1,562 research outputs found

    Dynamics-dependent criticality in models with q absorbing states

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    We study a one-dimensional, nonequilibrium Potts-like model which has qq symmetric absorbing states. For q=2q=2, as expected, the model belongs to the parity conserving universality class. For q=3q=3 the critical behaviour depends on the dynamics of the model. Under a certain dynamics it remains generically in the active phase, which is also the feature of some other models with three absorbing states. However, a modified dynamics induces a parity conserving phase transition. Relations with branching-annihilating random walk models are discussed in order to explain such a behaviour.Comment: 5 pages, 5 eps figures included, Phys.Rev.E (accepted

    Collapse of the vortex-lattice inductance and shear modulus at the melting transition in untwinned YBa2Cu3O7\rm YBa_2Cu_3O_7

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    The complex resistivity ρ^(ω)\hat{\rho}(\omega) of the vortex lattice in an untwinned crystal of 93-K YBa2Cu3O7\rm YBa_2Cu_3O_7 has been measured at frequencies ω/2π\omega/2\pi from 100 kHz to 20 MHz in a 2-Tesla field Hc\bf H\parallel c, using a 4-probe RF transmission technique that enables continuous measurements versus ω\omega and temperature TT. As TT is increased, the inductance Ls(ω)=Imρ^(ω)/ω{\cal L}_s(\omega) ={\rm Im} \hat{\rho}(\omega)/ \omega increases steeply to a cusp at the melting temperature TmT_m, and then undergoes a steep collapse consistent with vanishing of the shear modulus c66c_{66}. We discuss in detail the separation of the vortex-lattice inductance from the `volume' inductance, and other skin-depth effects. To analyze the spectra, we consider a weakly disordered lattice with a low pin density. Close fits are obtained to ρ1(ω)\rho_1(\omega) over 2 decades in ω\omega. Values of the pinning parameter κ\kappa and shear modulus c66c_{66} obtained show that c66c_{66} collapses by over 4 decades at TmT_m, whereas κ\kappa remains finite.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, Phys. Rev. B, in pres

    A non trivial extension of the two-dimensional Ising model: the d-dimensional "molecular" model

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    A recently proposed molecular model is discussed as a non-trivial extension of the Ising model. For d=2 the two models are shown to be equivalent, while for d>2 the molecular model describes a peculiar second order transition from an isotropic high temperature phase to a low-dimensional anisotropic low temperature state. The general mean field analysis is compared with the results achieved by a variational Migdal-Kadanoff real space renormalization group method and by standard Monte Carlo sampling for d=3. By finite size scaling the critical exponent has been found to be 0.44\pm 0.02 thus establishing that the molecular model does not belong to the universality class of the Ising model for d>2.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    The extended empirical process test for non-Gaussianity in the CMB, with an application to non-Gaussian inflationary models

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    In (Hansen et al. 2002) we presented a new approach for measuring non-Gaussianity of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy pattern, based on the multivariate empirical distribution function of the spherical harmonics a_lm of a CMB map. The present paper builds upon the same ideas and proposes several improvements and extensions. More precisely, we exploit the additional information on the random phases of the a_lm to provide further tests based on the empirical distribution function. Also we take advantage of the effect of rotations in improving the power of our procedures. The suggested tests are implemented on physically motivated models of non-Gaussian fields; Monte-Carlo simulations suggest that this approach may be very promising in the analysis of non-Gaussianity generated by non-standard models of inflation. We address also some experimentally meaningful situations, such as the presence of instrumental noise and a galactic cut in the map.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Classification of multipartite entangled states by multidimensional determinants

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    We find that multidimensional determinants "hyperdeterminants", related to entanglement measures (the so-called concurrence or 3-tangle for the 2 or 3 qubits, respectively), are derived from a duality between entangled states and separable states. By means of the hyperdeterminant and its singularities, the single copy of multipartite pure entangled states is classified into an onion structure of every closed subset, similar to that by the local rank in the bipartite case. This reveals how inequivalent multipartite entangled classes are partially ordered under local actions. In particular, the generic entangled class of the maximal dimension, distinguished as the nonzero hyperdeterminant, does not include the maximally entangled states in Bell's inequalities in general (e.g., in the n4n \geq 4 qubits), contrary to the widely known bipartite or 3-qubit cases. It suggests that not only are they never locally interconvertible with the majority of multipartite entangled states, but they would have no grounds for the canonical n-partite entangled states. Our classification is also useful for the mixed states.Comment: revtex4, 10 pages, 4 eps figures with psfrag; v2 title changed, 1 appendix added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Splitting the voter criticality

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    Recently some two-dimensional models with double symmetric absorbing states were shown to share the same critical behaviour that was called the voter universality class. We show, that for an absorbing-states Potts model with finite but further than nearest neighbour range of interactions the critical point is splitted into two critical points: one of the Ising type, and the other of the directed percolation universality class. Similar splitting takes place in the three-dimensional nearest-neighbour model.Comment: 4 pages, eps figures include

    Structure Factors and Their Distributions in Driven Two-Species Models

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    We study spatial correlations and structure factors in a three-state stochastic lattice gas, consisting of holes and two oppositely ``charged'' species of particles, subject to an ``electric'' field at zero total charge. The dynamics consists of two nearest-neighbor exchange processes, occuring on different times scales, namely, particle-hole and particle-particle exchanges. Using both, Langevin equations and Monte Carlo simulations, we study the steady-state structure factors and correlation functions in the disordered phase, where density profiles are homogeneous. In contrast to equilibrium systems, the average structure factors here show a discontinuity singularity at the origin. The associated spatial correlation functions exhibit intricate crossovers between exponential decays and power laws of different kinds. The full probability distributions of the structure factors are universal asymmetric exponential distributions.Comment: RevTex, 18 pages, 4 postscript figures included, mistaken half-empty page correcte