14 research outputs found

    New 2D integrable families with a quartic second invariant

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    The method introduced by the present author in 1986 still proves most effective in constructing integrable 2-D Lagrangian systems, which admit in addition to the energy another integral of motion that is polynomial in velocities. In a previous article (J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 39, 5807– 5824, 2006) we constructed a system, which admits a quartic complementary integral. This system, called by us “master”, is the largest known, as it involves 21 parameters, and contains, as special cases of it, almost all previously known systems of the same type that admit a quartic integral. In the present note we generalize the method we used before to construct new severalparameter systems that are not special cases of the master system. A new system involving 16 parameters is introduced and a special case of it admits interpretation in a problem of rigid body dynamics. It gives a unification of certain special versions of known classical integrable cases due to Kovalevskaya, Chaplygin and Goriatchev and other cases recently introduced by the present author.Продолжены исследования, начатые автором в 1986 году, и посвященные изучению условий существования у лагранжевых систем первых интегралов четвертого порядка. Рассматриваемая система характеризуется 16 параметрами. Получена структура лагранжиана, для которой дифференциальные уравнения движения допускают решения, характеризующиеся первым полиномиальным интегралом четвертого порядка. Это позволило обобщить известные случаи интегрируемости Ковалевской, Чаплыгина и Горячева классической задачи о движении твердого тела, имеющего неподвижную точку.Продовжено дослiдження, початi автором у 1986 роцi, i присвяченi вивченню умов iснування у лагранжевих систем перших iнтегралiв четвертого порядку. Розглядувана система характеризується 16 параметрами. Одержано структуру лагранжиана, для якої диференцiальнi рiвняння руху припускають розв’язки, що характеризуються першим полiномiальним iнтегралом четвертого порядку. Це дозволило узагальнити вiдомi випадки iнтегровностi Ковалевської, Чаплигiна i Горячева класичної задачi про рух твердого тiла, яке має нерухому точку

    One session laparoscopic management of Mirizzi syndrome: feasible and safe in specialist units

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    BACKGROUND:To evaluate the laparoscopic management of Mirizzi syndrome, seldom diagnosed preoperatively causing difficulty when performing cholecystectomy and increasing complication risks. METHODS:Analysis of a prospective single-surgeon database of 5700 laparoscopic cholecystectomies found 58 Mirizzi syndrome cases. They were managed with an intention to treat during the index admission according to protocol of single-session management of bile duct stones. RESULTS:38/58 patients were females (65.5%). The median age was 55 years. 53 cases were emergency admissions. 34 cases (58.6%) only had ultrasound scanning. Operative difficulty was Grade IV in 34 cases (58.6%) and Grade V in 20 (34.5%) (Nassar Scale). There were 33 Mirizzi Type IA, 7 Type IB, 16 Type II and one each of Type III and Type IV. Bile duct exploration was performed in 94.8% through choledochotomy/ transfistula in 58.6% or transcystic in 36.2%. Four cases required conversion to open. Postoperative morbidity occurred in 29%. Two 30-day mortalities occurred from pneumonia in two elderly patients who were late referrals. CONCLUSION:Although the utilization of the laparoscopic approach in managing bile duct stones is not currently widely practiced it was safer in this series than in reported series of open surgery in Mirizzi Syndrome. The optimal approach to Mirizzi Type II is via cholecystocholedochal fistula to explore the bile duct then drain with T-tube through the fistula. It is unnecessary to perform bilioenteric bypass in majority of cases, reducing the morbidity and mortality

    New variables of separation for particular case of the Kowalevski top

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    We discuss the polynomial bi-Hamiltonian structures for the Kowalevski top in special case of zero square integral. An explicit procedure to find variables of separation and separation relations is considered in detail.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX with Ams font

    Integrable systems on the sphere associated with genus three algebraic curves

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    New variables of separation for few integrable systems on the two-dimensional sphere with higher order integrals of motion are considered in detail. We explicitly describe canonical transformations of initial physical variables to the variables of separation and vice versa, calculate the corresponding quadratures and discuss some possible integrable deformations of initial systems.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX with AMS font

    Regular precession of a rigid body (gyrostat) acted upon by an irreducible combination of three classical fields

