39 research outputs found

    Diversity of edible mollusc (Gastropoda and Bivalve) at selected division of Sarawak, Malaysia.

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    Diversity of edible mollusc was studied at eight divisions of Sarawak from August 2010 to May 2011. At each division, diversity and number of species were collected from road site selling out lets and local wet markets. Total number of mollusc was comprised of 29 species namely Solen regularies, S. lamarckii, Pharella acutidens, Anadara granosa, Pholas orientalis, Gluconome virens, Circe scripta, Anodonta woodina, Paphia undulata, Amusium pleuronectes, Meretrix meretrix, M. lyrata, Polymesoda bengalensis, P. erosa and P. expansa for bivalve and Cerithidea rizophorarum, C. obtusa, Telescopium telescopium, Clithon retropictus, Nerita articulate, N. chamaeleon, N. albicilla, Ellobium aurisjuda, Trochus radiates, Planaxis sulcatus, Monodonta labio, Turbo crasus, Thais aculate and Melo melo for gastropod. The species number of bivalve was recorded highest (15 species) in mollusc group from Sarawak. Mollusc diversity was found highest (14 species) in Bintulu and lowest (1 species) in the division of Sarikei. From this study, there is a wide chance of research to further explore both on the possibility of commercial value and ecosystem conservation

    Taxonomic study of edible bivalve from selected division of Sarawak, Malaysia.

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    The diversity of edible bivalve was conducted from August 2010 to July 2011 covering eight divisions i.e., Kuching, Sarikei, Sibu, Mukah, Bintulu, Miri, Limbang and Lawas of Sarawak, Malaysia. Samples were collected from native market and fishing village during the study period. All edible bivalves inhabit either in brackish or marine environment and comprised 19 species from 10 families namely Meretrix meretrix, M. lyrata, Paphia undulata, Circe scripta, Solen regularies, Solen lamarckii, Pharella acutidens, Amusium pleuronectes, Anadara granosa, Pholas orientalis, Gluconome virens, Placuna placenta, Crassotrea lugubris, Isognomon ephippium, Polymesoda erosa, P. bengalensis, P. expansa, Anadonta woodina and Pilsbryoconcha exilis. The diversity of edible bivalves was found highest in Kuching and Bintulu compared to other divisions studied in Sarawak. The bivalve species at Sarawak could have economic potentiality in terms of protein source, livelihoods of local tribes and economic value. Study suggests that if the high conservation and management of edible bivalve diversity could establish in the coastal and wetland area of Sarawak, a remarkable and vast economic return could achieve

    Isolation and potential culture of phytoplankton live feed for freshwater mussels Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834)

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    Background and Objective: Gastropod and Bivalves are widely known as filter feeders which used to feed the phytoplankton and other micro creatures. This study was conducted to identify, isolate and determine the potential culture of phytoplankton species for mussel culture. Materials and Methods: The phytoplankton identification and the culture of phytoplankton in ponds in UPMKB, Sarawak, Malaysia were studied for a period of 3 months from February 2019 to May 2019. Results: Three genera were recorded from the ponds namely Selenastrum sp. followed by Licmophora sp. and Gloeocapsa sp. The highest abundant genus was Licmophora sp. due to their presence in every pond while the highest composition in culture condition was Selenastrum sp. because every treatment had this genus. The impact of physicochemical parameters on phytoplankton compositions and abundances in four ponds in UPMKB was assessed. Water quality parameters, such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity were measured in situ from the ponds. Phytoplankton compositions and abundances were analyzed in the laboratory. ANOVA result of the physicochemical parameters showed the presence of significant difference among pH and temperature between ponds. Conclusion: The study concluded that the presence of the Selenastrum sp. genus could be the biological indicator of the water quality ponds. The best culture of phytoplankton shown by using the fertilizer treatment which was NPK fertilizer that improves the distribution of the culture of the phytoplankton

    Reproductive cycle of hard clam, Meretrix lyrata Sowerby, 1851 (Bivalvia: Veneridae) from Sarawak, Malaysia

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    A study of the reproductive cycle of the hard clam, Meretrix lyrata, was documented based on histological observation and Gonad Index (GI). Samples were taken from estuarine waters of the Buntal River in Sarawak, Malaysia. The gonad of M. lyrata started to develop in September 2013. Gametogenesis continued to develop until the maturation and spawning stage from February to April 2014. The GI pattern for a one-year cycle showed a significant correlation with chlorophyll a. The corresponding GI with chlorophyll a suggested that the development of the reproductive cycle of M. lyrata required a high amount of food to increase gametogenesis

