183 research outputs found

    Second-harmonic electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging reveal metallic lithium depositions in Li-ion batteries

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    We have investigated metallic lithium particle nucleation following lithiation and delithiation steps of the graphite electrode using X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Metallic lithium aggregates like dendrites and/or filaments which are formed during electrochemical cycling on the graphite anode are complex structures which may lead to internal short-circuit and safety issues. Understanding and following, in real conditions, this nucleation process is necessary to improve the development of Li-ion batteries. The complexity to detect metallic lithium structures inside Li-ion batteries depends on the number of EPR lines and their linewidth. The presence of lithiated graphite phases affects the detection of micrometric Li-metal elements. Herein, we report a new approach using cw-EPR (continuous-wave EPR) spectroscopy and imaging, combining the first- and second-harmonic detection schemes to provide evidence for the metallic lithium aggregate nucleation in these negative electrodes. Although the first harmonic gives all the EPR signals present in the sample, it is found that the second-harmonic EPR signal is mainly sensitive to metallic lithium depositions.</p

    Conformational selection underlies recognition of a molybdoenzyme by its dedicated chaperone

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    Molecular recognition is central to all biological processes. Understanding the key role played by dedicated chaperones in metalloprotein folding and assembly requires the knowledge of their conformational ensembles. In this study, the NarJ chaperone dedicated to the assembly of the membrane-bound respiratory nitrate reductase complex NarGHI, a molybdenum-iron containing metalloprotein, was taken as a model of dedicated chaperone. The combination of two techniques ie site-directed spin labeling followed by EPR spectroscopy and ion mobility mass spectrometry, was used to get information about the structure and conformational dynamics of the NarJ chaperone upon binding the N-terminus of the NarG metalloprotein partner. By the study of singly spin-labeled proteins, the E119 residue present in a conserved elongated hydrophobic groove of NarJ was shown to be part of the interaction site. Moreover, doubly spin-labeled proteins studied by pulsed double electron-electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy revealed a large and composite distribution of inter-label distances that evolves into a single preexisting one upon complex formation. Additionally, ion mobility mass spectrometry experiments fully support these findings by revealing the existence of several conformers in equilibrium through the distinction of different drift time curves and the selection of one of them upon complex formation. Taken together our work provides a detailed view of the structural flexibility of a dedicated chaperone and suggests that the exquisite recognition and binding of the N-terminus of the metalloprotein is governed by a conformational selection mechanism

    Angular Dependences of Third Harmonic Generation from Microdroplets

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    We present experimental and theoretical results for the angular dependence of third harmonic generation (THG) of water droplets in the micrometer range (size parameter 62<ka<24862<ka<248). The THG signal in pp- and ss-polarization obtained with ultrashort laser pulses is compared with a recently developed nonlinear extension of classical Mie theory including multipoles of order l≀250l\leq250. Both theory and experiment yield over a wide range of size parameters remarkably stable intensity maxima close to the forward and backward direction at ``magic angles''. In contrast to linear Mie scattering, both are of comparable intensity.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 3 figures available on request from [email protected], submitted to PR

    Paraphrastic Reformulations in Spoken Corpora

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    International audienceOur work addresses the automatic detection of paraphrastic reformulation in French spoken corpora. The proposed approach is syn-tagmatic. It is based on specific markers and the specificities of the spoken language. Manual multi-dimensional annotation performed by two annotators provides fine-grained reference data. An automatic method is proposed in order to decide whether sentences contain or not paraphras-tic relations. The obtained results show up to 66.4% precision. Analysis of the manual annotations indicates that few paraphrastic segments show morphological modifications (inflection, derivation or compounding) and that the syntactic equivalence between the segments is seldom respected, as these usually belong to different syntactic categories

    Der Verbleib kupferbasierter Fungizide in Weinbergböden: Eine Fallstudie der stabilen Kupfer-IsotopenverhÀltnisse und Elektronenspinresonanz von Calco- und Vertisolen in Soave (Italien)

