157 research outputs found

    Personal-Social Guidance And Counseling Program In Shaping Youth Self-Concepts At Ar-Rahmah Orphanage

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    The condition of children in orphanages who experience psychological pressure because they have to enter the new environment and new habits and away from their families causes them to have a negative self-concept. Negative self-concepts will form despicable attitudes and behaviors that will inhibit their physical and mental growth and development. Therefore, efforts are needed to restore their psychological with personal-social guidance and counseling so that children have a positive self-concept.  The purpose of this study is to analyze the social-personal guidance and counseling program at Ar-Rahmah Orphanage in making teenage self-concepts. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. The results shows that: personal-social guidance and counseling program at the Ar-Rahmah Orphanage had not yet been found in a structured and systematic written form. The form of activities of the personal-social guidance and counseling program at the orphanage consists of basic services and responsive services. Basic services include recitation, division of duty picks, muhadarah, learning English, habituation in worship and learning to knit. The form of responsive services is a face-to-face meeting between caregivers and orphanage children once a week and provides guidance for children who have problems

    Indikator sikap karakter disiplin siswa berbasis hadis-hadis Bukhari dan hierarkinya menurut Wali Kelas SDIT di Jakarta

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    The formation of disciplined character is one of the important aspects in primary education. This study aims to formulate attitude indicators taken from disciplined character education that is based on Bukhari ahâdîth and to explore the perceptions of homeroom teachers at SDIT in Jakarta on these attitude indicators. This research is a mixed study with a literature study approach and an analytic network process approach. The indicators of discipline character attitudes that are formulated are obeying, being responsible, not bullying, and being polite. The homeroom teachers have the opinion that the most significant variables as indicators, are obedience (0.33), responsibility (0.27), respect and courtesy (0.21), and not bullying (0.11).AbstrakPembentukan karakter disiplin salah satu aspek penting dalam pendidikan dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan indikator sikap hasil pendidikan karakter disiplin dari hadis-hadis Bukhari serta menggali persepsi wali kelas SDIT di Jakarta atas indikator sikap tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian campuran dengan pendekatan studi pustaka serta pendekatan analytic network process. Indikator sikap karakter disiplin yang terumuskan adalah taat, bertanggung jawab, tidak merundung dan bersikap santun. Para wali kelas berpendapat bahwa variabel yang paling signifikan sebagai indikator secara berturut-turut adalah sikap taat (0,33), bertanggung jawab (0,27), hormat dan santun (0,21) dan tidak merundung (0,11)

    Tujuan pendidikan perempuan menurut Tutty Alawiyah

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    The purpose of this research is to explore the educational mindset of Tutty Alawiyah women and what is needed to achieve it. This research method uses qualitative research. Based on the research, it was found that the purpose of women's education according to Tutty Alawiyah is to strengthen Muslim identity, enhance capabilities and accessibility, and for the progress of the nation and civilization based on moral and spiritual strength to place women in a respectable position. While the characteristics that need to be possessed to achieve these goals include: high desires and ideals (vision), strong belief and hard work and smart work (the power of JIM), Binti Labun philosophy, movement and blessings, mastery of time, and cooperation. AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah menelusuri corak pemikiran pendidikan perempuan Tutty Alawiyah dan apa saja yang diperlukan untuk mencapainya. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian ditemukan bahwa tujuan pendidikan perempuan menurutnya Tutty Alawiyah adalah memperkuat jati diri muslimah, mempertinggi kapabilitas dan aksesibilitas, bagi kemajuan bangsa dan peradaban dengan basis kekuatan moral dan spiritual sehingga menempatkan perempuan pada posisi terhormat. Sedangkan karakter yang perlu dimiliki untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut di antaranya: keinginan dan cita-cita yang tinggi (vision), keyakinan yang kuat dan kerja keras serta kerja cerdas (the power of JIM), filosofi binti labun, gerakan keberkahan dan penguasaan waktu serta kerja sama

    The Concept Of Character Education For Technology Vocational School Students Based On Boarding School System

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    Currently, countries in the world place vocational secondary education (SMK) as the supporting economic development to increase national income which can improve the welfare of its people. This is because vocational education is more directed at the link and match program to produce educated personnel who are ready to use to enter various job exchanges in the era of modern industrial technology. However, seeing the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency which is increasing in graphs, the provision of character education is very important in fostering and educating students so that they are not only competent in their fields but also have good character, character and morals. One of the vocational schools that implements character education is SMK Plus Bina Teknik Ibadurrahman YLPI Kota Sukabumi, the education system is generally integral to the education system in Islamic boarding schools. The curriculum implemented in the education process at SMK Plus Bina Teknik Ibadurrahman YLPI Kota Sukabumi uses a combination of the formal education curriculum that is affiliated with the National Education Office, and the Islamic boarding school curriculum, where all educational activities are managed by Islamic boarding schools and are routine in nature. This study used a qualitative research methodology, using data from the population of the SMK students. Besides that, surveys, observations, and interviews were also carried out on related objects. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling. The population in this study were students of class XII SMK Plus Bina Teknik Ibadurrahman YLPI Kota. From the results of the research conducted, it was found that the character education concept applied to SMK Plus Bina Teknik Ibadurrahman YLPI Sukabumi City is quite appropriate. This is evident from the process of implementing character values carried out by students at SMK Plus Bina Teknik Ibadurrahman YLPI City of Sukabumi and the implementation of the character education curriculum implemented at the SMK


