5 research outputs found


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    Bu araştırmada; spor kulübü yöneticilerinin, alternatif bir finansman modeli olan barter sisteminin bilinirliliği ve kulüplerinde kullanıp kullanmadıkları ile barter sistemini kullanan spor kulüplerinin sistemi hangi oranda kullandıkları ve spor kulüplerinin sisteme arz edecekleri ürünler ile sistemden talep edecekleri ürünlerin neler olduğu incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın evreni; üst liglerde mücadele eden ve Türk sporuna; Futbol, Voleybol, Basketbol branşlarında hizmet eden ve tesadüfi örneklem yöntemiyle seçilen spor kulüplerinin yöneticileri (179) oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak spor kulübü yöneticilerine, barter sisteminin kullanılabilirliği, sistemden ne beklendiği ile sistem hakkındaki bilgilerine yönelik görüşlerini ölçmek için araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen ve katılımcılara uygulanmadan önce, aralarında barter şirket yöneticilerinin de olduğu, spor yönetimi alanında uzman dört kişi tarafından da ayrı ayrı değerlendirilerek son şekli verilen anket yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan spor kulübü yöneticilerinin, demografik bilgileri, barter sistemi hakkındaki bilgi düzeyleri ve spor kulüplerinde barter sisteminin kullanılabilirliği üzerine vermiş oldukları cevaplar, SPSS 15,0 paket istatistik programıyla çözümlenmiş, veriler değerlendirilirken frekans (f) ve yüzde (%) değerleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda; araştırmaya katılan spor kulübü yöneticileri, barter sisteminin alternatif bir finans modeli olarak spor kulüplerinde kullanılabileceğine, kulüplerin yaşamış olduğu ekonomik krizlerden, sistemde faaliyet gösteren birçok sektörden yapacakları mamül ve hizmet takası ile çıkabilecekleri görüşlerini bildirmişlerdir. Yöneticiler tarafından, spor kulüplerinde barter sisteminin genellikle bilinmediği bu nedenle başta yöneticiler olmak üzere tüm kulüplerin bu sistemden haberdar olmaları gerektiği vurgulanmıştır.In this research, sports club managers, an alternative funding model, which Barter system awareness and the club\'s and do not use the Barter system that uses sports club system, which at the rate they use and sports clubs to the system of supply will be with products from the system demand will be the product of what happens examined. The Universe of the study, the Turkish sports leagues and various branches that serve the sports club managers, the sample, the top league in the fighting and the random sampling method selected by the sports club administrators (President and board member, general secretary and administrative manager) which comprise 179 executive. Study sports club administrators, Barter system availability, system what is expected with the system about the information for their views to measure the researchers developed by and to the participants before the application, among Barter company managers in the sports management experts in the field to four people by the evaluated separately the final shape of the survey (survey) methods were used. Research the participating sports club administrators, demographic information, Barter system information about the levels and sports clubs Barter system availability have been given on their responses, SPSS (Statistical Packet for Social Sciennes) 15.0 package program decoded, the data used to evaluate the frequency (f) and percentage (% ) values were used. Research at the end surveyed sports club administrators, Barter system, an alternative financial model as used in sports clubs may be, of the clups who have lived in the economic crisis, the system operating in many sectors will make the goods and service exchange can go with their observations were. By managers, sports clubs Barter system is generally unknown, so particular to managers of all clubs are aware of this system are highlighted as needed

    Examining the Pre - competition Anxiety Levels of Sportsmen Participating in a Folk Dance Branch in Terms of Some Variables

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    This study was carried out with in order to determine the pre - competition anxiety levels of sportsmen participating in the Turkish Folk Dance branch in terms of some variables. The population of the study, which was carried out using a general screening model, consisted of 253 sportsmen, partici pated with the local halay dance in the group competition, organized by the Turkish Folk Dance Federation in city of Malatya , and its sampling consisted of 187 sportsmen chosen from the population by a random method. State (instantaneous) Anxiety part of t he State - Trait Continuous Anxiety Scale was used in the study. In analyzing the data, frequency, percentage, standard deviation, arithmetic mean, t - test and one - way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test were used in the study to find the source of the difference. As the result of the study, it has been determined that the ove rall arithmetic mean of the pre - competition instantaneous anxiety state felt by the sportsmen, statistically was 2. 34. A statistically significant difference was found in the r esearch in terms of pre - competition instantaneous anxiety state of feeling of the sportsmen, depending on the variables of gender, age and folk playing time. Nonetheless, depending on the gender, it was determined in the research, that the sportsmen of 2 0 - 22 and 17 - 19 age groups, in favour of the female athletes and according to the age variable, the sportsmen who played folk dances less than a year according to the dancing time variable, felt more pre - competition instantaneous anxiety compared to the sportsmen of other groups

    Examining the Contribution of Physical Education and Sports Courses in the Secondary School to the Sportsmanship Behaviours in Terms of Some Variables

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    This study was carried out in order to determine the contribution of the physical education and sports classes in the secondary school to the sportsmanship behaviours in terms of some variables. The population of the study, which was carried out using a general screening model, consists of students from the government - dependent secondary schools in the county, of Malatya Battalgazi, and its sampling consists of 670 students, studying at “Atatürk, Barbaros, Türk Telekom, Türkiye’m and Vakifbank” public secondary schools in the city centre of Malatya, chosen from the these schools by a random method. In the research, "Physical Education Courses Sportsmanship Behaviours Scale" is used as a data collec ting tool. Analysis of data obtained from the research was conducted with the help of a SPSS 20 package program and arithmetic mean, t - test and one - way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used in the calculation. As the result of the study, relying on the an swers the students have given to the scale it has been determined that the overall arithmetic mean of the scale was lower than expected, that the views on the contribution of the physical education and sports classes to sportsmanship behaviours were equiva lent to each other depending on the demographic variables of gender and father’s education level, however, there were significant differences among students depending on the grade level