    Diversity of Edible Mollusc (Gastropoda and Bivalvia) at Selected Divison of Sarawak, Malaysia

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    Diversity of edible mollusc was studied at eight divisions of Sarawak from August 2010 to May 2011. At each division, diversity and number of species were collected from road site selling out lets and local wet markets. Total number of mollusc was comprised of 29 species namely  Solen regularies, S. lamarckii,  Pharella acutidens, Anadara granosa, Pholas orientalis, Gluconome virens, Circe scripta, Anodonta woodina, Paphia undulata, Amusium pleuronectes, Meretrix meretrix, M. lyrata, Polymesoda bengalensis, P. erosa and P. expansa  for bivalve and  Cerithidea rizophorarum, C. obtusa, Telescopium telescopium, Clithon retropictus, Nerita articulate, N. chamaeleon, N. albicilla, Ellobium aurisjuda, Trochus radiates, Planaxis sulcatus, Monodonta labio, Turbo crasus, Thais aculate  and Melo melo  for gastropod. The species number of bivalve was recorded highest (15 species) in mollusc group from Sarawak. Mollusc diversity was found highest (14 species) in Bintulu and lowest (1 species) in the division of Sarikei. From this study, there is a wide chance of research to further explore both on the possibility of commercial value and ecosystem conservation

    Gonad development of hard clam (Meretri xlyrata)

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    Hard clam are mollusc belongs to bivalvia class that dominating the benthic area from deep sea to lowland area particularly tropical area. This invertebrate is suspension feeder that feeds upon plankton, detritus and dissolved organic matter as the source of metabolic energy to keep it grow. Those foods source are abundance at the open sea which make hard clam proper for mariculture practice. Hard clam production through mariculture gradually increase each year even still behind oyster and cockle production. Knowledge regarding gonad stage development is important for hard clam culture in order to determine proper condition for spawning. Development of bivalve gonad is categorized into resting, early development, late development, mature, spawning and spawned. Gonad development and gender of Meretrix lyrata can be identified accurately through histological study

    Checklist and habitat descriptions of edible gastropods from Sarawak, Malaysia

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    Sarawak comprises of vast areas of wetland which is the habitat of huge number of edible gastropods. Among the wetland faunal composition, the edible gastropod is one of the important sources of animal protein for the local communities. This diversity of edible gastropod was studied from seven Divisions of Sarawak namely Kuching, Sibu, Mukah, Bintulu, Miri, Limbang and Lawas. Samples were collected from the wet market and catches from local fishermen. A total of 21 species representing 11 families and 16 genera of edible gastropods were identified from Sarawak. Cerithidea spp. was represented by three species while both Nerita and Pomacea were made up of three and two species each. Others were each represented by one single species. Six edible gastropod species belonged to the freshwater habitat while seven and eight species were recorded from brackish and marine habitats, respectively. Cerithidea and Pomacea showed wide geography amongst the Division and also highly distributed. Edible gastropods have high market value in the state of Sarawak and contribute significantly to the livelihoods of the certain indigenous communities in the state

    Effect of fermented kitchen waste on tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) growth performance and water quality as a water additive

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    Aquaculture contributes about 20% of domestic fish production in Malaysia. Tilapia has been identified as one of the main species for freshwater aquaculture in the Third National Agriculture Policy (DPN3). However, feed cost and water quality management remain as two major challenges to the industry. This study aim to analyse the effects of Fermented Kitchen Waste (FKW) as water additives on water quality and growth performance of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Different concentration (0.05, 0.1 and 0.2%) of FKW were used to treat tilapia in tank culture for a period of twelve weeks. Physico-chemical parameters were also taken every week. Treatment with 0.1% FKW resulted in significant (p<0.05) decrease in ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. The survival rates of tilapia treated with 0.05 and 0.1% FKW were comparable to the untreated control. Growth performance of the tilapia was measured in term of length and weight. Highest relative growth rate was observed in tilapia treated with 0.05% FKW. However, all the fish died in 0.2% FKW due to severe pH drop. Therefore, low concentration of FKW could severe as a potential water additive to improve water quality and promote growth in tilapia aquaculture


