119 research outputs found

    Mass transfer characteristic from a rotating cylinder

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    Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, South Africa, 30 June - 2 July, 2008.vk201

    Nature of phase transition in magnetic thin films

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    We study the critical behavior of magnetic thin films as a function of the film thickness. We use the ferromagnetic Ising model with the high-resolution multiple histogram Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. We show that though the 2D behavior remains dominant at small thicknesses, there is a systematic continuous deviation of the critical exponents from their 2D values. We observe that in the same range of varying thickness the deviation of the exponent ν\nu is very small from its 2D value, while exponent β\beta suffers a larger deviation. Moreover, as long as the film thickness is fixed, i. e. no finite size scaling is done in the zz direction perpendicular to the film, the 3D values of the critical exponents cannot be attained even with very large (but fixed) thickness. The crossover to 3D universality class cannot therefore take place without finite size scaling applied in the zz direction, in the limit of numerically accessible thicknesses. From values of exponent α\alpha obtained by MC, we estimate the effective dimension of the system. We conclude that with regard to the critical behavior, thin films behave as systems with effective dimension between 2 and 3.Comment: 8 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Study of Loschmidt Echo for a qubit coupled to an XY-spin chain environment

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    We study the temporal evolution of a central spin-1/2 (qubit) coupled to the environment which is chosen to be a spin-1/2 transverse XY spin chain. We explore the entire phase diagram of the spin-Hamiltonian and investigate the behavior of Loschmidt echo(LE) close to critical and multicritical point(MCP). To achieve this, the qubit is coupled to the spin chain through the anisotropy term as well as one of the interaction terms. Our study reveals that the echo has a faster decay with the system size (in the short time limit) close to a MCP and also the scaling obeyed by the quasiperiod of the collapse and revival of the LE is different in comparison to that close to a QCP. We also show that even when approached along the gapless critical line, the scaling of the LE is determined by the MCP where the energy gap shows a faster decay with the system size. This claim is verified by studying the short-time and also the collapse and revival behavior of the LE at a quasicritical point on the ferromagnetic side of the MCP. We also connect our observation to the decoherence of the central spin.Comment: Accepted for publication in EPJ

    Predicted Infrared and Raman Spectra for Neutral Ti_8C_12 Isomers

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    Using a density-functional based algorithm, the full IR and Raman spectra are calculated for the neutral Ti_8C_12 cluster assuming geometries of Th, Td, D2d and C3v symmetry. The Th pentagonal dodecahedron is found to be dynamically unstable. The calculated properties of the relaxed structure having C3v symmetry are found to be in excellent agreement with experimental gas phase infrared results, ionization potential and electron affinity measurements. Consequently, the results presented may be used as a reference for further experimental characterization using vibrational spectroscopy.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Physical Review A, 2002 (in press

    Stability, Electronic Structure and Vibrational Modes of Ti_8C_12 Dimer

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    We present our density functional results of the geometry, electronic structure and dissociation energy of Ti_8C_12 dimer. We show that as opposed to the currently held view that Ti_8C_12 are highly stable monodispersed clusters, the neutral Ti_8C_12 clusters form covalent bonds and form stable dimers. We determine that the Ti atoms bond weakly (0.9 eV/bond) to organic ligands such as ammonia. Alternatively the Met-Car dimer has a cohesive energy of 4.84 eV or approximately 1.2 eV per bond. While Met-Car dimers are stable, formation of these dimers may be quenched in an environment that contains a significant population of organic ligands. The ionization and dissociation energies of the dimer are of same order which prevents the observation of the dimer in the ion mass spectroscopy. The analysis of the vibrational frequencies show the lowest-energy structure to be dynamically stable. We also present infrared absorption and Raman scattering spectra of the Ti_8C_12 dimer.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (Better quality figures available on request). Physical Review B (Rapid Communication) (2002, in press

    COSNet : a cost sensitive neural network for semi-supervised learning in graphs

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    The semi-supervised problem of learning node labels in graphs consists, given a partial graph labeling, in inferring the unknown labels of the unlabeled vertices. Several machine learning algorithms have been proposed for solving this problem, including Hopfield networks and label propagation methods; however, some issues have been only partially considered, e.g. the preservation of the prior knowledge and the unbalance between positive and negative labels. To address these items, we propose a Hopfield-based cost sensitive neural network algorithm (COSNet). The method factorizes the solution of the problem in two parts: 1) the sub- network composed by the labelled vertices is considered, and the net- work parameters are estimated through a supervised algorithm; 2) the estimated parameters are extended to the subnetwork composed of the unlabeled vertices, and the attractor reached by the dynamics of this subnetwork allows to predict the labeling of the unlabeled vertices. The proposed method embeds in the neural algorithm the \u201da priori\u201d knowl- edge coded in the labelled part of the graph, and separates node labels and neuron states, allowing to differentially weight positive and nega- tive node labels. Moreover, COSNet introduces an efficient cost-sensitive strategy which allows to learn the near-optimal parameters of the net- work in order to take into account the unbalance between positive and negative node labels. Finally, the dynamics of the network is restricted to its unlabeled part, preserving the minimization of the overall objective function and significantly reducing the time complexity of the learning algorithm. COSNet has been applied to the genome-wide prediction of gene function in a model organism. The results, compared with those ob- tained by other semi-supervised label propagation algorithms and super- vised machine learning methods, show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Genetic loci influencing kidney function and chronic kidney disease

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    Using genome-wide association, we identify common variants at 2p12-p13, 6q26, 17q23 and 19q13 associated with serum creatinine, a marker of kidney function (P = 10 10 to 10 15). Of these, rs10206899 (near NAT8, 2p12-p13) and rs4805834 (near SLC7A9, 19q13) were also associated with chronic kidney disease (P = 5.0 × 10 5 and P = 3.6 × 10 4, respectively). Our findings provide insight into metabolic, solute and drug-transport pathways underlying susceptibility to chronic kidney disease