636,938 research outputs found

    Nutritional Qualities of Three Medicinal Plant Parts (Xylopia aethiopica, Blighia sapida and Parinari polyandra) commonly used by Pregnant Women in the Western Part of Nigeria

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    The nutritional potentials of three medicinal plant parts used by pregnant women in the western part of Nigeria Parinari polyandra, Blighia sapida and Xylopia aethiopica were evaluated through their proximate compositions as well as percentage mineral elements composition. Blighia sapida was high in crude fibre (44.09±2.20%) compared with Parinari polyandra and Xylopia aethiopica that were 4.21±1.10% and 12.14±0.70% respectively. Moisture contents of Xylopia aethiopica and Blighia sapida were 16.04±1.25% and 10.17±2.60% respectively while that of Parinari polyandra was 30.65±5.02%. The total ash contents of Parinari polyandra, Blighia sapida and Xylopia aethiopica were 2.53±1.20%, 3.66±1.20% and 4.37±0.85% respectively. The total fat of Xylopia aethiopica, Blighia sapida and Parinari polyandra were 9.55±2.10%, 1.25±0.20% and 0.53±0.15% respectively while the total protein of Blighia sapida, Xylopia aethiopica and Parinari polyandra were 2.1±0.25%, 2.1±0.20% and 7.09±0.20% respectively. The total carbohydrate of Xylopia aethiopica was 55.80±4.26%, that of Parinari polyandra was 54.27±3.20% and that of Blighia sapida was 39.45±2.20%. Xylopia aethiopica can be a good source of magnesium (2.236±0.095), phosphorus (0.620±0.04) and potassium (0.510±0.04) as the amount of these mineral elements were higher than that of the other plant parts with the exception of Parinari polyandra having 0.690±0.11% phosphorus. Blighia sapida is also a good source of phosphorus (0.400±0.20), magnesium (0.430±0.20) and calcium (0.348±0.15). Other mineral elements detected in reasonable amounts were calcium, zinc and sodium. Further tests revealed that heavy metals such as lead, chromium and cadmium were not detected. The results of this research indicated that the three plants parts have nutritional qualities that could provide the users with additional nutrients

    Transitive and Co-Transitive Caps

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    A cap in PG(r,q) is a set of points, no three of which are collinear. A cap is said to be transitive if its automorphism group in PGammaL(r+1,q) acts transtively on the cap, and co-transitive if the automorphism group acts transtively on the cap's complement in PG(r,q). Transitive, co-transitive caps are characterized as being one of: an elliptic quadric in PG(3,q); a Suzuki-Tits ovoid in PG(3,q); a hyperoval in PG(2,4); a cap of size 11 in PG(4,3); the complement of a hyperplane in PG(r,2); or a union of Singer orbits in PG(r,q) whose automorphism group comes from a subgroup of GammaL(1,q^{r+1}).Comment: To appear in The Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevi

    Landau level bosonization of a 2D electron gas

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    In this work we introduce a bosonization scheme for the low energy excitations of a 2D interacting electron gas in the presence of an uniform magnetic field under conditions where a large integral number of Landau levels are filled. We give an explicit construction for the electron operator in terms of the bosons. We show that the elementary neutral excitations, known as the magnetic excitons or magnetoplasma modes, can be described within a bosonic language and that it provides a quadratic bosonic Hamiltonian for the interacting electron system which can be easily diagonalized.Comment: 4 pages, revte

    The mobility and diffusion of a particle coupled to a Luttinger liquid

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    We study the mobility of a particle coupled to a one dimensional interacting fermionic system, a Luttinger liquid. We bosonize the Luttinger liquid and find the effective interaction between the particle and the bosonic system. We show that the dynamics of this system is completely equivalent to the acoustic polaron problem where the interaction has purely electronic origin. This problem has a zero mode excitation, or soliton, in the strong coupling limit which corresponds to the formation of a polarization cloud due to the fermion-fermion interaction around the particle. We obtain that, due to the scattering of the residual bosonic modes, the soliton has a finite mobility and diffusion coefficient at finite temperatures which depend on the fermion-fermion interaction. We show that at low temperatures the mobility and the diffusion coefficient are proportional to T−4T^{-4} and T5T^5 respectively and at high temperatures the mobility vanishes as T−1T^{-1} while the diffusion increases as TT.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, UIUC preprin

    Doppler effects on velocity spectra observed by MST radars

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    Recently, wind data from mesophere-stratosphere-troposphere (MST) radars have been used to study the spectra of gravity waves in the atmosphere (Scheffler and Liu, 1985; VanZandt et al., 1985). Since MST radar measures the line-of-sight Doppler velocities, it senses the components of the wave-associated velocities along its beam directions. These components are related through the polarization relations which depend on the frequency and wave number of the wave. Therfore, the radar-observed velocity spectrum will be different from the original gravity-wave spectrum. Their relationship depends on the frequency and wave number of the wave as well as the propagation geometry. This relation can be used to interpret the observed data. It can also be used to test the assumption of gravity-wave spectrum (Scheffler and Liu, 1985). In deriving this relation, the background atmosphere has been assumed to be motionless. Obviously, the Doppler shift due to the background wind will change the shape of the gravity-wave power spectrum as well as its relation with the radar-observed spectrum. Here, researcher's investigate these changes
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