8 research outputs found

    Early-life environmental variation affects intestinal microbiota and immune development in new-born piglets

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    Background - Early-life environmental variation affects gut microbial colonization and immune competence development; however, the timin Early-life environmental variation affects gut microbial colonization and immune competence development; however, the timing and additional specifics of these processes are unknown. The impact of early-life environmental variations, as experienced under real life circumstances, on gut microbial colonization and immune development has not been studied extensively so far. We designed a study to investigate environmental variation, experienced early after birth, to gut microbial colonization and intestinal immune development. Methodology/Principal Findings - To investigate effects of early-life environmental changes, the piglets of 16 piglet litters were divided into 3 groups per litter and experimentally treated on day 4 after birth. During the course of the experiment, the piglets were kept with their mother sow. Group 1 was not treated, group 2 was treated with an antibiotic, and group 3 was treated with an antibiotic and simultaneously exposed to several routine, but stressful management procedures, including docking, clipping and weighing. Thereafter, treatment effects were measured at day 8 after birth in 16 piglets per treatment group by community-scale analysis of gut microbiota and genome-wide intestinal transcriptome profiling. We observed that the applied antibiotic treatment affected the composition and diversity of gut microbiota and reduced the expression of a large number of immune-related processes. The effect of management procedures on top of the use of an antibiotic was limited. Conclusions/Significance - We provide direct evidence that different early-life conditions, specifically focusing on antibiotic treatment and exposure to stress, affect gut microbial colonization and intestinal immune development. This reinforces the notion that the early phase of life is critical for intestinal immune development, also under regular production circumstances. g and additional specifics of these processes are unknown. The impact of early-life environmental variations, as experienced under real life circumstances, on gut microbial colonization and immune development has not been studied extensively so far. We designed a study to investigate environmental variation, experienced early after birth, to gut microbial colonization and intestinal immune development. Methodology/Principal Findings To investigate effects of early-life environmental changes, the piglets of 16 piglet litters were divided into 3 groups per litter and experimentally treated on day 4 after birth. During the course of the experiment, the piglets were kept with their mother sow. Group 1 was not treated, group 2 was treated with an antibiotic, and group 3 was treated with an antibiotic and simultaneously exposed to several routine, but stressful management procedures, including docking, clipping and weighing. Thereafter, treatment effects were measured at day 8 after birth in 16 piglets per treatment group by community-scale analysis of gut microbiota and genome-wide intestinal transcriptome profiling. We observed that the applied antibiotic treatment affected the composition and diversity of gut microbiota and reduced the expression of a large number of immune-related processes. The effect of management procedures on top of the use of an antibiotic was limited. Conclusions/Significance We provide direct evidence that different early-life conditions, specifically focusing on antibiotic treatment and exposure to stress, affect gut microbial colonization and intestinal immune development. This reinforces the notion that the early phase of life is critical for intestinal immune development, also under regular production circumstances. Figure

    Detection and quantification of microorganisms in anaerobic bioreactors.

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    The presence of sulfate in anaerobic reactors can trigger competitive and syntrophic interactions between various groups of microorganisms, such as sulfate reducers, methanogens and acetogens. In order to steer the reactor process in the direction of sulfidogenesis or methanogenesis, it is essential to get insight into the population dynamics of these groups of microorganisms upon changes in the reactor operating conditions. Several methods exist to characterize and quantify the microbial sludge composition. Combining classical microbiological and modern molecular-based sludge characterization methods has proven to be a powerful approach to study the microbial composition of the anaerobic sludge

    Temperature and denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of 16S rRNA from human faecal samples

