194 research outputs found


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    Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di sekolah harus bisa membuat pembelajaran lebih menarik, aktif dan kreatif sehingga dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas pembelajaran. Blended learning merupakan alternatif pembelajaran yang menggabungkan pembelajaran offline dengan pembelajaran online berbantu aplikasi. Salah satu kemampuan yang dipandang perlu dimiliki oleh siswa adalah kemampuan memecahkan masalah. Blended learning dapat memfasilitasi siswa dalam menemukan informasi dan mengakses bahan ajar dengan mudah serta dapat memfasilitasi siswa untuk berdiskusi dengan guru maupun siswa lain kapan saja dan dimana saja. Sehingga, penggunaan blended learning dapat memperluas pengetahuan serta meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh blended learning terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan penguasaan konsep pada siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Quasi Eksperiment. Pada kelas kontrol maupun kelas eksperimen, pembelajaran dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan socioscientific issues dan model pembelajaran problem based learning. Perbedaannya yaitu terletak pada penggunaan blended learning yang hanya dilakukan pada kelas eksperimen. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk melihat kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa yaitu soal uraian berdasarkan langkah-langkah penyelesaian masalah menurut Polya (1985), sedangkan untuk tes penguasaan konsep digunakan soal pilihan ganda yang mengacu pada indikator materi sistem respirasi kurikulum 2013. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa p-value (0.502) lebih besar dari α (0.05), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa blended learning tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan memecahkan masalah dan penguasaan konsep. Hampir seluruh siswa memberikan tanggapan yang baik terhadap penggunaan pendekatan socioscientific issues. Siswa berpendapat bahwa blended learning sangat cocok digunakan dalam pembelajaran di era teknologi seperti ini, namun siswa masih belum terbiasa. The use of information and communication technology in schools must be able to make learning more interesting, active and creative so that it can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of learning. Blended learning is a learning alternative that combines offline learning with application-assisted online learning. One of the abilities that students deem necessary is the ability to solve problems. Blended learning can facilitate students in finding information and accessing teaching materials easily and can facilitate students to discuss with teachers and other students anytime and anywhere. Thus, the use of blended learning can expand knowledge and improve students' ability to solve problems. This study aims to analyze the effect of blended learning on students' problem solving abilities and conceptual mastery. The method used in this research is Quasi Experiment. In the control class and the experimental class, learning is carried out using the socioscientific issues approach and the problem-based learning model. The difference lies in the use of blended learning which is only carried out in the experimental class. The instrument used to see students' problem-solving abilities was the description questions based on problem solving steps according to Polya (1985), while the concept mastery test used multiple choice questions which referred to the material indicators of the 2013 curriculum respiration system. From the research results it was found that p- value (0.502) is greater than α (0.05), so it can be concluded that blended learning does not have a significant effect on problem-solving skills and conceptual mastery. Almost all students gave good responses to the use of the socioscientific issues approach. Students think that blended learning is very suitable for use in learning in this technological era, but students are still not used to it

    Periodontitis and cardiovascular disease

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    Periodontal medicine has been studied and reviewed extensively since its introduction to the dental fraternity. The association of periodontal disease with and its effects on the cardiovascular system are amongst the many topics explored. A summary of the research into these associations and the possible mechanisms of any relationship is presented. Although a link between these two chronic inflammatory diseases is evident, the very heterogeneity of the relevant studies has not provided evidence sufficient to support an actual causal relationship. More stringent epidemiologic and intervention studies are required.Department of HE and Training approved lis