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    We show that a heavy, magnetized and electrically charged asymmetric rigid body moving about a fixed point while carrying a rotor and acted upon by three uniform fields can perform a regular precession about a nonvertical axis, of the type described for the case of a single field by Grioli in 1947. This is the first, and the only known by now, non-equilibrium solution of the problem of motion of a body in the presence of three classical fields, which are irreducible to a less number of fields

    Viability of and Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes in a delicatessen appetizer (yogurt-based) salad as affected by citrus extract (Citrox©) and storage temperature

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    The antimicrobial effect of citrus extract (at 1 mL/kg [C1] and 2 mL/kg [C2]) on naturally occurring microbiota and inoculated pathogens (E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes at ca. 6 log cfu/g) in the traditional Greek yogurt-based salad Tzatziki stored at 4, 10, or 21 °C, was examined. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were high (8.0–8.5 log cfu/g) and varied only minimally for both the control (untreated) and the citrus extract-treated salad samples, whereas the higher citrus extract concentration yielded the lowest yeast populations, irrespective of temperature, during the entire storage period. Populations of inoculated E. coli (6 log cfu/g) declined in both untreated and citrus extract-treated samples from day 0–70, 35, and 15 at 4, 10, and 21 °C, respectively. Citrus extract had a significant effect on the survival of the inoculated E. coli O157:H7, with reductions of 2.8–4.8 log cfu/g in the citrus extract-treated samples at the end of the storage period. Our data show that L. monocytogenes survived in both untreated and citrus extract-treated samples during the entire storage period, irrespective of the storage temperature. The higher concentration of citrus extract had a significant effect on the survival of L. monocytogenes in the treated samples, and reductions of 1.5–3.0 logs were noted on final day 70, 35 and 15 at 4, 10 and 21 °C, respectively. The results of our study demonstrated the potential of citrus extract as a natural compound that can control the growth of food-borne pathogenic bacteria, such as E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes in Tzatziki, a yogurt-based salad


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    The recent study aims to identify the Impact of Domestique culture variations on the degree of political participation for rural women at two different sub-cultures in rural Egypt. In addition identify factors affecting the degree of rural women participation in political issues. In order to accomplish the study objectives, Qalubiya Governorate was selected to represent the culture of Lower-Egypt Governorates, and Minia Governorate was selected to represent the culture of Upper-Egypt Governorates. Each Governorate,s administrative districts were divided into three categories (High, Medium, Low) based upon their human development indices, related to status of woman at those communities. Two districts were selected randomly from the medium category of the common human development index, Banha district from Qalubiya Governorate, and Maghagha district from Minia Governorate. From each of those districts two local village units were randomly selected. Within each of those previously mentioned villages, a random sample of 160 rural women was selected, and the total sample was 640 rural women. A questionnaire was designed and collected using the personal interview (after it was pre-tested) during August, September, and October 2003, then the data were tabulated and analyzed by using X2 coefficient. The study findings showed that about 43% of the total sample have low level of political participation, medium category represents about 28%, and high category of the political participatio

    Novel strategy in endovascular treatment of coronary steal using histoacryl®

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    Background: Coronary steal is an often encountered clinical condition attributable to multiple etiologies. Diverse treatment modalities have been previously elucidated. Aim: To elucidate the potential role of interventional approach using N-butyl Cyanoacrylate (Histoacryl®) to treat coronary steal. Material and methods: We present four patients with coronary steal due to different causes. Three patients had coronary arterial fistulas, and the fourth patient underwent prior Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgery with a patent unligated Left Internal Mammary Artery (LIMA) side-branch. We report the attempted trans-catheter closure of the fistulas and LIMA side-branch using n-butyl cyanoacrylate as an embolic agent. Results: In our series, Coronary angiography was the imaging modality used for diagnosing and guiding the treatment of all cases. Multi-detector CT was used to track the pathway and termination of the fistula in one case only. From the three fistula cases, two originated from the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery and one from the left circumflex (LCX) coronary artery. We accomplished successful occlusion in two of the three fistula cases and in the LIMA side-branch case as well. Conclusion: N-butyl Cyanoacrylate (Histoacryl®) is a useful interventional embolic agent that could be used to treat coronary steal of diverse etiology