848 research outputs found

    A Geometry of the Generations

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    We propose a geometric theory of flavor based on the discrete group (S3)3(S_3)^3, in the context of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The group treats three objects symmetrically, while making fundamental distinctions between the generations. The top quark is the only heavy quark in the symmetry limit, and the first and second generation squarks are degenerate. The hierarchical nature of Yukawa matrices is a consequence of a sequential breaking of (S3)3(S_3)^3.Comment: 10 pages, 1 EPS figure as uuencoded tar-compressed file, uses psfig.st

    Gauge Coupling Unification from Unified Theories in Higher Dimensions

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    Higher dimensional grand unified theories, with gauge symmetry breaking by orbifold compactification, possess SU(5) breaking at fixed points, and do not automatically lead to tree-level gauge coupling unification. A new framework is introduced that guarantees precise unification -- even the leading loop threshold corrections are predicted, although they are model dependent. Precise agreement with the experimental result, \alpha_s^{exp} = 0.117 \pm 0.002, occurs only for a unique theory, and gives \alpha_s^{KK} = 0.118 \pm 0.004 \pm 0.003. Remarkably, this unique theory is also the simplest, with SU(5) gauge interactions and two Higgs hypermultiplets propagating in a single extra dimension. This result is more successful and precise than that obtained from conventional supersymmetric grand unification, \alpha_s^{SGUT} = 0.130 \pm 0.004 \pm \Delta_{SGUT}. There is a simultaneous solution to the three outstanding problems of 4D supersymmetric grand unified theories: a large mass splitting between Higgs doublets and their color triplet partners is forced, proton decay via dimension five operators is automatically forbidden, and the absence of fermion mass relations amongst light quarks and leptons is guaranteed, while preserving the successful m_b/m_\tau relation. The theory necessarily has a strongly coupled top quark located on a fixed point and part of the lightest generation propagating in the bulk. The string and compactification scales are determined to be around 10^{17} GeV and 10^{15} GeV, respectively.Comment: 29 pages, LaTe

    The impact of unplanned school closure on children’s social contact : rapid evidence review

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    Background Emergency school closures are often used as public health interventions during infectious disease outbreaks to minimise the spread of infection. However, if children continue mixing with others outside the home during closures, the effect of these measures may be limited. Aim This review aimed to summarise existing literature on children’s activities and contacts made outside the home during unplanned school closures. Methods In February 2020, we searched four databases, MEDLINE, PsycInfo, Embase and Web of Science, from inception to 5 February 2020 for papers published in English or Italian in peer-reviewed journals reporting on primary research exploring children’s social activities during unplanned school closures. Main findings were extracted. Results A total of 3,343 citations were screened and 19 included in the review. Activities and social contacts appeared to decrease during closures, but contact remained common. All studies reported children leaving the home or being cared for by non-household members. There was some evidence that older child age (two studies) and parental disagreement (two studies) with closure were predictive of children leaving the home, and mixed evidence regarding the relationship between infection status and such. Parental agreement with closure was generally high, but some disagreed because of perceived low risk of infection and issues regarding childcare and financial impact. Conclusion Evidence suggests that many children continue to leave home and mix with others during school closures despite public health recommendations to avoid social contact. This review of behaviour during unplanned school closures could be used to improve infectious disease modelling

    Microplastic contamination has limited effects on coral fertilisation and larvae

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    Microplastics are ubiquitous throughout the world's oceans and contaminate coral reef ecosystems. There is evidence of microplastic ingestion by corals and passive contact with coral tissues, causing adverse health effects that include energy expenditure for particle removal from the tissue surface, as well as reduced growth, tissue bleaching, and necrosis. Here, it was examined whether microplastic contamination impairs the success of gamete fertilisation, embryo development and larval settlement of the reef-building coral Acropora tenuis. Coral gametes and larvae were exposed to fifteen microplastic treatments using two types of plastic: (1) weathered polypropylene particles and (2) spherical polyethylene microbeads. The treatments ranged from five to 50 polypropylene pieces L-1 and 25 to 200 microbeads L-1. Fertilisation was only negatively affected by the largest weathered microplastics (2 mm2), but the effects were not dose dependent. Embryo development and larval settlement were not significantly impacted by either microplastic type. The study shows that moderate-high levels of marine microplastic contamination, specifically particles <2 mm2, will not substantially interfere with the success of critical early life coral processes