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    Pembangunan gedung baru Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah dr. Rasidin-Padang, bertujuan untuk memenuhi keterbatasan gedung lama yang tidak memadai atas kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan. RSUD dr. Rasidin Padang dibagi menjadi 3 blok gedung, yaitu Blok A sebelah kiri dan kanan, Blok B, dan Blok C yang dipisah oleh dilatasi. Pada proses pembangunannya, gedung ini mengalami perubahan pekerjaan struktur berupa penambahan koridor pada lantai 2 tanpa adanya re-analisis terhadap penambahan struktur tersebut. Selain itu, terdapat beberapa balok utama yang dibangun tidak sesuai standar dimana balok tersebut dipasang tidak pada as kolom, sehingga menimbulkan eksentrisitas pada kolom tersebut, oleh karena itu peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan analisis terhadap kelayakan struktur gedung tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisis struktur gedung RSUD dr.Rasidin, terdapat beberapa elemen struktur yang menerima beban melebihi kapasitas, seperti pada kolom dengan dimensi 60x60 cm, 40x40 cm dan balok dengan ukuran 40x100 cm, 40x70 cm, dan 25x40 cm. Selain itu, simpangan antar lantai juga melebihi dari simpangan izin menurut SNI 1726:2012. Agar gedung dapat digunakan sesuai fungsinya, dibutuhkan perkuatan untuk menambah kapasitas struktur gedung tersebut. Setelah dilakukan re-analisis, metode perkuatan yang direkomendasikan pada struktur kolom adalah metode Jacketing. Dimensi kolom 60x60 cm diperbesar menjadi 70x70 cm dengan penambahan tulangan D16 mm sebanyak 8 buah, dan dimensi kolom 40x40 cm diperbesar menjadi 45x45 cm dengan penambahan tulangan D16 mm sebanyak 4 buah. Untuk struktur balok yang dipasang tidak sesuai standar, diberikan perkuatan menggunakan baja profil WF 300.300.10.15 dengan cara membuat portal baja disisi dalam portal beton bertulang. Selain itu pada gedung yang berdekatan juga dilakukan analisis potensi benturan saat terjadi gempa. Walaupun simpangan lantai melebihi simpangan izin, benturan antar gedung tidak terjadi karena jarak dilatasi yang tersedia masih cukup jauh. Kata kunci : Kekuatan Struktur, Pounding (Benturan), Rekomendasi Perkuata


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian keanekaragaman jenis burung di perkebunan pala Kecamatan MeukekKabupaten Aceh Selatan ini bertujuan untuk menghitung keanekaragaman jenis burung diperkebunan pala masyarakat Kecamatan Meukek Kabupaten Aceh Selatan. Penelitian inidilakukan dari bulan Juli 2017 sampai Juli 2019. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitianini adalah Metode Point Count berjarak tetap. Metode ini dilakukan dengan caramengamati keberadaan burung di dalam satu lingkaran dengan radius 20 m, sebanyakempat titik dengan jarak antar titik 80 m. Hasil dari penelitian mengenai keanekaragamanjenis burung pada perkebunan pala di Kecamatan Meukek Kabupaten Aceh Selatan,didapatkan 22 spesies burung dari 14 famili, yaitu Alcedinidae, Apodidae, Columbidae,Dicaeidae, Estrildidae, Megalaimidae, Muscicapidae, Nectariniidae, Oriolidae, Picidae,Ploceidae, Pycnonotidae, Scolopidae, dan Sturnidae. Nilai rata-rata indeks keanekaragamanjenis burung pada pagi dan sore hari tergolong ke dalam kategori sedang. Persentase nilaifrekuensi kehadiran relatif burung tertinggi pada 10 stasiun pagi dan sore hari masing-masing sebesar 12,86 dan 16,67 yaitu Pycnonotus brunneus. Rata-rata nilai indeksdominansi burung pada pagi dan sore hari tergolong ke dalam kategori rendah. Persentasenilai indeks kesamaan tertinggi pada 10 stasiun sebesar 91%, yaitu antara stasiun 5 dan 8serta antara stasiun 1 dan 9.Kata kunci : Burung, Perkebunan Pala, Meukek, Aceh Selata

    The prevalence and impact of oral lesions on the quality of life in persons with epidermolysis bullosa

