28,161 research outputs found

    Thermal expansion of the magnetically ordering intermetallics RTMg (R = Eu, Gd and T = Ag, Au)

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    We report measurements of the thermal expansion for two Eu+2^{+2}- and two Gd+3^{+3}-based intermetallics which exhibit ferro- or antiferromagnetic phase transitions. These materials show sharp positive (EuAgMg and GdAuMg) and negative (EuAuMg and GdAgMg) peaks in the temperature dependence of the thermal expansion coefficient α\alpha which become smeared and/or displaced in an external magnetic field. Together with specific heat data we determine the initial pressure dependences of the transition temperatures at ambient pressure using the Ehrenfest or Clausius-Clapeyron relation. We find large pressure dependences indicating strong spin-phonon coupling, in particular for GdAgMg and EuAuMg where a quantum phase transition might be reached at moderate pressures of a few GPa.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Probing the evolving massive star population in Orion with kinematic and radioactive tracers

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    We assemble a census of the most massive stars in Orion, then use stellar isochrones to estimate their masses and ages, and use these results to establish the stellar content of Orion's individual OB associations. From this, our new population synthesis code is utilized to derive the history of the emission of UV radiation and kinetic energy of the material ejected by the massive stars, and also follow the ejection of the long-lived radioactive isotopes 26Al and 60Fe. In order to estimate the precision of our method, we compare and contrast three distinct representations of the massive stars. We compare the expected outputs with observations of 26Al gamma-ray signal and the extent of the Eridanus cavity. We find an integrated kinetic energy emitted by the massive stars of 1.8(+1.5-0.4)times 10^52 erg. This number is consistent with the energy thought to be required to create the Eridanus superbubble. We also find good agreement between our model and the observed 26Al signal, estimating a mass of 5.8(+2.7-2.5) times 10^-4 Msol of 26Al in the Orion region. Our population synthesis approach is demonstrated for the Orion region to reproduce three different kinds of observable outputs from massive stars in a consistent manner: Kinetic energy as manifested in ISM excavation, ionization as manifested in free-free emission, and nucleosynthesis ejecta as manifested in radioactivity gamma-rays. The good match between our model and the observables does not argue for considerable modifications of mass loss. If clumping effects turn out to be strong, other processes would need to be identified to compensate for their impact on massive-star outputs. Our population synthesis analysis jointly treats kinematic output and the return of radioactive isotopes, which proves a powerful extension of the methodology that constrains feedback from massive stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 10 page

    Chaotic Quantum Decay in Driven Biased Optical Lattices

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    Quantum decay in an ac driven biased periodic potential modeling cold atoms in optical lattices is studied for a symmetry broken driving. For the case of fully chaotic classical dynamics the classical exponential decay is quantum mechanically suppressed for a driving frequency \omega in resonance with the Bloch frequency \omega_B, q\omega=r\omega_B with integers q and r. Asymptotically an algebraic decay ~t^{-\gamma} is observed. For r=1 the exponent \gamma agrees with qq as predicted by non-Hermitian random matrix theory for q decay channels. The time dependence of the survival probability can be well described by random matrix theory. The frequency dependence of the survival probability shows pronounced resonance peaks with sub-Fourier character.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Domain-Wall Energies and Magnetization of the Two-Dimensional Random-Bond Ising Model

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    We study ground-state properties of the two-dimensional random-bond Ising model with couplings having a concentration p∈[0,1]p\in[0,1] of antiferromagnetic and (1−p)(1-p) of ferromagnetic bonds. We apply an exact matching algorithm which enables us the study of systems with linear dimension LL up to 700. We study the behavior of the domain-wall energies and of the magnetization. We find that the paramagnet-ferromagnet transition occurs at pc∼0.103p_c \sim 0.103 compared to the concentration pn∼0.109p_n\sim 0.109 at the Nishimory point, which means that the phase diagram of the model exhibits a reentrance. Furthermore, we find no indications for an (intermediate) spin-glass ordering at finite temperature.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figures, revTe

    Entanglement and its dynamics in open, dissipative systems

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    Quantum mechanical entanglement can exist in noisy open quantum systems at high temperature. A simple mechanism, where system particles are randomly reset to some standard initial state, can counteract the deteriorating effect of decoherence, resulting in an entangled steady state far from thermodynamical equilibrium. We present models for both gas-type systems and for strongly coupled systems. We point out in which way the entanglement resulting from such a reset mechanism is different from the entanglement that one can find in thermal states. We develop master equations to describe the system and its interaction with an environment, study toy models with two particles (qubits), where the master equation can often be solved analytically, and finally examine larger systems with possibly fluctuating particle numbers. We find that in gas-type systems, the reset mechanism can produce an entangled steady state for an arbitrary temperature of the environment, while this is not true in strongly coupled systems. But even then, the temperature range where one can find entangled steady states is typically much higher with the reset mechanism.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figure

    Photospheric Emission in the Joint GBM and Konus Prompt Spectra of GRB 120323A

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    GRB 120323A is a very intense short Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) detected simultaneously during its prompt gamma-ray emission phase with the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope and the Konus experiment on board the Wind satellite. GBM and Konus operate in the keV--MeV regime, however, the GBM range is broader both toward the low and the high parts of the gamma-ray spectrum. Analysis of such bright events provide a unique opportunity to check the consistency of the data analysis as well as cross-calibrate the two instruments. We performed time-integrated and coarse time-resolved spectral analysis of GRB 120323A prompt emission. We conclude that the analyses of GBM and Konus data are only consistent when using a double-hump spectral shape for both data sets; in contrast, the single-hump of the empirical Band function, traditionally used to fit GRB prompt emission spectra, leads to significant discrepancies between GBM and Konus analysis results. Our two-hump model is a combination of a thermal-like and a non-thermal component. We interpret the first component as a natural manifestation of the jet photospheric emission.Comment: 7 pages of article (3 figures and 1 table) + 3 pages of Appendix (3 figures). Submitted to ApJ on 2017 March 2

    Evidence for GeV emission from the Galactic Center Fountain

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    The region near the Galactic center may have experienced recurrent episodes of injection of energy in excess of ∼\sim 1055^{55} ergs due to repeated starbursts involving more than ∼\sim 104^4 supernovae. This hypothesis can be tested by measurements of γ\gamma-ray lines produced by the decay of radioactive isotopes and positron annihilation, or by searches for pulsars produced during starbursts. Recent OSSE observations of 511 keV emission extending above the Galactic center led to the suggestion of a starburst driven fountain from the Galactic center. We present EGRET observations that might support this picture.Comment: 5 pages, 1 embedded Postscript figure. To appear in the Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposiu
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