49 research outputs found

    Sudden cardiac death: A matter of faulty ion channels?

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    AbstractRecent evidence suggests that various forms of sudden cardiac death in people with hearts that apparently function normally are caused by inherited or de novo mutations in genes coding for ion channel subunits

    Vijftig jaar monitoring en beheer van de Friese en Groninger kwelderwerken: 1960-2009

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    Dit WOt-werkdocument is een update van het kwelderboek uit 2001 en gaat ook over de bescherming door de kwelderwerken tegen de Allerheiligenvloed van 2006, over de Kaderrichtlijn Water en over de Sylt Conferentie van 2010. In 2007 verscheen in de WOT IN serie al een deel over Monitoring van kwelders in de Waddenzee, met beheermaatregelen voor alle kwelders (www.waddenzee.nl/Kwelders.1982.0.html). In de publicaties is ook aandacht voor beweiding, vegetatiekaarten, veroudering van de vegetatie, zeegras, grondwerk, ontwatering, en duurzaamheid van de rijshoutdammen

    Biosynthesis of Sesquiterpene Lactones in Pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium)

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    The daisy-like flowers of pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) are used to extract pyrethrins, a botanical insecticide with a long history of safe and effective use. Pyrethrum flowers also contain other potential defense compounds, particularly sesquiterpene lactones (STLs), which represent problematic allergenic residues in the extracts that are removed by the pyrethrum industry. The STLs are stored in glandular trichomes present on the pyrethrum achenes, and have been shown to be active against herbivores, micro-organisms and in the below-ground competition with other plants. Despite these reported bioactivities and industrial significance, the biosynthetic origin of pyrethrum sesquiterpene lactones remains unknown. In the present study, we show that germacratrien-12-oic acid is most likely the central precursor for all sesquiterpene lactones present in pyrethrum. The formation of the lactone ring depends on the regio- (C6 or C8) and stereo-selective (a or ß) hydroxylation of germacratrien-12-oic acid. Candidate genes implicated in three committed steps leading from farnesyl diphosphate to STL and other oxygenated derivatives of germacratrien-12-oic acid were retrieved from a pyrethrum trichome EST library, cloned, and characterized in yeast and in planta. The diversity and distribution of sesquiterpene lactones in different tissues and the correlation with the expression of these genes are shown and discussed

    Metabolic engineering of terpenoid biosynthesis in plants

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    Metabolic engineering of terpenoids in plants is a fascinating research topic from two main perspectives. On the one hand, the various biological activities of these compounds make their engineering a new tool for improving a considerable number of traits in crops. These include for example enhanced disease resistance, weed control by producing allelopathic compounds, better pest management, production of medicinal compounds, increased value of ornamentals and fruit and improved pollination. On the other hand, the same plants altered in the profile of terpenoids and their precursor pools make a most important contribution to fundamental studies on terpenoid biosynthesis and its regulation. In this review we describe our recent results with terpenoid engineering, focusing on two terpenoid classes the monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids. The emerging picture is that engineering of these compounds and their derivatives in plant cells is feasible, although with some requirements and limitations. For example, in terpenoid engineering experiments crucial factors are the subcellular localisation of both the precursor pool and the introduced enzymes, the activity of endogenous plant enzymes which modify the introduced terpenoid skeleton, the costs of engineering in terms of effects on other pathways sharing the same precursor pool and the phytotoxicity of the introduced terpenoids. Finally, we will show that transgenic plants altered in their terpenoid profile exert novel biological activities on their environment, for example influencing insect behaviou

    Controllability of Switched Linear Systems

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    Switched linear systems consist of a collection of linear systems and a switching law that governs the switching between them. In this paper it is proven that the reachable set of a switched linear system is a subspace of the entire state space. A geometric characterization of the reachable subspace is given.

    Volatile science? Metabolic engineering of terpenoids in plants

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    Terpenoids are important for plant survival and also possess biological properties that are beneficial to humans. Here, we describe the state of the art in terpenoid metabolic engineering, showing that significant progress has been made over the past few years. Subcellular targeting of enzymes has demonstrated that terpenoid precursors in subcellular compartments are not as strictly separated as previously thought and that multistep pathway engineering is feasible, even across cell compartments. These engineered plants show that insect behavior is influenced by terpenoids. In the future, we expect rapid progress in the engineering of terpenoid production in plants. In addition to commercial applications, such transgenic plants should increase our understanding of the biological relevance of these volatile secondary metabolite

    Methods and compositions for producing drimenol

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    The present invention relates to nucleic acids sequences derived from Valeriana officinalis and/or Persicaria hydropiper and encoding drimenol synthase polypeptides. The present invention also provides the amino acid sequences of the polypeptides. The invention further provides host cells or organisms genetically modified to harbour the polynucleotides of the invention. A method to produce drimenol and/or a drimenol derivative by contacting farnesyl diphosphate with a polypeptide having a drimenol synthase activity is also part of this invention