2,200 research outputs found

    Pion-nucleon scattering within a gauged linear sigma model with parity-doubled nucleons

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    We compute pion-nucleon scattering at tree-level within a gauged linear sigma model which contains the nucleon and its chiral partner. Such an investigation in principle allows to make definite predictions as to whether the main contribution to the nucleon mass comes from the chiral condensate or from the mixing with its chiral partner. We find that there seems to be no set of model parameters that allows for a simultaneous description of all experimentally measured scattering lengths and range parameters. This indicates the need to improve the dynamical ingredients of the model.Comment: 6 Pages, 1 Figure. To appear in the Proceedings of QM2006 (19th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Shanghai, China, November 14-20) in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Transfemoral treatment for iliac occlusive disease with endoluminal stent-grafts

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    Objectives:Percutaneous treatment of iliac artery occlusive disease has replaced open vascular reconstruction for several indications. A balloon angioplasty with or without stent is not an option in the presence of infrainguinal extension of the disease. The authors describe a technique that allows the construction of an aorto- or iliofemoral graft through a single groin incision, using a 4 mm PTFE graft, anchoring it proximally with a Palmaz stent and dilating both to the desired diameter.Design:Retrospective non-randomised study.Materials and Methods:Nineteen procedures were performed in 16 patients mainly because of ischaemic rest pain, often with trophic skin changes or minor gangrene. Three patients had a bilateral procedure. Twelve patients had one or more associated procedures: 10 distal bypasses, one thrombectomy, one reimplantation of a distal bypass on the iliofemoral graft, one contralateral profundaplasty and two stents of the contralateral common iliac artery.Results:Two patients died, one of small bowel ischaemia and the other of a myocardial infarction. During the mean follow-up of 8.8 months, two graft thromboses occurred. In another patient bilateral stenting of a residual stenosis was necessary.Conclusions:Our experience shows that the reported technique is feasible. Whether the procedure is truly “less invasive” and the long-term results acceptable remains to be shown

    Spectral and Timing Nature of the Symbiotic X-ray Binary 4U 1954+319: The Slowest Rotating Neutron Star in an X-ray Binary System

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    The symbiotic X-ray binary 4U 1954+319 is a rare system hosting a peculiar neutron star (NS) and an M-type optical companion. Its ~5.4h NS spin period is the longest among all known accretion-powered pulsars and exhibited large (~7%) fluctuations over 8 years. A spin trend transition was detected with Swift/BAT around an X-ray brightening in 2012. The source was in quiescent and bright states before and after this outburst based on 60 ks Suzaku observations in 2011 and 2012. The observed continuum is well described by a Comptonized model with the addition of a narrow 6.4 keV Fe Kalpha line during the outburst. Spectral similarities to slowly rotating pulsars in high-mass X-ray binaries, its high pulsed fraction (~60-80%), and the location in the Corbet diagram favor high B-field (>~1e+12 G) over a weak field as in low-mass X-ray binaries. The observed low X-ray luminosity (1e+33-1e+35 erg/s), probable wide orbit, and a slow stellar wind of this SyXB make quasi-spherical accretion in the subsonic settling regime a plausible model. Assuming a ~1e+13 G NS, this scheme can explain the ~5.4 h equilibrium rotation without employing the magnetar-like field (~1e+16 G) required in the disk accretion case. The time-scales of multiple irregular flares (~50 s) can also be attributed to the free-fall time from the Alfven shell for a ~1e+13 G field. A physical interpretation of SyXBs beyond the canonical binary classifications is discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Some applications of enthalpimetric detection in flow injection analysis

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    A flow injection manifold is described based on a flow-through arrangement of thermistors for measuring heat effects of chemical reactions. Temperature changes down to 10−3 °C can be measured reproducibly. The working range for the determination of a component is dependent on the reaction enthalpy and can vary from 10−3 to 10 mol/l for acids and bases, from 10 to 1000 ppm for e.g., alkylhydroperoxides. Sample frequencies up to 150 samples per hour can be realized

