse il r sulte de mani re g n rale un effet positif des transferts de fonds des migrants internationaux sur le capital humain au Cameroun La r ception des fonds augmenterait le niveau de capital humain beaucoup plus chez les hommes par rapport aux femmes et uniquement dans les m nages pauvres et moyen

    Mining Claims: The Nemesis Of Federal Land Management

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    Physical Therapy Management of Suboccipital Trigger Points and Upper Trapezius Tightness with Associated Migraines and Neck Pain.

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    Introduction. Affecting roughly 1 out of every 6 Americans, migraines are the eighth-highest specific cause of disability worldwide. The purpose of this case study is to discuss and review the role of physical therapy treatment on migraine symptoms. In evaluating the case of a female with suboccipital trigger points and upper trapezius tightness with associated migraines, neck, and shoulder pain, it will be detennined if physical therapy intervention can improve migraine symptoms along with improvement of cervical musculoskeletal impairment, and if so, what treatment methods are most effective. Case Description. Patient is a 62 year old female who presents to physical therapy evaluation with a long standing history of migraines and a current flare up of left upper trapezius pain. Upon examination and evaluation, the patient is given the physical therapy diagnosis of suboccipital trigger points and upper trap tightness with associated migraines, neck, and shoulder pain. Intervention. The patient was seen two days per week for four weeks. Sessions predominated in manual therapies with supplementary utilization of mechanical traction, cranio-cervical stretching, and postural strengthening. Outcomes. Over the course of treatment, the patient noted improved migraine duration, cervical lateral flexion and rotation (bilaterally by 6-10 and 7-13 degrees, respectively), neck pain, and trigger point quantity and severity. Discussion. In evaluating the case of a female with suboccipital trigger points and upper trapezius tightness with associated migraines, neck, and shoulder pain, it was determined that physical therapy intervention can moderately improve migraine symptoms along with the improvement of cervical musculoskeletal impairment, and that manual therapies, stretching, and postural training proved to be effective. Case findings congruent with current migraine related literature included reduction in migraine duration with physical therapy interventions and efficacy of manual therapy interventions. Further quality evidence is broadly needed within the topic of physical therapy prognosis, outcome assessment, and treatment of migraine diagnoses

    Transition Demographique Et Croissance Economique: Quels Enseignements Des Pays dAfrique Subsaharienne?

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    L objectif de ce papier est d valuer l effet de la transition d mographique sur la croissance conomique dans les pays d Afrique subsaharienne Pour y parvenir nous utilisons un mod le de croissance conomique n oclassique dans lequel nous valuons l effet empirique de la transition de la natalit et celui de la mortalit sur la croissance du PIB r el par habitant de 22 pays sur la p riode 1990-2017 Apr s avoir utilis la m thode des moments g n ralis s GMM en syst me nous aboutissons la conclusion que la transition d mographique des pays d Afrique subsaharienne a une influence ambigu sur leur croissance conomique car tandis que la transition de la natalit exerce une influence positive sur la croissance conomique celle de la mortalit n a pas d effet
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