18 research outputs found

    Isospin Fluctuations from a Thermally Equilibrated Hadron Gas

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    Partition functions, multiplicity distributions, and isospin fluctuations are calculated for canonical ensembles in which additive quantum numbers as well as total isospin are strictly conserved. When properly accounting for Bose-Einstein symmetrization, the multiplicity distributions of neutral pions in a pion gas are significantly broader as compared to the non-degenerate case. Inclusion of resonances compensates for this broadening effect. Recursion relations are derived which allow calculation of exact results with modest computer time.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Transport equation for the photon Wigner operator in non-commutative QED

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    We derive an exact quantum equation of motion for the photon Wigner operator in non-commutative QED, which is gauge covariant. In the classical approximation, this reduces to a simple transport equation which describes the hard thermal effects in this theory. As an example of the effectiveness of this method we show that, to leading order, this equation generates in a direct way the Green amplitudes calculated perturbatively in quantum field theory at high temperature.Comment: 13 pages, twocolumn revtex4 styl

    Parametric phenomena of the particle dynamics in a periodic gravitational wave field

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    We establish exactly solvable models for the motion of neutral particles, electrically charged point and spin particles (U(1) symmetry), isospin particles (SU(2) symmetry), and particles with color charges (SU(3) symmetry) in a gravitational wave background. Special attention is devoted to parametric effects induced by the gravitational field. In particular, we discuss parametric instabilities of the particle motion and parametric oscillations of the vectors of spin, isospin, and color charge.Comment: 26 pages, to be published in J. Math. Phy

    Chromodynamic Weibel instabilities in relativistic nuclear collisions

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    Employing a previously derived formulation, and extending the treatment from purely transverse modes to wave vectors having a longitudinal component, we discuss the prospects for the occurrence of Weibel-type color-current filamentation in high-energy nuclear collisions. Numerical solutions of the dispersion equation for a number of scenarios relevant to RHIC and LHC suggest that modes with (predominantly transverse) wave numbers of several hundred MeV may become moderately agitated during the early collision stage. The emergence of filamentation helps to speed up the equilibration of the parton plasma and it may lead to non-statistical azimuthal patterns in the hadron final state.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex, 13 (e)ps files (revised for PRC

    Partition Functions in Statistical Mechanics, Symmetric Functions, and Group Representations

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    Partition functions for non-interacting particles are known to be symmetric functions. It is shown that powerful group-theoretical techniques can be used not only to derive these relationships, but also to significantly simplify calculation of the partition functions for particles that carry internal quantum numbers. The partition function is shown to be a sum of one or more group characters. The utility of character expansions in calculating the partition functions is explored. Several examples are given to illustrate these techniques.Comment: 16 pages of RevTe

    Local equilibrium of the quark-gluon plasma

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    Within kinetic theory, we look for local equilibrium configurations of the quark-gluon plasma by maximizing the local entropy. We use the well-established transport equations in the Vlasov limit, supplemented with the Waldmann-Snider collision terms. Two different classes of local equilibrium solutions are found. The first one corresponds to the configurations that comply with the so-called collisional invariants. The second one is given by the distribution functions that cancel the collision terms, representing the most probable binary interactions with soft gluon exchange in the t-channel. The two sets of solutions agree with each other if we go beyond these dominant processes and take into account subleading quark-antiquark annihilation/creation and gluon number non-conserving processes. The local equilibrium state appears to be colorful, as the color charges are not locally neutralized. Properties of such an equilibrium state are analyzed. In particular, the related hydrodynamic equations of a colorful fluid are derived. Possible neutralization processes are also briefly discussed.Comment: 20 pages; minor changes, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    A remark on non-Abelian classical kinetic theory

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    It is known that non-Abelian classical kinetic theory reproduces the Hard Thermal/Dense Loop (HTL/HDL) effective action of QCD, obtained after integrating out the hardest momentum scales from the system, as well as the first higher dimensional operator beyond the HTL/HDL level. We discuss here its applicability at still higher orders, by comparing the exact classical effective action obtained in the static limit, with the 1-loop quantum effective potential. We remark that while correct types of operators arise, the classical colour algebra reproduces correctly the prefactor of the 4-point function trA04tr A_0^4 only for matter in asymptotically high dimensional colour representations.Comment: 6 page

    In-medium relativistic kinetic theory and nucleon-meson systems

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    Within the σω\sigma-\omega model of coupled nucleon-meson systems, a generalized relativistic Lenard--Balescu--equation is presented resulting from a relativistic random phase approximation (RRPA). This provides a systematic derivation of relativistic transport equations in the frame of nonequilibrium Green's function technique including medium effects as well as flucuation effects. It contains all possible processes due to one meson exchange and special attention is kept to the off--shell character of the particles. As a new feature of many particle effects, processes are possible which can be interpreted as particle creation and annihilation due to in-medium one meson exchange. In-medium cross sections are obtained from the generalized derivation of collision integrals, which possess complete crossing symmetries.Comment: See nucl-th/9310032 for revised version which the authors incompetently resubmitted rather than correctly replacing thi

    The Legacy of Rolf Hagedorn: Statistical Bootstrap and Ultimate Temperature

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    In the latter half of the last century, it became evident that there exists an ever increasing number of different states of the so-called elementary particles. The usual reductionist approach to this problem was to search for a simpler infrastructure, culminating in the formulation of the quark model and quantum chromodynamics. In a complementary, completely novel approach, Hagedorn suggested that the mass distribution of the produced particles follows a self-similar composition pattern, predicting an unbounded number of states of increasing mass. He then concluded that such a growth would lead to a limiting temperature for strongly interacting matter. We discuss the conceptual basis for this approach, its relation to critical behavior, and its subsequent applications in different areas of high energy physics.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures; to appear in R. Hagedorn and J. Rafelski (Ed.), "Melting Hadrons, Boiling Quarks", Springer Verlag 201

    Semiclassical force for electroweak baryogenesis: three-dimensional derivation

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    We derive a semiclassical transport equation for fermions propagating in the presence of a CP-violating planar bubble wall at a first order electroweak phase transition. Starting from the Kadanoff-Baym (KB) equation for the two-point (Wightman) function we perform an expansion in gradients, or equivalently in the Planck constant h-bar. We show that to first order in h-bar the KB equations have a spectral solution, which allows for an on-shell description of the plasma excitations. The CP-violating force acting on these excitations is found to be enhanced by a boost factor in comparison with the 1+1-dimensional case studied in a former paper. We find that an identical semiclassical force can be obtained by the WKB method. Applications to the MSSM are also mentioned.Comment: 19 page