183 research outputs found

    On multiplicative functions which are small on average

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    Let ff be a completely multiplicative function that assumes values inside the unit disc. We show that if \sum_{n2, for some A>2A>2, then either f(p)f(p) is small on average or ff pretends to be μ(n)nit\mu(n)n^{it} for some tt.Comment: 51 pages. Slightly strengthened Theorem 1.2 and simplified its statement. Removed Remark 1.3. Other minor changes and corrections. To appear in Geom. Funct. Ana

    Ecology and Evolution of Drosophila ambochila, A Rare Picture-Winged Species Endemic to the Wai'anae Range of O'ahu, Hawaiian Islands

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    The rare O'ahu picture-winged fly Drosophila ambochila Hardy & Kaneshiro is endemic to two windward ravines in the Wai'anae Mountains that harbor its host plant. Drosophila ambochila is an ecological specialist that breeds on Pisonia stems and trunks in an intermediate stage of decay. By providing field-collected females with suitable substrate material, we have been able to observe the oviposition behavior of this species in the laboratory and obtain F 1 larvae. In nature, females oviposit each batch of mature eggs ("'4050) in a single cluster, by repeatedly inserting their long ovipositor into the same crack or beetle hole in the decaying Pisonia bark. Ovipositor, ovary, and egg morphology are characteristic of bark-breeding Hawaiian Drosophila, but SEM studies revealed a distinctive chorionic ultrastructure for the eggs of this species. Larval salivary chromosome analyses indicated that the O'ahu D. ambochila is most closely related to D. alsophila from the island of Hawai'i and have helped to resolve the phylogenetic relationships among six of the nine species belonging to the vesciseta subgroup of the glabriapex species group

    The size of Selmer groups for the congruent number problem, II

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    The oldest problem in the theory of elliptic curves is to determine which positive integers D can be the common difference of a three term arithmetic progres-sion of squares of rational numbers. Such integers D are known as congruent numbers. Equivalently one may ask which elliptic curve

    Bandlimited approximations to the truncated Gaussian and applications

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    In this paper we extend the theory of optimal approximations of functions f:RRf: \R \to \R in the L1(R)L^1(\R)-metric by entire functions of prescribed exponential type (bandlimited functions). We solve this problem for the truncated and the odd Gaussians using explicit integral representations and fine properties of truncated theta functions obtained via the maximum principle for the heat operator. As applications, we recover most of the previously known examples in the literature and further extend the class of truncated and odd functions for which this extremal problem can be solved, by integration on the free parameter and the use of tempered distribution arguments. This is the counterpart of the work \cite{CLV}, where the case of even functions is treated.Comment: to appear in Const. Appro

    Improved model identification for non-linear systems using a random subsampling and multifold modelling (RSMM) approach

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    In non-linear system identification, the available observed data are conventionally partitioned into two parts: the training data that are used for model identification and the test data that are used for model performance testing. This sort of 'hold-out' or 'split-sample' data partitioning method is convenient and the associated model identification procedure is in general easy to implement. The resultant model obtained from such a once-partitioned single training dataset, however, may occasionally lack robustness and generalisation to represent future unseen data, because the performance of the identified model may be highly dependent on how the data partition is made. To overcome the drawback of the hold-out data partitioning method, this study presents a new random subsampling and multifold modelling (RSMM) approach to produce less biased or preferably unbiased models. The basic idea and the associated procedure are as follows. First, generate K training datasets (and also K validation datasets), using a K-fold random subsampling method. Secondly, detect significant model terms and identify a common model structure that fits all the K datasets using a new proposed common model selection approach, called the multiple orthogonal search algorithm. Finally, estimate and refine the model parameters for the identified common-structured model using a multifold parameter estimation method. The proposed method can produce robust models with better generalisation performance

    Some extremal functions in Fourier analysis, III

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    We obtain the best approximation in L1(R)L^1(\R), by entire functions of exponential type, for a class of even functions that includes eλxe^{-\lambda|x|}, where λ>0\lambda >0, logx\log |x| and xα|x|^{\alpha}, where 1<α<1-1 < \alpha < 1. We also give periodic versions of these results where the approximating functions are trigonometric polynomials of bounded degree.Comment: 26 pages. Submitte

    Close to Uniform Prime Number Generation With Fewer Random Bits

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    In this paper, we analyze several variants of a simple method for generating prime numbers with fewer random bits. To generate a prime pp less than xx, the basic idea is to fix a constant qx1εq\propto x^{1-\varepsilon}, pick a uniformly random a<qa<q coprime to qq, and choose pp of the form a+tqa+t\cdot q, where only tt is updated if the primality test fails. We prove that variants of this approach provide prime generation algorithms requiring few random bits and whose output distribution is close to uniform, under less and less expensive assumptions: first a relatively strong conjecture by H.L. Montgomery, made precise by Friedlander and Granville; then the Extended Riemann Hypothesis; and finally fully unconditionally using the Barban-Davenport-Halberstam theorem. We argue that this approach has a number of desirable properties compared to previous algorithms.Comment: Full version of ICALP 2014 paper. Alternate version of IACR ePrint Report 2011/48

    On some problems involving Hardy's function

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    Some problems involving the classical Hardy function Z(t):=ζ(1/2+it)(χ(1/2+it))1/2,ζ(s)=χ(s)ζ(1s) Z(t) := \zeta(1/2+it)\bigl(\chi(1/2+it)\bigr)^{-1/2}, \quad \zeta(s) = \chi(s)\zeta(1-s) are discussed. In particular we discuss the odd moments of Z(t)Z(t), the distribution of its positive and negative values and the primitive of Z(t)Z(t). Some analogous problems for the mean square of ζ(1/2+it)|\zeta(1/2+it)| are also discussed.Comment: 15 page

    Short proofs of some extremal results III

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    We prove a selection of results from different areas of extremal combinatorics, including complete or partial solutions to a number of open problems. These results, coming mainly from extremal graph theory and Ramsey theory, have been collected together because in each case the relevant proofs are reasonably short