    Deuteronomic traditions in St. Luke's Gospel: a study in biblical theology

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    The question of how the Evangelists of the first century want about theLr tasks has always been open. Source study gained a major place uncer the Formgechichte school and the impact continues today. We consif.er also today the community in which the Evangelist stands. The redaction-critical investigation does not give us information concerning the Sitz im Leben Jesu, but it can lead us to a better understanding of the Sitz im Lebeft Kirche. Besides the sources (written or oral) at the disposal of the writer we must reckon with his own outlook tnd theology, not forgetting those for whom he is writing.H. Conzelmanr, C.K. Barrett and others today have helped us to the position thai Luke was a skilled theologian. If we regard Luke as a theologian we s ould be able to detect some of his theological positions and suppositions. The Lukan corpus is the most extensive of New Testament writ ngs. Behind what Luke set down oh parchment was the preaching, witness ind experience of the sub-apostolic Church. What we have in Luke-Acts i a kind of double projection. It Is a picture of the. Church of the apost lie period superimposed by the picture of the Church of the sub-apostoli period. What is the relationship of the Old Covenant to this Ne Covenant people? How are the Scriptures of the Old Testament relat .d to that compilation of writings of the "many" to whom Luke refer- in his preface? More specifically, what is the relationship of Deuteronomy to Luke and his sources?C. F. Evans has contributed much to the genesis of our paper through his essay, "The Central Section of St. Luke's Gospel". A careful study of Evans' hypothesis that the Central Section of Luke's Gospel follows Deuteronomy by way of correspondence and contrast, has grown into a dissertation. We concur that Evans has found a connection between Luke and Deuteronomy. The argument that the connection is based on the order of contents Is difficult to support adequately. We propose an alternative. Starting from the Prophet Like Moses emphasis of Acts 3 and 7 we perceive a consistent typology. Jesus is preached, according to Luke, as a type of Moses-the fulfilment of the Prophet Like Moses of Deut.18:15, 18. We observe that Luke emphasizes the prophetic elements very strongly n-tq Christology. Tha sides of the character of Jesus emphasized by Luke are precisely those wuich die Pentateuch portrays of Moses; the prophetic, priestly, kingly and servant features.The mediatorial role of the dying Christ is presented more clearly by Luke than by the other Evangelists. Luke alone records the "Father forgive them" passage. (23:24). This attitude is parallel to the tradition of Deut. 9 where Moses three times makes intercession for Israel. In the record of the Transfiguration Deut. 18:15 plays a paramount part. The whole of the Journey Teaching Section follows, as it were^ under the 'hear you him' imperative. Luke alone introduces the word^o&oSin describing Jesus* death which was to take place in Jerusalem. From this point of view it is argued that the "journey to Jerusalem" which many believe to be a literary device is also a theological expression. It is a Wilderness Teaching Journey. It begins with a Mosaic act - the sending out of the Seventy Throughout the 'Journey', moreover, the figure of Moses is nearly always present along with Deuteronomic traditions and teaching. Aliusions to Deuteronomy are so plentiful that we concede that the Section is a kind of Christian Deuteronomy.The predicted end of Jerusalem as described by Luke 21:20-34 parallels at several points the predicted end of the nation as recorded in Deut. 28. There appears to be a correspondence in relating the and of the nation with the death of Moses, the end of Jerusalem with the death of Jesus. When the verses of Mark are taken out of Luke 21:20-34 there remains a narrative which coheres. In the latter we find many Deuteronomic insights and traditions.When we examine the Temptation narrative we note the order moving from Galilee to Jerusalem which is the order of Jesus' ministry, according to St. Luke. There appears to be more of Deuteronomy behind the narrative than the mere quotation of the Deuteronomic texts. Here is re-enacted the temptation of Israel in the Wilderness. The temptations which caused Israel to fail in time past met their conqueror in Jesus. According to Luke, Jesus moves toward Jerusalem to make the 'exodus' which Israel could not

    Pharmacokinetics and sputum penetration of azithromycin during once weekly dosing in cystic fibrosis patients

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    In this study we examined pharmacokinetics, systemic exposure and sputum penetration of azithromycin (AZM) in CF patients on chronic daily AZM therapy after changing to a once weekly dosing scheme. Eight adult CF patients using AZM 500 mg/day were changed to a once weekly dose of 1000 mg during 3 months. Once per month sputum and blood samples were collected. AZM was quantified in blood plasma and polymorphonuclear neutrophils. The cumulative weekly dose was reduced with a factor of 3.5 (7x500 mg vs. 1x1000 mg weekly). This led to a reduction in area under the curve (AUC+/-S.D.) with a factor of 2.5+/-0.8 in plasma, 2.8+/-0.9 in blood, 2.2+/-1.1 in PMNNs and to a reduction in average sputum concentration with a factor of 3.0 (+/-1.5). At 1000 mg once weekly reduced but still substantial concentrations were achieved in PMNNs and in sputum. Although not significant, a tendency towards less than linear reduction was found. In order to calculate and propose an optimal dosing scheme we need to establish a relation between exposure levels and clinical efficacy

    Is the `IR Coincidence' Just That?

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    (Abridged) Motch (1985) suggested that in the hard state of GX 339-4 the soft X-ray power-law extrapolated backward in energy agrees with the IR flux. Corbel & Fender (2002) showed that the hard state radio power-law extrapolated forward in energy meets the extrapolated X-ray power-law at an IR break, which was explicitly observed twice in GX 339-4. This `IR coincidence' has been cited as further evidence that a jet might make a significant contribution to the X-rays in hard state systems. We explore this hypothesis with a series of simultaneous radio/X-ray observations of GX 339-4, taken during its 1997, 1999, and 2002 hard states. We fit these spectra, in detector space, with a simple, but remarkably successful, doubly broken power-law that requires an IR spectral break. For these observations, the break position and the integrated radio/IR flux have stronger dependences upon the X-rays than the simplest jet predictions. If one allows for a softening of the X-ray power law with increasing flux, then the jet model agrees with the correlation. We also find evidence that the radio/X-ray fcorrelation previously observed in GX 339-4 shows a `parallel track' for the 2002 hard state. The slope of the 2002 correlation is consistent with prior observations; however, the radio amplitude is reduced. We then examine the correlation in Cyg X-1 through the use of radio data, obtained with the Ryle radio telescope, and RXTE data, from the ASM and pointed observations. We again find evidence of `parallel tracks', and here they are associated with `failed transitions' to the soft state. We also find that for Cyg X-1 the radio flux is more fundamentally correlated with the hard X-ray flux.Comment: To Appear in the July 2005 Astrophysical Journal; 9 Pages, uses emulateapj.st