4,962 research outputs found

    New and extended parameterization of the thermodynamic model AIOMFAC: calculation of activity coefficients for organic-inorganic mixtures containing carboxyl, hydroxyl, carbonyl, ether, ester, alkenyl, alkyl, and aromatic functional groups

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    We present a new and considerably extended parameterization of the thermodynamic activity coefficient model AIOMFAC (Aerosol Inorganic-Organic Mixtures Functional groups Activity Coefficients) at room temperature. AIOMFAC combines a Pitzer-like electrolyte solution model with a UNIFAC-based group-contribution approach and explicitly accounts for interactions between organic functional groups and inorganic ions. Such interactions constitute the salt-effect, may cause liquid-liquid phase separation, and affect the gas-particle partitioning of aerosols. The previous AIOMFAC version was parameterized for alkyl and hydroxyl functional groups of alcohols and polyols. With the goal to describe a wide variety of organic compounds found in atmospheric aerosols, we extend here the parameterization of AIOMFAC to include the functional groups carboxyl, hydroxyl, ketone, aldehyde, ether, ester, alkenyl, alkyl, aromatic carbon-alcohol, and aromatic hydrocarbon. Thermodynamic equilibrium data of organic-inorganic systems from the literature are critically assessed and complemented with new measurements to establish a comprehensive database. The database is used to determine simultaneously the AIOMFAC parameters describing interactions of organic functional groups with the ions H^+, Li^+, Na^+, K^+, NH_(4)^+, Mg^(2+), Ca^(2+), Cl^−, Br^−, NO_(3)^−, HSO_(4)^−, and SO_(4)^(2−). Detailed descriptions of different types of thermodynamic data, such as vapor-liquid, solid-liquid, and liquid-liquid equilibria, and their use for the model parameterization are provided. Issues regarding deficiencies of the database, types and uncertainties of experimental data, and limitations of the model, are discussed. The challenging parameter optimization problem is solved with a novel combination of powerful global minimization algorithms. A number of exemplary calculations for systems containing atmospherically relevant aerosol components are shown. Amongst others, we discuss aqueous mixtures of ammonium sulfate with dicarboxylic acids and with levoglucosan. Overall, the new parameterization of AIOMFAC agrees well with a large number of experimental datasets. However, due to various reasons, for certain mixtures important deviations can occur. The new parameterization makes AIOMFAC a versatile thermodynamic tool. It enables the calculation of activity coefficients of thousands of different organic compounds in organic-inorganic mixtures of numerous components. Models based on AIOMFAC can be used to compute deliquescence relative humidities, liquid-liquid phase separations, and gas-particle partitioning of multicomponent mixtures of relevance for atmospheric chemistry or in other scientific fields


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    We consider the problem of the statistics of the scattering matrix S of a chaotic cavity (quantum dot), which is coupled to the outside world by non-ideal leads containing N scattering channels. The Hamiltonian H of the quantum dot is assumed to be an M x N hermitian matrix with probability distribution P(H) ~ det[lambda^2 + (H - epsilon)^2]^[-(beta M + 2- beta)/2], where lambda and epsilon are arbitrary coefficients and beta = 1,2,4 depending on the presence or absence of time-reversal and spin-rotation symmetry. We show that this ``Lorentzian ensemble'' agrees with microscopic theory for an ensemble of disordered metal particles in the limit M -> infinity, and that for any M >= N it implies P(S) ~ |det(1 - \bar S^{\dagger} S)|^[-(beta M + 2 - beta)], where \bar S is the ensemble average of S. This ``Poisson kernel'' generalizes Dyson's circular ensemble to the case \bar S \neq 0 and was previously obtained from a maximum entropy approach. The present work gives a microscopic justification for the case that the chaotic motion in the quantum dot is due to impurity scattering.Comment: 15 pages, REVTeX-3.0, 2 figures, submitted to Physical Review B

    Analysis of OPM potentials for multiplet states of 3d transition metal atoms

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    We apply the optimized effective potential method (OPM) to the multiplet energies of the 3dn^n transition metal atoms, where the orbital dependence of the energy functional with respect to orbital wave function is the single-configuration HF form. We find that the calculated OPM exchange potential can be represented by the following two forms. Firstly, the difference between OPM exchange potentials of the multiplet states can be approximated by the linear combination of the potentials derived from the Slater integrals F2(3d,3d)F^2({\rm 3d,3d}) and F4(3d,3d)F^4({\rm 3d,3d}) for the average energy of the configuration. Secondly, the OPM exchange potential can be expressed as the linear combination of the OPM exchange potentials of the single determinants.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, to be published in J. Phys.

    Three different mechanisms of energy dissipation of a desiccation-tolerant moss serve one common purpose: to protect reaction centres against photo-oxidation*

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    Three different types of non-photochemical de-excitation of absorbed light energy protect photosystem II of the sun- and desiccation-tolerant moss Rhytidium rugosum against photo-oxidation. The first mechanism, which is light-induced in hydrated thalli, is sensitive to inhibition by dithiothreitol. It is controlled by the protonation of a thylakoid protein. Other mechanisms are activated by desiccation. One of them permits exciton migration towards a far-red band in the antenna pigments where fast thermal deactivation takes place. This mechanism appears to be similar to a mechanism detected before in desiccated lichens. A third mechanism is based on the reversible photo-accumulation of a radical that acts as a quencher of excitation energy in reaction centres of photosystem II. On the basis of absorption changes around 800 nm, the quencher is suggested to be an oxidized chlorophyll. The data show that desiccated moss is better protected against photo-oxidative damage than hydrated moss. Slow drying of moss thalli in the light increases photo-protection more than slow drying in darkness

    Signatures of Chaos in the Statistical Distribution of Conductance Peaks in Quantum Dots

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    Analytical expressions for the width and conductance peak distributions of irregularly shaped quantum dots in the Coulomb blockade regime are presented in the limits of conserved and broken time-reversal symmetry. The results are obtained using random matrix theory and are valid in general for any number of non-equivalent and correlated channels, assuming that the underlying classical dynamic of the electrons in the dot is chaotic or that the dot is weakly disordered. The results are expressed in terms of the channel correlation matrix which for chaotic systems is given in closed form for both point-like contacts and extended leads. We study the dependence of the distributions on the number of channels and their correlations. The theoretical distributions are in good agreement with those computed in a dynamical model of a chaotic billiard.Comment: 19 pages, RevTex, 11 Postscript figure