3,050 research outputs found

    Magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior near the paramagnetic to ferrimagnetic phase transition temperature in TbCo2-xFex

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    Magnetocaloric effect (MCE) in TbCo2-xFex has been studied by dc magnetization measurements.On substituting Fe in TbCo2, not only the magnetic transition temperature is tuned to room temperature, but also the operating temperature range for MCE is increased from 50 K for TbCo2 to 95 K for TbCo1.9Fe0.1. The maximum magnetic entropy change (-{\Delta}SM) for TbCo1.9Fe0.1 is found to be 3.7 J kg-1 K-1 for a 5 T field change, making it a promising candidate for magnetic refrigeration near room temperature. The temperature dependent neutron diffraction study shows a structural phase transition (from cubic to rhombohedral phase with lowering of temperature) which is associated with the magnetic phase transition and these transitions broaden on Fe substitution. To investigate the nature of the paramagnetic to ferrimagnetic phase transition, we performed a critical exponent study. From the derived values of critical exponents, we conclude that TbCo2 belongs to the 3D Heisenberg class with short-range interaction, while on Fe substitution it tends towards mean-field with long-range interaction. The derived values of critical exponents represent the phenomenological universal curve for the field dependence of {\Delta}SM, indicating that TbCo2 and TbCo1.9Fe0.1 belong to two different universality classes.Comment: 12 figure

    Measurements and characterization of optical wireless communications through biological tissues

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    Abstract. Radio frequency (RF) has been predominantly utilized for wireless transmission of data across biological tissues. However, RF communications need to address several challenges like interference, safety, security, and privacy, which often hamper the communications through the tissues. To mitigate these challenges, light-based communication can be exploited, as optical wireless communications have unique advantages in terms of security, interference and safety. In this thesis work, we have utilized near-infrared (NIR) light to investigate the feasibility of optical wireless data transfer through biological tissues. To understand the basics of optical communications through biological tissues (OCBT), fresh meat samples and optical phantoms have been used as models of living biological tissues. An experimental testbed containing a data modulated light source and a photodetector was implemented to carry out different measurements regarding the OCBT concept. We have explored the influence of parameters like transmitted optical power, temperature of the tissue, tissue thickness, and position of the light source on the performance of the light-based through-tissue communication system. Analysis of the measurement data allowed us to compare and characterize the effect of used optical elements for better performance evaluation of the optical communication system. We have successfully transmitted a high-resolution image file through a 3 cm thick pork tissue sample. The maximum transmitted power through the tissue sample during the optical communication was 231.4 mW/cm2, which is well below the limits defined by standard of safety regulation. A data rate of 22 kilobits per second has been achieved with the experimental system. Practical limitations of the current testbed prevented obtaining a higher data throughput. The results indicate a dependence of optical received power with respect to the tissue temperature. Moreover, we found both thickness and compositional differences of the biological tissues have a significant impact on the transmittance rate. This thesis work can be considered as a part of the development of 6G technology. The outcomes of this pilot study are very promising, and in the future, numerous potential applications based on OCBT could be developed, including wireless communications to implanted devices, in-body sensors, smart pills, and others

    Missile Attitude Control via a Hybrid LQG-LTR-LQI Control Scheme with Optimum Weight Selection

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this record.This paper proposes a new strategy for missile attitude control using a hybridization of Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG), Loop Transfer Recovery (LTR), and Linear Quadratic Integral (LQI) control techniques. The LQG control design is carried out in two steps i.e. firstly applying Kalman filter for state estimation in noisy environment and then using the estimated states for an optimal state feedback control via Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR). As further steps of performance improvement of the missile attitude control system, the LTR and LQI schemes are applied to increase the stability margins and guarantee set-point tracking performance respectively, while also preserving the optimality of the LQG. The weighting matrix (Q) and weighting factor (R) of LQG and the LTR fictitious noise coefficient (q) are tuned using Nelder-Mead Simplex optimization technique to make the closed-loop system act faster. Simulations are given to illustrate the validity of the proposed technique

    Hill Women-led Spring Water Management in Darjeeling Himalayan Region, West Bengal

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    Water crises is a major problem of Darjeeling, West Bengal, India where rainfall is plentiful. Darjeeling gets only one-third of its daily water requirement through municipal pipelines. The water supply network is mostly town centred so the peripheral areas are deprived of water. Private suppliers also supply water at Rs. 300/- per month per household. Darjeeling Municipality established in 1850 has a centralised water management infrastructure laid down between1910–30. The water supply system originates in Senchel Wildlife Sanctuary, located 15 kilometres upstream of Darjeeling with two lakes and a storage of 33 million gallons of water that is recharged by 26 springs. This centralised system fails to acknowledge the vibrant 90 odd natural springs in the town that people are dependent upon. These urban springs have diverse community-based management systems that have evolved over time and are now facing challenges of rapid urbanisation, market forces, upstream concretisation and contamination and reducing discharges. Due to deforestation which is leading to high runoff resulting to less recharge of groundwater. Women, are worst hit, as they have to travel miles to fetch water in this rugged terrainfor her family while their male counterpart are busy to make both ends meet. Every household maintains a kitchen garden whose water is also being procured by females through irrigation. Rooftop rainwater harvesting is the imperative way to mitigate the water crisis. Moreover, reuse, recycle and reducing wastage will help to mitigate this water crisis

    On fuzzy semi δ – V continuity in fuzzy δ – V topological space

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    New concepts of fuzzy semi δ – V and fuzzy semi δ – Λ sets were introduced in the work „On fuzzy semi δ – Λ sets and fuzzy semi δ – V sets V – 6” by the authors (J. Trip. Math. Soc., 6, 81 – 88 (2004)). It was shown that the family of all fuzzy semi δ – V sets forms a fuzzy supra topological space on X denoted by ( X, FS δV ). The aim of this paper is to introduce the concept of fuzzy semi δ – V continuity in a fuzzy δ – V topological space. Finally, some properties, preservation theorems, etc., are studied.Нові поняття нечітких напів δ - V та нечітких напів δ - Λ множин введено у роботі авторів „On fuzzy semi δ - Λ sets and fuzzy semi δ - V sets V - 6" (J. Trip. Math. Soc. - 2004. - 6. - C. 81 - 88). Було показано, що сім'я усіх нечітких напів δ - V множин формує нечіткий супра-топологічний простір в X, що позначається як ( X, FS δ V ). Метою даної статті є введення поняття нестійкої напів δ - V неперервності у нестійкому δ - V топологічному просторі. Також досліджено деякі її властивості, наведено теорему про збереження та інші питання