10,219 research outputs found

    Formalisierter Wilder Raum - Chinesische Berge und ihre Beschreibungen (shanzhi)

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    Die Arbeit setzt sich kritisch mit der Gattung von kulturgeographischer Literatur in China auseinander. Insbesondere werden jene Texte analysiert, die sich auf alpine Kulturlandschaften beziehen. Die Editionsgeschichte der Texte ist ein wichtiges Indiz fur die Mechanik der Auseinandersetzung mit der naturlichen Umgebung im alten China; ihre Inhalte reflektieren einen erstaunlichen Wissensstand, welcher im Laufe der Zeit editionsgeschichtlich formalisiert und standardisiert wurde

    Die Messung der Patientenzufriedenheit

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    Die Wettbewerbsintensivierung auf dem Markt für Krankenhausdienstleistungen erfordert patientenorientierte Führungskonzepte. Durch das Ausscheiden des Preises als Wettbewerbsinstrument sowie den eingeschränkten kommunikationspolitischen Möglichkeiten eines Krankenhauses im deutschsprachigen Raum kommen der Konzentration auf die Zielgruppen und deren Zufriedenstellung eine herausragende ökonomische Bedeutung zu. Die aus der subjektiv wahrgenommenen Dienstleistungsqualität resultierende Patientenzufriedenheit wird somit zum entscheidenden Wettbewerbsfaktor. An dieser Stelle setzt die vorliegende Arbeit an. Ziel ist es, ein Messinstrument zur Erfassung der Dienstleistungsqualität in Krankenhäusern zu entwickeln. Das vorgeschlagene Modell basiert auf der subjektiven Wahrnehmung der Patientenzufriedenheit und beschränkt sich auf den stationären Krankenhausaufenthalt auf Normalstationen. Die aufgestellte Hypothesenstruktur wird mit Hilfe eines linearen Strukturgleichungsmodells überprüft und mit zwei weiteren Modellen zur Messung der Dienstleistungsqualität verglichen. Das entwickelte Basismodul ermöglicht im Sinne eines Früherkennungssystems eine permanente, multiattributive Messung der Patientenzufriedenheit zur kontinuierlichen Überprüfung der eigenen Versorgungsleistungen und zum rechtzeitigen Ergreifen von Korrekturmaßnahmen

    Mutations in hepatitis C virus E2 located outside the CD81 binding sites lead to escape from broadly neutralizing antibodies but compromise virus infectivity.

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    Broadly neutralizing antibodies are commonly present in the sera of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. To elucidate possible mechanisms of virus escape from these antibodies, retrovirus particles pseudotyped with HCV glycoproteins (HCVpp) isolated from sequential samples collected over a 26-year period from a chronically infected patient, H, were used to characterize the neutralization potential and binding affinity of a panel of anti-HCV E2 human monoclonal antibodies (HMAbs). Moreover, AP33, a neutralizing murine monoclonal antibody (MAb) to a linear epitope in E2, was also tested against selected variants. The HMAbs used were previously shown to broadly neutralize HCV and to recognize a cluster of highly immunogenic overlapping epitopes, designated domain B, containing residues that are also critical for binding of viral E2 glycoprotein to CD81, a receptor essential for virus entry. Escape variants were observed at different time points with some of the HMAbs. Other HMAbs neutralized all variants except for the isolate 02.E10, obtained in 2002, which was also resistant to MAb AP33. The 02.E10 HCVpp that have reduced binding affinities for all antibodies and for CD81 also showed reduced infectivity. Comparison of the 02.E10 nucleotide sequence with that of the strain H-derived consensus variant, H77c, revealed the former to have two mutations in E2, S501N and V506A, located outside the known CD81 binding sites. Substitution A506V in 02.E10 HCVpp restored binding to CD81, but its antibody neutralization sensitivity was only partially restored. Double substitutions comprising N501S and A506V synergistically restored 02.E10 HCVpp infectivity. Other mutations that are not part of the antibody binding epitope in the context of N501S and A506V were able to completely restore neutralization sensitivity. These findings showed that some nonlinear overlapping epitopes are more essential than others for viral fitness and consequently are more invariant during earlier years of chronic infection. Further, the ability of the 02.E10 consensus variant to escape neutralization by the tested antibodies could be a new mechanism of virus escape from immune containment. Mutations that are outside receptor binding sites resulted in structural changes leading to complete escape from domain B neutralizing antibodies, while simultaneously compromising viral fitness by reducing binding to CD81