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    Magister Chirurgiae Dentium (MChD)Introduction:Hereditary Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a group of rare mechanobullous dermatological disorders in which blisters develop following gene mutations. These genes encode structural proteins that anchor the epidermis to the underlying dermis.There are four main types of Epidermolysis bullosa, with more than 20 subtypes. The medical, physical and psychosocial aspects of Epidermolysis bullosa are well documented (Lucky et al, 2005; Mellerio et al, 2005). Many studies have documented case reports of associated oral lesions (Silva et al, 2004; Pacheco and de Sousa Araugio 2008; Siqueira et al, 2008). However, no assessment of the impact of these oral lesions on the affected person's everyday life has been made. The morbidity of the oral lesions associated with EB is expected to have an impact on the quality of life of these patients.Aim:To assess the prevalence and impact of oral lesions on daily activities in persons with Epidermolysis bullosa in Cape Town, South Africa, utilizing the Oral Impact on Daily Performance (OIDP) measure. Research Design and Methodology A case-controlled, descriptive analysis of the way in which oral lesions impact on quality of life in persons with Epidermolysis bullosa was carried out using semi-structured interviews. Fourteen persons with a confirmed diagnosis of hereditary Epidermolysis bullosa who attended the dermatology clinics at the Red Cross and Groote Schuur hospitals participated in the study. The control group comprised eighteen persons closely matched for gender, age, and dental status. Three persons with EB were unavailable for inclusion in the study.Results and Discussion Fourteen persons with Epidermolysis bullosa and eighteen controls were included in the study. Epidermolysis bullosa Simplex comprised the largest sub-group (n=9). Two persons had Junctional Epidermolysis bullosa, two had recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis bullosa and one person had Kindler syndrome. The oral manifestations observed were consistent with those reported in the literature(Chimenos et al, 2003; Silva et al, 2004; Pekinar et al, 2005). No significant oral lesions (other than tooth decay) were seen in persons in the Epidermolysis bullosa Simplex group. Oral ulcers, atrophy of the dorsal surface of the tongue and gingival erythema were seen in persons with Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa. The two individuals with Dystrophic Epidermolysis bullosa had a maximal oral opening of 15mm and 24mm. Ankyloglossia, depapillation of the dorsal tongue, absence of palatal rugae and poor oral hygiene was seen in these two persons. The patient with Kindler syndrome presented with erythematous and inflamed gingiva and cratering in the maxillary anterior interdental area. The gingiva appeared desquamative, fragile and bled with even the slightest provocation. Healing peri-oral blisters and angular cheilitis was also seen. His mouth opening was restricted to a maximal oral aperture of 13mm and his tongue extrusion was limited to only the tip of the tongue passing over the lower anterior incisor teeth.Defects in the tooth enamel was recorded in both participants with Junctional Epidermolysis bullosa and one person with dystrophic Epidermolysis bullosa, as well as excessive occlussal tooth wear (attrition), which may have been secondary to enamel hypoplasia. The dental caries status of the Epidermolysis bullosa and control groups varied according to age. The dmf for persons with Epidermolysis bullosa (all of whom had Epidermolysis bullosa Simplex), was lower than in the control group. The DMF in EB persons (15.3) was higher than in the control group (10.1).Toothache and tooth decay were the most common perceived complaints in both the Epidermolysis bullosa and control participants, accounting for the high overall OIDP score in both groups (87.5%). No statistically significant difference was found between the two groups (85.7% and 88.9% for Epidermolysis bullosa and control group persons respectively).Conclusion:The results of the study show that oral lesions (particularly tooth decay and toothache) in persons with Epidermolysis bullosa do affect their daily activities and the impact thereof is high. Other oral manifestations, irrespective of the subtype, had little impact on the OIDP score. This may be because the EB persons become tolerant of and “learn to cope” with them.Recommendations:Epidermolysis bullosa is a rare condition and not all persons with EB will present with lesions. However, all health personnel (including oral health profession) must be cognizant of this condition, in order to manage these persons safely, without incurring harm inadvertently. Thus, the overall management of persons with Epidermolysis bullosa must encompass ways to minimize and prevent trauma; provide an optimum wound healing environment; provide pain management and judicious checks for the development of premalignant lesions. This necessitates a multidisciplinary and holistic approach, with emphasis on patient involvement. To this end, an oral health care programme should form an integral part of their management because of the risk of dental disease. Periodic recall visits will enable the monitoring of home care and minimize the need for advanced restorative procedures. In this way, one may reduce the impact any oral problems may have, so that they do not further influence the patients well being

