1,114 research outputs found

    Spin gap behavior in Cu2_2Sc2_2Ge4_4O13_{13} by 45^{45}Sc nuclear magnetic resonance

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    We report the results of a 45^{45}Sc nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study on the quasi-one-dimensional compound Cu2_2Sc2_2Ge4_4O13_{13} at temperatures between 4 and 300 K. This material has been a subject of current interest due to indications of spin gap behavior. The temperature-dependent NMR shift exhibits a character of low-dimensional magnetism with a negative broad maximum at TmaxT_{max} \simeq 170 K. Below % T_{max}, the NMR shifts and spin lattice relaxation rates clearly indicate activated responses, confirming the existence of a spin gap in Cu2_2Sc2_2Ge% 4_4O13_{13}. The experimental NMR data can be well fitted to the spin dimer model, yielding a spin gap value of about 275 K which is close to the 25 meV peak found in the inelastic neutron scattering measurement. A detailed analysis further points out that the nearly isolated dimer picture is proper for the understanding of spin gap nature in Cu2_2Sc2_2Ge4_4O13_{13}.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Gravitational Properties of Monopole Spacetimes Near the Black Hole Threshold

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    Although nonsingular spacetimes and those containing black holes are qualitatively quite different, there are continuous families of configurations that connect the two. In this paper we use self-gravitating monopole solutions as tools for investigating the transition between these two types of spacetimes. We show how causally distinct regions emerge as the black hole limit is achieved, even though the measurements made by an external observer vary continuously. We find that near-critical solutions have a naturally defined entropy, despite the absence of a true horizon, and that this has a clear connection with the Hawking-Bekenstein entropy. We find that certain classes of near-critical solutions display naked black hole behavior, although they are not truly black holes at all. Finally, we present a numerical simulation illustrating how an incident pulse of matter can induce the dynamical collapse of a monopole into an extremal black hole. We discuss the implications of this process for the third law of black hole thermodynamics.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures RevTe

    Nonvolatile memory with molecule-engineered tunneling barriers

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    We report a novel field-sensitive tunneling barrier by embedding C60 in SiO2 for nonvolatile memory applications. C60 is a better choice than ultra-small nanocrystals due to its monodispersion. Moreover, C60 provides accessible energy levels to prompt resonant tunneling through SiO2 at high fields. However, this process is quenched at low fields due to HOMO-LUMO gap and large charging energy of C60. Furthermore, we demonstrate an improvement of more than an order of magnitude in retention to program/erase time ratio for a metal nanocrystal memory. This shows promise of engineering tunnel dielectrics by integrating molecules in the future hybrid molecular-silicon electronics.Comment: to appear in Applied Physics Letter

    Weak gravity in DGP braneworld model

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    We analyze the weak gravity in the braneworld model proposed by Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati, in which the unperturbed background spacetime is given by five dimensional Minkowski bulk with a brane which has the induced Einstein Hilbert term. This model has a critical length scale rcr_c. Naively, we expect that the four dimensional general relativity (4D GR) is approximately recovered at the scale below rcr_c. However, the simple linear perturbation does not work in this regime. Only recently the mechanism to recover 4D GR was clarified under the restriction to spherically symmetric configurations, and the leading correction to 4D GR was derived. Here, we develop an alternative formulation which can handle more general perturbations. We also generalize the model by adding bulk cosmological constant and the brane tension.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, references adde

    Scaling of Star Polymers with one to 80 Arms

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    We present large statistics simulations of 3-dimensional star polymers with up to f=80f=80 arms, and with up to 4000 monomers per arm for small values of ff. They were done for the Domb-Joyce model on the simple cubic lattice. This is a model with soft core exclusion which allows multiple occupancy of sites but punishes each same-site pair of monomers with a Boltzmann factor v<1v<1. We use this to allow all arms to be attached at the central site, and we use the `magic' value v=0.6v=0.6 to minimize corrections to scaling. The simulations are made with a very efficient chain growth algorithm with resampling, PERM, modified to allow simultaneous growth of all arms. This allows us to measure not only the swelling (as observed from the center-to-end distances), but also the partition sum. The latter gives very precise estimates of the critical exponents γf\gamma_f. For completeness we made also extensive simulations of linear (unbranched) polymers which give the best estimates for the exponent γ\gamma.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Constraints on alternative models to dark energy

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    The recent observations of type Ia supernovae strongly support that the universe is accelerating now and decelerated in the recent past. This may be the evidence of the breakdown of the standard Friemann equation. We consider a general modified Friedmann equation. Three different models are analyzed in detail. The current supernovae data and the Wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe data are used to constrain these models. A detailed analysis of the transition from the deceleration phase to the acceleration phase is also performed.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, revtex

    Exponential Metric Fields

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    The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission will use advanced technologies to achieve its science goals: the direct detection of gravitational waves, the observation of signals from compact (small and dense) stars as they spiral into black holes, the study of the role of massive black holes in galaxy evolution, the search for gravitational wave emission from the early Universe. The gravitational red-shift, the advance of the perihelion of Mercury, deflection of light and the time delay of radar signals are the classical tests in the first order of General Relativity (GR). However, LISA can possibly test Einstein's theories in the second order and perhaps, it will show some particular feature of non-linearity of gravitational interaction. In the present work we are seeking a method to construct theoretical templates that limit in the first order the tensorial structure of some metric fields, thus the non-linear terms are given by exponential functions of gravitational strength. The Newtonian limit obtained here, in the first order, is equivalent to GR.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science, 17 page

    Spherically symmetric spacetimes in massive gravity

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    We explore spherically symmetric stationary solutions, generated by ``stars'' with regular interiors, in purely massive gravity. We reexamine the claim that the resummation of non-linear effects can cure, in a domain near the source, the discontinuity exhibited by the linearized theory as the mass m of the graviton tends to zero. First, we find analytical difficulties with this claim, which appears not to be robust under slight changes in the form of the mass term. Second, by numerically exploring the inward continuation of the class of asymptotically flat solutions, we find that, when m is ``small'', they all end up in a singularity at a finite radius, well outside the source, instead of joining some conjectured ``continuous'' solution near the source. We reopen, however, the possibility of reconciling massive gravity with phenomenology by exhibiting a special class of solutions, with ``spontaneous symmetry breaking'' features, which are close, near the source, to general relativistic solutions and asymptote, for large radii, a de Sitter solution of curvature ~m^2.Comment: 57 pages, references addde

    Self Consistent Molecular Field Theory for Packing in Classical Liquids

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    Building on a quasi-chemical formulation of solution theory, this paper proposes a self consistent molecular field theory for packing problems in classical liquids, and tests the theoretical predictions for the excess chemical potential of the hard sphere fluid. Results are given for the self consistent molecular fields obtained, and for the probabilities of occupancy of a molecular observation volume. For this system, the excess chemical potential predicted is as accurate as the most accurate prior theories, particularly the scaled particle (Percus-Yevick compressibility) theory. It is argued that the present approach is particularly simple, and should provide a basis for a molecular-scale description of more complex solutions.Comment: 6 pages and 5 figure