4,138 research outputs found

    Simulation validation and flight prediction of UH-60A Black Hawk helicopter/slung load characteristics

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    Helicopter/slung load systems are two body systems in which the slung load adds its rigid body dynamics, aerodynamics, and sling stretching dynamics to the helicopter. The slung load can degrade helicopter handling qualities and reduce the flight envelope of the helicopter. Confirmation of system stability parameters and envelope is desired, but flight test evaluation is time consuming and costly. A simulation model validated for handling quality assessments would significantly reduce resources expended in flight testing while increasing efficiency, productivity, and safety by aiding researchers, designers, and pilots to understand factors affecting helicopter-slung load handling qualities. This thesis describes a comprehensive dynamics and aerodynamics model for slung load simulation, obtained by integrating the NASA Ames Gen Hel UH-60A simulation with slung load equations of motion. Frequency domain analysis is used to compare simulation to flight test frequency responses and key system stability parameters. Results are given for no load, a 4K lb Block, and a 4K lb CONEX load. Handling quality parameters, stability margins, and load pendulum motion roots for cases without load aerodynamics and with static wind tunnel data were compared. Results illustrated state-of-the-art simulation modeling of helicopter/slung load dynamics and its accuracy in predicting key dynamic parameters of interest.http://archive.org/details/simulationvalida1094513648U.S. Navy (U.S.N.) author.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Guiding chemical pulses through geometry: Y-junctions

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    We study computationally and experimentally the propagation of chemical pulses in complex geometries.The reaction of interest, CO oxidation, takes place on single crystal Pt(110) surfaces that are microlithographically patterned; they are also addressable through a focused laser beam, manipulated through galvanometer mirrors, capable of locally altering the crystal temperature and thus affecting pulse propagation. We focus on sudden changes in the domain shape (corners in a Y-junction geometry) that can affect the pulse dynamics; we also show how brief, localized temperature perturbations can be used to control reactive pulse propagation.The computational results are corroborated through experimental studies in which the pulses are visualized using Reflection Anisotropy Microscopy.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Spin-Coupled Local Distortions in Multiferroic Hexagonal HoMnO3

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    Local structural measurements have been performed on hexagonal HoMnO3 in order to ascertain the specific changes in bond distances which accompany magnetic ordering transitions. The transition from paramagnetic to the antiferromagetic (noncollinear) phase near ~70 K is dominated by changes in the a-b plane Mn-Mn bond distances. The spin rotation transition near ~40 K involves both Mn-Mn and nearest neighbor Ho-Mn interactions while the low temperature transition below 10 K involves all interactions, Mn-Mn, Ho-Mn (nearest and next nearest) and Ho-Ho correlations. These changes in bond distances reveal strong spin-lattice coupling. The similarity in magnitude of the change in J(Mn-Mn) and J(Ho-Mn) enhances the system frustration. The structural changes are interpreted in terms of a model of competing spin order and local structural distortions. Density functional calculations are used to estimate the energies associated with ionic displacements. The calculations also reveal asymmetric polarization of the charge density of Ho, O3 and O4 sites along the z-axis in the ferroelectric phase. This polarization facilitates coupling between Ho atoms on neighboring planes normal to the z-axis.Comment: 8 figure

    Psychosocial Mechanisms Underlying Older Black Men’s Health

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    Objectives: To evaluate the psychosocial mechanisms underlying older Black men's self-rated health, we examined: (a) the individual, cumulative, and collective effects of stressors on health; (b) the direct effects of psychosocial resources on health; and (c) the stress-moderating effects of psychosocial resources. Method: This study is based on a nationally representative sample of Black men aged 51-81 (N = 593) in the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models of the psychosocial determinants of self-rated health draw on data from the HRS 2010 and 2012 Core datasets and Psychosocial Modules. Results: Each of the six measures of stressors as well as a cumulative measure of stressors are predictive of worse self-rated health. However, when considered collectively, only two stressors (chronic strains and traumatic events) have statistically significant effects. Furthermore, two of the five psychosocial resources examined (mastery and optimism) have statistically significant protective effects, and prayer moderates the harmful effects of traumatic events on self-rated health. Discussion: Conventional measures of stressors and coping resources-originally developed to account for variance in health outcomes among predominantly white samples-may not capture psychosocial factors most salient for older Black men's health. Future research should incorporate psychosocial measures that reflect their unique experiences

    Flow Injection Atomic Absorption Spectrometry: The Kinetics of Instrument Response

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    The concept of dispersion coefficient is discussed with particular reference to flow injection atomic absorption spectrometry where the detector contributes appreciably to the analytical signal characteristics. Single- and parallel-tank models of instrument response are developed and critically examined. The progress made to date by investigators of nebuliser performance is briefly reviewed prior to developing a semi-empirical extended-tank model of instrument response. The capabilities of this model are explored by deriving a set of equations for instrument response, and comparing the predictions with experimental results. Agreement is generally good. Advantages of the modelling approach are discussed

    My True Heart In Days Of Old

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    Preliminary Characterization of Peroxidase Isozymes Isolated from Two Flax Genotrophs

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    Four peroxidase (EC isozymes were isolated from each of two flax genotrophs. All four isozymes were glycoproteins and all exhibited indoleacetic acid (IAA) oxidase activity. The percentage purity of two of the isozymes was very high; these isozymes differed in percentage carbohydrate and in peroxidase and IAA oxidase specific activities. Three of the isozymes displayed molecular weight values of about 43 000; for the fourth, molecular weight was considerably higher. Corresponding isozymes from the genotrophs and from two other flax genotypes displayed molecular weight differences which corresponded to electrophoretic relative mobility differences. Enzyme yield per unit fresh weight was higher for one genotroph than the other, and the balance between peroxidase activity and IAA oxidase activity between the genotrophs was different

    Tests of Bayesian Model Selection Techniques for Gravitational Wave Astronomy

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    The analysis of gravitational wave data involves many model selection problems. The most important example is the detection problem of selecting between the data being consistent with instrument noise alone, or instrument noise and a gravitational wave signal. The analysis of data from ground based gravitational wave detectors is mostly conducted using classical statistics, and methods such as the Neyman-Pearson criteria are used for model selection. Future space based detectors, such as the \emph{Laser Interferometer Space Antenna} (LISA), are expected to produced rich data streams containing the signals from many millions of sources. Determining the number of sources that are resolvable, and the most appropriate description of each source poses a challenging model selection problem that may best be addressed in a Bayesian framework. An important class of LISA sources are the millions of low-mass binary systems within our own galaxy, tens of thousands of which will be detectable. Not only are the number of sources unknown, but so are the number of parameters required to model the waveforms. For example, a significant subset of the resolvable galactic binaries will exhibit orbital frequency evolution, while a smaller number will have measurable eccentricity. In the Bayesian approach to model selection one needs to compute the Bayes factor between competing models. Here we explore various methods for computing Bayes factors in the context of determining which galactic binaries have measurable frequency evolution. The methods explored include a Reverse Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC) algorithm, Savage-Dickie density ratios, the Schwarz-Bayes Information Criterion (BIC), and the Laplace approximation to the model evidence. We find good agreement between all of the approaches.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure
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