127 research outputs found

    Challenges of open innovation: the paradox of firm investment in open-source software

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    Open innovation is a powerful framework encompassing the generation, capture, and employment of intellectual property at the firm level. We identify three fundamental challenges for firms in applying the concept of open innovation: finding creative ways to exploit internal innovation, incorporating external innovation into internal development, and motivating outsiders to supply an ongoing stream of external innovations. This latter challenge involves a paradox, why would firms spend money on R&D efforts if the results of these efforts are available to rival firms? To explore these challenges, we examine the activity of firms in opensource software to support their innovation strategies. Firms involved in open-source software often make investments that will be shared with real and potential rivals. We identify four strategies firms employ – pooled R&D/product development, spinouts, selling complements and attracting donated complements – and discuss how they address the three key challenges of open innovation. We conclude with suggestions for how similar strategies may apply in other industries and offer some possible avenues for future research on open innovation

    Assessing the role of collaboration in the process of museum innovation

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    The relationship between collaboration and innovation in cultural organisations is an emerging topic that has drawn particular attention from scholars and practitioners. The main aim of this study is to assess the role of collaboration in the process of innovation in museum organisations. To achieve this aim, first, we develop a four-domain analytical framework by matching innovation types to cultural production processes to reflect the peculiarities of museum innovation. By applying this framework to the multiple case studies from four Spanish museums, we identify three main motivations (supplementing manpower, compensating for the scarcity of knowledge, improving demand-driven innovation) and four forms of collaboration (teamwork, outsourcing, consortium and conversation) and summarise the different modes of collaboration involved in various domains of production and innovation. An assessment is conducted subsequently to evaluate the effectiveness of existing collaborations in achieving technological and cultural innovation in museums. Finally, a list of implications for museums' innovation management is presented

    The Influence of Coalition Formation on Idea Selection in Dispersed Teams: A Game Theoretic Approach

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    Sie, R. L. L., Bitter-Rijpkema, M., & Sloep, P. B. (2009). The Influence of Coalition Formation on Idea Selection in Dispersed Teams: A Game Theoretic Approach. In U. Cress, V. Dimitrova & M. Specht (Eds.), Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines. Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2009) (pp. 732-737). September, 29 - October, 2, 2009, Nice, France. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 5794. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.In an open innovation environment, organizational learning takes place by means of dispersed teams which expand their knowledge through collaborative idea generation. Research is often focused on finding ways to extend the set of ideas, while the main problem in our opinion is not the number of ideas that is generated, but a non-optimal set of ideas accepted during idea selection. When selecting ideas, coalitions form and their composition may influence the resulting set of accepted ideas. We expect that computing coalitional strength during idea selection will help in forming the right teams to have a grand coalition, or having a better allocation of accepted ideas, or neutralising factors that adversely influence the decision making process. Based on a literature survey, this paper proposes the application of the Shapley value and the nucleolus to compute coalitional strength in order to enhance the group decision making process during collaborative idea selection. This document does not represent the opinion of the European Union, and the European Union is not responsible for any use that might be made of its content.The idSpace project is partially supported/co-funded by the European Union under the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) theme of the 7th Framework Programme for R&

    Definition of a crowdsourcing innovation service for the european SMEs

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    Based on literature review and on the study of the most known and referred Crowdsourcing brokers, there's a clear trend to implement this model by large companies and mainly within the North American context. Our research team is focused in bringing this approach closer to the European culture, more specifically the cultural factors underlying the dynamics and motivation of communities available to solve the innovation challenges of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), that we call Crowdsourcing Innovation. We believe that, due to the common lack of resources for innovation in these companies, a service capable of involving them in large networks filled with useful and reachable knowledge, and capable of supporting these companies through all the innovation process, is crucial to the future competitiveness of the European SMEs. Although our team is focusing on several aspects related to Crowdsourcing, my main research focuses the information services and supporting applications to create a web platform adapted to the key economical, organizational, legal and cultural differences that make current Crowdsourcing Innovation businesses less popular among European SMEs than in North America.- (undefined

    The Business Model: Recent Developments and Future Research

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    This article provides a broad and multifaceted review of the received literature on business models in which the authors examine the business model concept through multiple subject-matter lenses. The review reveals that scholars do not agree on what a business model is and that the literature is developing largely in silos, according to the phenomena of interest of the respective researchers. However, the authors also found emerging common themes among scholars of business models. Specifically, (1) the business model is emerging as a new unit of analysis; (2) business models emphasize a system-level, holistic approach to explaining how firms “do business”; (3) firm activities play an important role in the various conceptualizations of business models that have been proposed; and (4) business models seek to explain how value is created, not just how it is captured. These emerging themes could serve as catalysts for a more unified study of business models

    The effects of stakeholder integration on firm-level product innovativeness: Insights from small and medium-sized enterprises in Ghana

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    In spite of growing research on the influence of external stakeholders on firm outcomes, there is a paucity of research on how they influence innovation in emerging economies. In addition, the specific environmental factors that may influence the effect of stakeholder integration (SI) on firm innovation is less understood. Using data collected from 248 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ghana, this paper develops and tests a model that examines the relationship between SI and firm-level product innovativeness. The findings from the study indicate SI positively relates to product innovativeness. Moreover, under conditions of higher competitor pressure and greater customer expectations, the effect of SI on product innovativeness is amplified. Contributions for theory and practice are discussed

    The spatio-relational nature of urban innovation systems: Universities, knowledge intensive business service firms, and collaborative networks

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    The need to better identify the spatio-relational nature of urban innovation systems and spaces is increasingly acknowledged. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to provide an enhanced understanding of the knowledge networks existing between urban Knowledge Intensive Business Services firms (KIBS) and universities, which are often key components of such systems and spaces. Drawing on an analysis of urban KIBS firms and universities in the UK, it is found that the nature of firms, the location in which they are based, and the research intensity of their university partners are important determinants of the spatiality and localisation of the networks they form. The results show that the smallest urban KIBS firms have the highest propensity to engage in local links with universities, suggesting that they rely most significantly on their own urban innovation system for collaborative network ties. Keywords : innovation systems; urban innovation spaces; knowledge-based development; proximity; networks; KIBS; universities
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