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    Kupferbasierte Fungizide sind im Weinbau weit verbreitet und im biologischen Weinbau die einzig erlaubten Pestizide zur BekĂ€mpfung von falschem Mehltau. Durch den intensiven, dauerhaften Gebrauch von Kupfer reichert sich dieser, mit wachsenden ökotoxikologischen Konsequenzen, in Weinbergböden an. In dieser Studie untersuchen wir den Verbleib von Kupfer in einem Calcosol und einem Vertisol aus Soave (Italien). Beide Böden werden seit ĂŒber 50 Jahren mit Kupfer behandelt. Wir stellen Massenbilanzen auf und nutzen die innovative Kombination aus Messung stabiler Cu-IsotopenverhĂ€ltnisse und Elektronenspinresonanzspektroskopie (ESR), um Einblicke in die biogeochemischen Mechanismen der Kupferbindung zu erlangen. Die untersuchten Böden weisen hohe exogene Kupfergehalte auf, welche eine Akkumulation der heutigen maximalen Behandlungsmenge ĂŒber 50 Jahre ĂŒberschreiten. Dies belegt, dass einmal sehr viel grĂ¶ĂŸere Mengen Cu im Weinbau verwendet wurden und dass ein Großteil dieses Kupfers in den jeweiligen Böden verbleibt. In Vertisolen fallen die Cu-Konzentrationen unter dem vertischen Horizont schnell auf die geogene Hintergrundkonzentration, wobei in Calcosolen dieser Abfall progressiver erfolgt. IsotopenverhĂ€ltnisse unterscheiden sich zwischen den verschieden Bodentypen (ÎŽCu-65 zwischen 0.12 und 0.37 ‰), obwohl sie die gleiche Behandlung erfahren haben. Kupferisotope in Oberböden sind schwerer als in Unterböden und Citratextraktionen zeigen, dass mobiles Kupfer isotopisch schwerer ist als der Gesamtgehalt. Die Horizonte des Calcosols sind systematisch leichter als die des Vertisols, was auf unterschiedliche biogeochemische Bindungsmechanismen von Kupfer hinweist. Dies wird durch die ESR-Spektren bestĂ€tigt. In Oberböden zeigen sie eine Kupferbindung an organisches Material, wobei es im gesamten Bodenprofil Unterschiede in der Cu-Bindung zwischen den beiden Bodentypen gibt. Wenn jedoch Horizonte des Calcosols mit SĂ€ure entkalkt werden, nĂ€hren sich deren ESR-Spektren denen der Vertisole an, wohingegen letztere nicht auf eine SĂ€urebehandlung reagieren. Somit wird gezeigt, dass in Calcosolen Karbonate an der Bindung von Kupfer beteiligt sind wobei in Vertisolen der vertische Horizont eine wichtige Rolle spielt. DarĂŒber hinaus wird durch die analoge Variation von ESR-Spektren und IsotopenverhĂ€ltnissen wird die Anwendbarkeit von Cu-Isotopenanalysen und ESR-Spektroskopie zur AufklĂ€rung von biogeochemischen Prozessen in Böden demonstriert

    Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Loaded with Surfactant: Low Temperature Magic Angle Spinning 13C and 29Si NMR Enhanced by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization

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    We show that dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) can be used to enhance NMR signals of13C and 29Si nuclei located in mesoporous organic/inorganic hybrid materials, at several hundreds of nanometers from stable radicals (TOTAPOL) trapped in the surrounding frozen disordered water. The approach is demonstrated using mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN), functionalized with 3-(N-phenylureido)propyl (PUP) groups, filled with the surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). The DNP-enhanced proton magnetization is transported into the mesopores via 1H–1H spin diffusion and transferred to rare spins by cross-polarization, yielding signal enhancements Δon/off of around 8. When the CTAB molecules are extracted, so that the radicals can enter the mesopores, the enhancements increase to Δon/off ≈ 30 for both nuclei. A quantitative analysis of the signal enhancements in MSN with and without surfactant is based on a one-dimensional proton spin diffusion model. The effect of solvent deuteration is also investigated
