820 research outputs found

    Superconductivity from doping a spin liquid insulator: a simple one-dimensional example

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    We study the phase diagram of a one-dimensional Hubbard model where, in addition to the standard nearest neighbor hopping tt, we also include a next-to-nearest neighbor hopping tt'. For strong enough on-site repulsion, this model has a transition at half filling from a magnetic insulator with gapless spin excitations at small t/tt'/t to a dimerized insulator with a spin gap at larger t/tt'/t. We show that upon doping this model exhibits quite interesting features, which include the presence of a metallic phase with a spin gap and dominant superconducting fluctuations, in spite of the repulsive interaction. More interestingly, we find that this superconducting phase can be reached upon hole doping the magnetic insulator. The connections between this model and the two chain models, recently object of intensive investigations, are also discussed.Comment: 19 pages, plain LaTex using RevTex, 7 postscript figures Modified version which excludes some LaTex commands giving problems for the previous versio

    Role of Umklapp Processes in Conductivity of Doped Two-Leg Ladders

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    Recent conductivity measurements performed on the hole-doped two-leg ladder material Sr14xCaxCu24O41\mathrm{Sr_{14-x}Ca_xCu_{24}O_{41}} reveal an approximately linear power law regime in the c-axis DC resistivity as a function of temperature for x=11x=11. In this work, we employ a bosonic model to argue that umklapp processes are responsible for this feature and for the high spectral weight in the optical conductivity which occurs beyond the finite frequency Drude-like peak. Including quenched disorder in our model allows us to reproduce experimental conductivity and resistivity curves over a wide range of energies. We also point out the differences between the effect of umklapp processes in a single chain and in the two-leg ladder.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Friedel Oscillations and Charge Density Waves in Chains and Ladders

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    The density matrix renormalization group method for ladders works much more efficiently with open boundary conditions. One consequence of these boundary conditions is groundstate charge density oscillations that often appear to be nearly constant in magnitude or to decay only slightly away from the boundaries. We analyse these using bosonization techniques, relating their detailed form to the correlation exponent and distinguishing boundary induced generalized Friedel oscillations from true charge density waves. We also discuss a different approach to extracting the correlation exponent from the finite size spectrum which uses exclusively open boundary conditions and can therefore take advantage of data for much larger system sizes. A general discussion of the Friedel oscillation wave-vectors is given, and a convenient Fourier transform technique is used to determine it. DMRG results are analysed on Hubbard and t-J chains and 2 leg t-J ladders. We present evidence for the existence of a long-ranged charge density wave state in the t-J ladder at a filling of n=0.75 and near J/t \approx 0.25.Comment: Revtex, 15 pages, 15 postscript figure

    Finite-temperature perturbation theory for quasi-one-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnets

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    We develop a finite-temperature perturbation theory for quasi-one-dimensional quantum spin systems, in the manner suggested by H.J. Schulz (1996) and use this formalism to study their dynamical response. The corrections to the random-phase approximation formula for the dynamical magnetic susceptibility obtained with this method involve multi-point correlation functions of the one-dimensional theory on which the random-phase approximation expansion is built. This ``anisotropic'' perturbation theory takes the form of a systematic high-temperature expansion. This formalism is first applied to the estimation of the N\'eel temperature of S=1/2 cubic lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnets. It is then applied to the compound Cs2_2CuCl4_4, a frustrated S=1/2 antiferromagnet with a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya anisotropy. Using the next leading order to the random-phase approximation, we determine the improved values for the critical temperature and incommensurability. Despite the non-universal character of these quantities, the calculated values are different by less than a few percent from the experimental values for both compounds.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Unscreened Coulomb repulsion in the one dimensional electron gas

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    A tight binding model of electrons interacting via bare Coulomb repulsion is numerically investigated by use of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group method which we prove applicable also to very long range potentials. From the analysis of the elementary excitations, of the spin and charge correlation functions and of the momentum distribution, a picture consistent with the formation of a one dimensional "Wigner crystal" emerges, in quantitative agreement with a previous bosonization study. At finite doping, Umklapp scattering is shown to be ineffective in the presence of long range forces.Comment: RevTex, 5 pages with 8 eps figures. To be published on Phys. Rev.

    Tomonaga-Luttinger features in the resonant Raman spectra of quantum wires

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    The differential cross section for resonant Raman scattering from the collective modes in a one dimensional system of interacting electrons is calculated non-perturbatively using the bosonization method. The results indicate that resonant Raman spectroscopy is a powerful tool for studying Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid behaviour in quasi-one dimensional electron systems.Comment: 4 pages, no figur

    A Bosonic Model of Hole Pairs

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    We numerically investigate a bosonic representation for hole pairs on a two-leg t-J ladder where hard core bosons on a chain represent the hole pairs on the ladder. The interaction between hole pairs is obtained by fitting the density profile obtained with the effective model to the one obtained with the \tj model, taking into account the inner structure of the hole pair given by the hole-hole correlation function. For these interactions we calculate the Luttinger liquid parameter, which takes the universal value Kρ=1K_{\rho}=1 as half filling is approached, for values of the rung exchange JJ' between strong coupling and the isotropic case. The long distance behavior of the hole-hole correlation function is also investigated. Starting from large JJ', the correlation length first increases as expected, but diminishes significantly as JJ' is reduced and bound holes sit mainly on adjacent rungs. As the isotropic case is approached, the correlation length increases again. This effect is related to the different kind of bonds in the region between the two holes of a hole pair when they move apart.Comment: 11 page

    Holons on a meandering stripe: quantum numbers

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    We attempt to access the regime of strong coupling between charge carriers and transverse dynamics of an isolated conducting ``stripe'', such as those found in cuprate superconductors. A stripe is modeled as a partially doped domain wall in an antiferromagnet (AF), introduced in the context of two different models: the t-J model with strong Ising anisotropy, and the Hubbard model in the Hartree-Fock approximation. The domain walls with a given linear charge density are supported artificially by boundary conditions. In both models we find a regime of parameters where doped holes lose their spin and become holons (charge Q=1, spin S_z=0), which can move along the stripe without frustrating AF environment. One aspect in which the holons on the AF domain wall differ from those in an ordinary one-dimensional electron gas is their transverse degree of freedom: a mobile holon always resides on a transverse kink (or antikink) of the domain wall. This gives rise to two holon flavors and to a strong coupling between doped charges and transverse fluctuations of a stripe.Comment: Minor revisions: references update

    The transition between hole-pairs and four-hole clusters in four-leg tJ ladders

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    Holes weakly doped into a four-leg \tj ladder bind in pairs. At dopings exceeding a critical doping of δc1/8\delta_c\simeq {1/8} four hole clusters are observed to form in DMRG calculations. The symmetry of the ground state wavefunction does not change and we are able to reproduce this behavior qualitatively with an effective bosonic model in which the four-leg ladder is represented as two coupled two-leg ladders and hole-pairs are mapped on hard core bosons moving along and between these ladders. At lower dopings, δ<δc\delta<\delta_c, a one dimensional bosonic representation for hole-pairs works and allows us to calculate accurately the Luttinger liquid parameter \krho, which takes the universal value \krho=1 as half-filling is approached

    New species of Entomobrya from Germany (Collembola, Entomobryini)

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    The systematic study of specimens of Entomobrya from various European museums, private collections and other samplings, allows us to describe several species new of the genus. Specimens from Germany, deposited at the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz (SMNG), identified as new species as result of this study, are described: Entomobrya dungeri n. sp., Entomobrya germanica n. sp., Entomobrya saxoniensis n. sp., Entomobrya schulzi Jordana & Baquero n. sp. and Entomobrya dorsolineata n. sp