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    The basic reason why does the writer choose this title is because of the writer is so interested in Buya Hamka’s Interpretation of Ali Imran Surah: 92. Buya Hamka in this Interpretation was giving an example of Waqf practice by the Dzurry (Waqf Expert). It’s has been done by the prophet Muhammad’s friend. The pointed focus of this thesis is want to know which one is the verse of Al-qur’an that explained about waqf especially, about “How to Interpretate?” and “How to Identify” the waqf, and the last one is what the Buya Hamka opinion about it? The method of this thesis is a quality method (library research) through al-Azhar translation by Buya Hamka. Beside by add the literate, the writer using other waqf books as references. The result that there is two surahs that support the waqf. They are Surah Al-Baqarah ayah 177, 26, 267 and Surah Ali Imran ayah 92, 133,134, Buya Hamka told that there are two kinds of waqf; they are Dzurry Waqf and Khairy Waqf. From both of them, waqf can be the same meaning of shodaqoh, which means shodaqoh thatawwu (man charity). Shodaqoh thatawwu the shodaqoh that some one who wants to giving their property, they can give it in any time and any where. They give it without any time limitation and without discrimination (indiscriminate) even they rich or poor. Finally, the people who are giving waqf (waqif) will receive their akhirat reward until they died, as long as the goods are represented for many kindnesses

    Pengaruh Dilālah Al-Alfaẓ dalam Perkembangan Fatwa Zakat Kontemporer

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    Dilalah al-Alfaz merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk mengaktualisasikan hukum Islam dari teks Alquran dan as-Sunnah. Kurangnya pengetahuan terhadap ilmu ini di pihak para ahli hukum dapat menyebabkan kesalahan terhadap pemahaman suatu ayat atau hadits, sehingga terjadi kesalahan dalam penggalian hukum dari teks tersebut. Oleh karena itu, mengkaji dilalatul al-Alfaz sangat penting, khususnya dalam persoalan zakat yang terus berkembang mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode dilalah al-Alfaz yang digunakan para ulama fikih terdahulu untuk memahami hukum-hukum Alqur'an dan Sunnah, sehingga dapat diterapkan dan dikembangkan lebih lanjut oleh para praktisi hukum modern. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan, yang menggunakan sumber primer dari kitab Ushul Al-Fiqh dan sumber sekunder dari buku dan jurnal lain yang relevan. Teknik pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan menggunakan bentuk analisis induktif dan deduktif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dilalah al-Alfaz merupakan faktor penting dalam pembangunan hukum Islam. Menurut aliran Mutakallimin urutan dilālah adalah mantūq sharih, iqtidha', ima', isyarah, mafhūm al-muwafaqah, dan mafhūm al-mukhlafah. Aplikasi kaedah di atas dan contoh penerapannya terhadap ayat zakat memberikan kesimpulan bahwa konsep dilalah al-alfaz sangat berpengaruh terhadap ijtihad ulama dalam pengembangan fatwa zakat kontemporer

    Program Bimbingan dan Konseling Landasan Hidup Religius untuk Lansia Panti Sosial

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    In several studies that have been conducted, it has been revealed that the elderly (seniors) who live in several social institutions (nursing homes) still experience developmental task maturity problems, such as feelings of sadness, depression, depression and inadequate implementation of worship. If the above problems are drawn into a point, it can be concluded that the source is religious (spiritual) maturity which has not been achieved properly. This study aims to formulate a special religious aspect guidance and counseling (B&K) program product for the elderly living in social institutions. The method used in this research is Research and Development (R&D), while the data collection uses the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method. The results obtained from this research are a program of guidance and counseling (B&K) reiligius for elderly social institutions which is extracted from the main sources in Islam, namely Al-Qur`an, al-Hadith and interpretations of scholars in understanding the two main texts. which in the implementation of the program will be combined with the Andragogical method as a well-known adult guidance method.Abstrak                                  Dalam beberapa penelitian yang telah dilakukan, terungkap fakta bahwa lanjut usia (lansia) yang tinggal di beberapa panti sosial (panti jompo) masih mengalami masalah-masalah kematangan tugas perkembangan, seperti perasaan sedih, merasa tertekan, depresi serta  pelaksanaan ibadah yang masih belum maksimal. Problem-problem di atas jika ditarik ke dalam sebuah titik, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sumbernya adalah kematangan religi (spiritual) yang belum tercapai dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk merumuskan sebuah produk program bimbingan dan konseling (B&K) aspek religi khusus untuk lanjut usia yang tinggal di panti sosial. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D), sedangkan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode Focus Group Discussion( FGD). Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah program bimbingan dan konseling (B&K) reiligius bagi lansia panti sosial yang digali dari sumber-sumber utama dalam Islam, yaitu Al-Qur`an, al-Hadits dan interpretasi para ulama dalam memahami kedua teks induk tersebut yang dalam pelaksanaan program akan dipadukan dengan metode Andragogi sebagai metode bimbingan orang dewasa yang telah dikenal secara luas