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    The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of mammals harbours a complex community of obligate and facultative anaerobic bacteria. The composition of the GIT microbiota is dependent on the physiological condition, age, genetics, and diet of the host. During the past 5 years a number of molecular fingerprinting methods have been developed to characterise complex communities based on 16S rRNA sequence diversity. This paper describes the use of temperature and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (T/DGGE) of bacterial 16S rRNA/DNA in faecal samples from humans, in which special attention was given to the quantification of the sequence diversity. After birth the GIT community develops into a relatively simple community consisting of 1-8 major types within three months. Adults show more complex, but remarkably constant patterns. These patterns are hardly affected by changes in diet. Significant differences were observed between different individuals, particularly between genetically unrelated persons. In general, bacterial communities of faecal samples from genetically related adults (i.e. twins, brothers, sisters) show higher similarity of DGGE banding patterns than those from genetically unrelated individuals, although occasionally all persons in one family show highly similar profiles. The DGGE banding patterns of humans are significantly different from those of other mammals, such as pigs, gorillas and cats, indicating that genetic factors of the host affect the composition of the GI-tract flora. The major bacterial groups were identified by cloning and sequencing of the dominant 16S rDNA molecules. At least three sequences with highest homology to Ruminococcus obeum and Eubacterium halii and Fusobacterium prausnitzii were present in all human subjects and are likely to play a universal role in the GI-tract. Other sequences were found in variable ratios in different individuals

    Enrichment and detection of microorganisms involved in direct and indirect methanogenesis from methanol in an anaerobic thermophilic bioreactor

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    To gain insight into the microorganisms involved in direct and indirect methane formation from methanol in a laboratory-scale thermophilic (55°C) methanogenic bioreactor, reactor sludge was disrupted and serial dilutions were incubated in specific growth media containing methanol and possible intermediates of methanol degradation as substrates. With methanol, growth was observed up to a dilution of 108. However, when Methanothermobacter thermoautotrophicus strain Z245 was added for H2 removal, growth was observed up to a 1010-fold dilution. With H2/CO2 and acetate, growth was observed up to dilutions of 109 and 104, respectively. Dominant microorganisms in the different dilutions were identified by 16S rRNA-gene diversity and sequence analysis. Furthermore, dilution polymerase chain reaction (PCR) revealed a similar relative abundance of Archaea and Bacteria in all investigated samples, except in enrichment with acetate, which contained 100 times less archaeal DNA than bacterial DNA. The most abundant bacteria in the culture with methanol and strain Z245 were most closely related to Moorella glycerini. Thermodesulfovibrio relatives were found with high sequence similarity in the H2/CO2 enrichment, but also in the original laboratory-scale bioreactor sludge. Methanothermobacter thermoautotrophicus strains were the most abundant hydrogenotrophic archaea in the H2/CO2 enrichment. The dominant methanol-utilizing methanogen, which was present in the 108-dilution, was most closely related to Methanomethylovorans hollandica. Compared to direct methanogenesis, results of this study indicate that syntrophic, interspecies hydrogen transfer-dependent methanol conversion is equally important in the thermophilic bioreactor, confirming previous findings with labeled substrates and specific inhibitor

    Enrichment and detection of microorganisms involved in direct and indirect methanogenesis from methanol in an anaerobic thermophilic bioreactor

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    To gain insight into the microorganisms involved in direct and indirect methane formation from methanol in a laboratory-scale thermophilic (55°C) methanogenic bioreactor, reactor sludge was disrupted and serial dilutions were incubated in specific growth media containing methanol and possible intermediates of methanol degradation as substrates. With methanol, growth was observed up to a dilution of 108. However, when Methanothermobacter thermoautotrophicus strain Z245 was added for H2 removal, growth was observed up to a 1010-fold dilution. With H2/CO2 and acetate, growth was observed up to dilutions of 109 and 104, respectively. Dominant microorganisms in the different dilutions were identified by 16S rRNA-gene diversity and sequence analysis. Furthermore, dilution polymerase chain reaction (PCR) revealed a similar relative abundance of Archaea and Bacteria in all investigated samples, except in enrichment with acetate, which contained 100 times less archaeal DNA than bacterial DNA. The most abundant bacteria in the culture with methanol and strain Z245 were most closely related to Moorella glycerini. Thermodesulfovibrio relatives were found with high sequence similarity in the H2/CO2 enrichment, but also in the original laboratory-scale bioreactor sludge. Methanothermobacter thermoautotrophicus strains were the most abundant hydrogenotrophic archaea in the H2/CO2 enrichment. The dominant methanol-utilizing methanogen, which was present in the 108-dilution, was most closely related to Methanomethylovorans hollandica. Compared to direct methanogenesis, results of this study indicate that syntrophic, interspecies hydrogen transfer-dependent methanol conversion is equally important in the thermophilic bioreactor, confirming previous findings with labeled substrates and specific inhibitor