    Optimization of Cookies Formulation Based on Composite Flour of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L), Breadfruit (Artocarpus communis), and Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    This study investigates the challenges associated with making cookies using wheat flour as the primary raw material. Due to the difficulty in cultivating wheat seeds in the region, alternative sources of flour, such as sorghum, breadfruit, and peanuts, need to be explored to diversify the food supply. Therefore, this study aims to assess the level of the desired characteristics achieved from the composite of sorghum, breadfruit, and peanut flour cookies using the Design-Expert program and the D-optimal Mixture method. To evaluate the responses, chemical, organoleptic, and physical properties are examined, including water content, protein content, fat content, carbohydrate content, color, aroma, texture, taste, and hardness. Furthermore, the optimal formula, generated by the program, contains 23.298% sorghum, 7.869% breadfruit, and 18.843% peanut flour, with an accuracy value of 0.653. The results show that the optimal formula for cookies based on the composite flour has the desired characteristics and complies with the SNI standards 2973-1992 and 2973-2011

    Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Desiccation Cracks in Shrink-Swell Soils

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    Soil crack volume estimates, which are important for hydrology models on shrink-swell soils, are currently based on field measurements of vertical shrinkage and an assumption of isotropic shrinkage; however, few studies have validated the resulting crack volume estimates and studies have been limited to soils with very high shrink-swell potentials. In addition, the spatial variability of soil cracking potential is not well understood. First, I was able to improve in situ measurements of soil shrinkage by using a single borehole for all vertical soil movement and water content measurements. Then measurements of soil layer thickness and water content were made for seven soils with varying COLE values, from 0.01 to 0.17 m m^(-1). Soil crack volume was estimated using cement slurry and photographing excavated soil layers at the end of the study. Over drying and wetting cycles, the relationship between soil layer thickness and water content was linear. Modifying an existing crack volume equation with shrink-swell potential and water content was a better fit to cement-estimated crack volume than the unmodified estimates, improving the r^(2) from 0.06 to 0.84. The model over-predicted soil crack volume by a factor of 10 and a minimum shrinkage volume was required to generate visible soil crack volume. Finally, proximally-sensed bulk apparent electrical conductivity was highly correlated to inorganic C, and the depth of maximum sensitivity of the instrument was deeper than suggested by previous research in coarser textured soils. Because inorganic C is related to shrink-swell potential, it may be possible to use proximal sensors to map shrink-swell potential variability

    Oral medicine case book 74: marijuana-induced Oral Leukoplakia

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    A 55-year-old male presented at the Oral Medicine Clinic of the University of the Western Cape, Oral Health Centre, Tygerberg Campus, for the evaluation of a persistent white patch on his right edentulous mandibular ridge. He had been referred from the Prosthodontics Clinic where he was seen for complete denture rehabilitation. The patient had no significant medical history and informed us that he had been smoking marijuana five times a day for more than twenty years and consumed alcohol occassionally. He had never worn a dental prosthesis and did not use tobacco in any form.DHE

    Oral medicine case book 76: Methotrexate induced mucosal erosions and ulcerations

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    A 71-year-old male was referred from his general practitioner to the Oral Medicine Clinic at the University of the Western Cape, Oral Health Centre, Tygerberg campus, on account of a six-week history of recurrent oral ulceration

    Oral medicine case book 47: oral neurofibroma

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    A 29-year-old male patient presented at the Oral Medicine Clinic with the complaint of slow-growing growths on his tongue, causing discomfort. Extra-oral examination revealed several painless soft tissue nodules on his face (Figure 1 and 2), trunk (Figure 3), back (Figure 4) and arms. The patient reported that the lesions had appeared during childhood and had since increased in size and number. He was unaware of any family history of the disease. Intra-oral examination showed two soft tissue nodules on the midline of the dorsal surface of the tongue, 3,5cm and 0,5 cm in diameter respectively (Figure 5).Department of HE and Training approved lis