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    Molecular study is important to detect variations and similarities among species from the same genus, in case if they do not encompass any morphological or physiological differences. The study was conducted to differentiate among species of Meretrix spp. (Meretrix lyrata, M. meretrix, and M. lusoria) obtained from two locations in Malaysia through the phylogenetic tree. The adductor muscle tissues were used to extract DNA and to perform other procedures; the samples were subjected to analyses using PCR and gel electrophoresis. The multiple sequence comparison was conducted by MUSCLE and the phylogenetic relationships were established using Maximum Likelihood (ML) statistical methods with MEGA 6.0 statistical software. M. lyrata samples showed 99% similarity to the three accessions sequence, where M. lyrata indicated 87% similarities, and M. meretrix showed not more than 89% similarities from the deposited sequence. The nucleotide base composition sequences consisted of the mean of Thiamine (T) 37.9%, Cytosine (C) 15.4%, Adenine (A) 27.4%, and Guanine (G) 19.4%. Maximum Likelihood (ML) analysis was conducted using the Tamura 3-parameter model to establish five major clades on Meretrix spp. and two out-groups clades significantly different from the Meretrix spp. These major clades were closely related to each other at the 50% evidence of bootstrap, which grouped as genus Meretrix. The present study on Meretrix spp. from the Sarawak locality was able to differentiate COI sequences between M. lyrata, M. meretrix, and M. lusoria. M. lusoria was close related to M. meretrix with strong bootstrap supporting evidence at 96% scoring. Moreover, M. lyrata was inferred as the ancestor to M. meretrix, and M. lusoria from Sarawak, Malaysia

    Bentuk Bantuan Modal Agihan Zakat Asnaf dan Pencapaian Usahawan Asnaf di Malaysia: Kajian Empirikal

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    Bantuan modal zakat merupakan salah satu bentuk bantuan yang disalurkan oleh agensi zakat di Malaysia bagi membantu golongan asnaf melibatkan diri dalam dunia perniagaan seterusnya merubah kehidupan mereka lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Oleh itu, terdapat beberapa isu yang timbul seperti berlaku penipuan ke atas bantuan yang diberikan, kegagalan usahawan asnaf dalam perniagaan, serta modal yang tidak mencukupi. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti bentuk-bentuk bantuan modal yang disediakan oleh Institusi zakat serta mengenal pasti sejauhmanakah pencapaian bantuan modal membantu asnaf dalam perniagaan. Kajian ini telah menggunakan kaedah kualitatif iaitu menemu bual seramai 12 orang informan asnaf dan 5 orang pegawai zakat. Tema yang terhasil daripada persoalan pertama berkaitan dengan bentuk bantuan modal perniagaan ialah bantuan kemahiran, bantuan peralatan dan bantuan kewangan. Manakala tema yang terhasil daripada persoalan yang kedua iaitu pencapaian bantuan agihan zakat, adalah keluar dari kelompok asnaf dan berjaya menjadi pembayar zakat. Secara keseluruhannya hasil dapatan menunjukkan kajian yang dijalankan memuaskan tetapi perlu dipertingkatkan dari segi bantuan modal perniagaan dan pengurusan. Penyelidik berharap agar kajian yang dijalankan dapat membantu institusi zakat dalam mempertingkatkan agihan zakat kepada golongan asnaf serta mempertingkatkan kehidupan mereka ke arah yang lebih baik. Bantuan modal zakat merupakan salah satu bentuk bantuan yang disalurkan oleh agensi zakat di Malaysia bagi membantu golongan asnaf melibatkan diri dalam dunia perniagaan seterusnya merubah kehidupan mereka lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Oleh itu, terdapat beberapa isu yang timbul seperti berlaku penipuan ke atas bantuan yang diberikan, kegagalan usahawan asnaf dalam perniagaan, serta modal yang tidak mencukupi. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti bentuk-bentuk bantuan modal yang disediakan oleh Institusi zakat serta mengenal pasti sejauhmanakah pencapaian bantuan modal membantu asnaf dalam perniagaan. Kajian ini telah menggunakan kaedah kualitatif iaitu menemu bual seramai 12 orang informan asnaf dan 5 orang pegawai zakat. Tema yang terhasil daripada persoalan pertama berkaitan dengan bentuk bantuan modal perniagaan ialah bantuan kemahiran, bantuan peralatan dan bantuan kewangan. Manakala tema yang terhasil daripada persoalan yang kedua iaitu pencapaian bantuan agihan zakat, adalah keluar dari kelompok asnaf dan berjaya menjadi pembayar zakat. Secara keseluruhannya hasil dapatan menunjukkan kajian yang dijalankan memuaskan tetapi perlu dipertingkatkan dari segi bantuan modal perniagaan dan pengurusan. Penyelidik berharap agar kajian yang dijalankan dapat membantu institusi zakat dalam mempertingkatkan agihan zakat kepada golongan asnaf serta mempertingkatkan kehidupan mereka ke arah yang lebih baik