    Strongly Coupled Grand Unification in Higher Dimensions

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    We consider the scenario where all the couplings in the theory are strong at the cut-off scale, in the context of higher dimensional grand unified field theories where the unified gauge symmetry is broken by an orbifold compactification. In this scenario, the non-calculable correction to gauge unification from unknown ultraviolet physics is naturally suppressed by the large volume of the extra dimension, and the threshold correction is dominated by a calculable contribution from Kaluza-Klein towers that gives the values for \sin^2\theta_w and \alpha_s in good agreement with low-energy data. The threshold correction is reliably estimated despite the fact that the theory is strongly coupled at the cut-off scale. A realistic 5d supersymmetric SU(5) model is presented as an example, where rapid d=6 proton decay is avoided by putting the first generation matter in the 5d bulk.Comment: 17 pages, latex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Building GUTs from strings

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    We study in detail the structure of Grand Unified Theories derived as the low-energy limit of orbifold four-dimensional strings. To this aim, new techniques for building level-two symmetric orbifold theories are presented. New classes of GUTs in the context of symmetric orbifolds are then constructed. The method of permutation modding is further explored and SO(10) GUTs with both 4545 or 5454-plets are obtained. SU(5) models are also found through this method. It is shown that, in the context of symmetric orbifold SO(10)SO(10) GUTs, only a single GUT-Higgs, either a 5454 or a 4545, can be present and it always resides in an order-two untwisted sector. Very restrictive results also hold in the case of SU(5)SU(5). General properties and selection rules for string GUTs are described. Some of these selection rules forbid the presence of some particular GUT-Higgs couplings which are sometimes used in SUSY-GUT model building. Some semi-realistic string GUT examples are presented and their properties briefly discussed.Comment: 40 pages, no figures, Late

    Family Unification in Five and Six Dimensions

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    In family unification models, all three families of quarks and leptons are grouped together into an irreducible representation of a simple gauge group, thus unifying the Standard Model gauge symmetries and a gauged family symmetry. Large orthogonal groups, and the exceptional groups E7E_7 and E8E_8 have been much studied for family unification. The main theoretical difficulty of family unification is the existence of mirror families at the weak scale. It is shown here that family unification without mirror families can be realized in simple five-dimensional and six-dimensional orbifold models similar to those recently proposed for SU(5) and SO(10) grand unification. It is noted that a family unification group that survived to near the weak scale and whose coupling extrapolated to high scales unified with those of the Standard model would be evidence accessible in principle at low energy of the existence of small (Planckian or GUT-scale) extra dimensions.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, minor corrections, references adde

    Constraints on Baryon-Nonconserving Yukawa Couplings in a Supersymmetric Theory

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    The 1-loop evolution of couplings in the minimal supersymmetric standard model, extended to include baryon nonconserving (B ⁣ ⁣ ⁣/)(B\!\!\!/) operators through explicit RR-parity violation, is considered keeping only B ⁣ ⁣ ⁣/B\!\!\!/ superpotential terms involving the maximum possible number of third generation superfields. If all retained Yukawa couplings YiY_i are required to remain in the perturbative domain (Yi<1)(Y_i < 1) upto the scale of gauge group unification, upper bounds ensue on the magnitudes of the B ⁣ ⁣ ⁣/B\!\!\!/ coupling strengths at the supersymmetry breaking scale, independent of the model of unification. They turn out to be similar to the corresponding fixed point values reached from a wide range of YiY_i (including all YiY_i greater than unity) at the unification scale. The coupled evolution of the top and B ⁣ ⁣ ⁣/B\!\!\!/ Yukawa couplings results in a reduction of the fixed point value of the former.Comment: PRL-TH-94/8 and TIFR/TH/94-7, 15 pages, LaTe

    SUSY GUT Model Building

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    I discuss an evolution of SUSY GUT model building, starting with the construction of 4d GUTs, to orbifold GUTs and finally to orbifold GUTs within the heterotic string. This evolution is an attempt to obtain realistic string models, perhaps relevant for the LHC. This review is in memory of the sudden loss of Julius Wess, a leader in the field, who will be sorely missed.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, lectures given at PiTP 2008, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, to be published in the European Physical Journal

    Horizontal Symmetry for Quark and Squark Masses in Supersymmetric SU(5)

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    Recent interest in horizontal symmetry model building has been driven mainly by the large top mass and hence strong hierarchy in quark masses, and the possibility of appropriately constrained soft squark mass matrices, in place of an assumed universality condition, for satisfying the relevant FCNC constraints. Here we present the first successful SUSY-SU(5)SU(5) model that has such a feature. The horizontal symmetry is a gauged (Q12×U(1))H(Q_{12} \times U(1))_H ((SU(2)×U(1))H\subset (SU(2) \times U(1))_H). All nonrenormalizable terms compatible with the symmetry are allowed in the mass matrix constructions. Charged lepton masses can also be accommodated.Comment: 15 pages, latex, 1 latex figure included version to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett. ; some small changes in notations and presentation, a small paragragh and 3 references adde