    White-Tailed Deer are a Biotic Filter During Community Assembly, Reducing Species and Phylogenetic Diversity

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    Community assembly entails a filtering process, where species found in a local community are those that can pass through environmental (abiotic) and biotic filters and successfully compete. Previous research has demonstrated the ability of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) to reduce species diversity and favour browse-tolerant plant communities. In this study, we expand on our previous work by investigating deer as a possible biotic filter altering local plant community assembly. We used replicated 23-year-old deer exclosures to experimentally assess the effects of deer on species diversity (H′), richness (SR), phylogenetic community structure and phylogenetic diversity in paired browsed (control) and unbrowsed (exclosed) plots. Additionally, we developed a deer-browsing susceptibility index (DBSI) to assess the vulnerability of local species to deer. Deer browsing caused a 12 % reduction in H′ and 17 % reduction in SR, consistent with previous studies. Furthermore, browsing reduced phylogenetic diversity by 63 %, causing significant phylogenetic clustering. Overall, graminoids were the least vulnerable to deer browsing based on DBSI calculations. These findings demonstrate that deer are a significant driver of plant community assembly due to their role as a selective browser, or more generally, as a biotic filter. This study highlights the importance of knowledge about the plant tree of life in assessing the effects of biotic filters on plant communities. Application of such knowledge has considerable potential to advance our understanding of plant community assembly

    Unusually Divergent Ubiquitin Genes and Proteins in Plasmodium Species

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    Ubiquitin is an extraordinarily highly conserved 76 amino acid protein encoded by three different types of gene, where the primary translation products are fusions either of ubiquitin with one of two ribosomal proteins (RPs) or of multiple ubiquitin monomers from head to tail. Here, we investigate the evolution of ubiquitin genes in mammalian malaria parasites (Plasmodium species). The ubiquitin encoded by the RPS27a fusion gene is highly divergent, as previously found in a variety of protists. However, we also find that two other forms of divergent ubiquitin sequence, each previously thought to be extremely rare, have arisen recently during the divergence of Plasmodium subgenera. On two occasions, in two distinct lineages, the ubiquitin encoded by the RPL40 fusion gene has rapidly diverged. In addition, in one of these lineages, the polyubiquitin genes have undergone a single codon insertion, previously considered a unique feature of Rhizaria. There has been disagreement whether the multiple ubiquitin coding repeats within a genome exhibit concerted evolution or undergo a birth-and-death process; the Plasmodium ubiquitin genes show clear signs of concerted evolution, including the spread of this codon insertion to multiple repeats within the polyubiquitin gene.</p

    Uncertainties in Evapotranspiration Estimates over West Africa

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    An evapotranspiration (ET) ensemble composed of 36 land surface model (LSM) experiments and four diagnostic datasets (GLEAM, ALEXI, MOD16, and FLUXNET) is used to investigate uncertainties in ET estimate over five climate regions in West Africa. Diagnostic ET datasets show lower uncertainty estimates and smaller seasonal variations than the LSM-based ET values, particularly in the humid climate regions. Overall, the impact of the choice of LSMs and meteorological forcing datasets on the modeled ET rates increases from north to south. The LSM formulations and parameters have the largest impact on ET in humid regions, contributing to 90% of the ET uncertainty estimates. Precipitation contributes to the ET uncertainty primarily in arid regions. The LSM-based ET estimates are sensitive to the uncertainty of net radiation in arid region and precipitation in humid region. This study serves as support for better determining water availability for agriculture and livelihoods in Africa with earth observations and land surface models

    Exploring Ethical Development from Standard Instruction in the Contexts of Biomedical Engineering and Earth Science

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    Ethics continues to be required in the accreditation of engineers. However, ethics is seldom the core focus of departmental instruction. Yet, standard instruction may have myriad impacts on students' ethical development. This study explores students’ ethical formation when ethics is a peripheral or non-intentional aspect of instruction in departmental courses in Biomedical Engineering and Earth Science. The research question that we seek to address is, “In what different ways and to what extent does participation in departmental engineering and science courses cultivate STEM students’ ethical formation?” To address our research question, we disseminated a survey to students before (pre) and after (post) their participation in one of 12 courses offered in Earth Science or Biomedical Engineering during the Fall 2017 or Spring 2018. The survey included four instruments: (1) the Civic-Minded Graduate scale; (2) the Interpersonal Reactivity Index; (3) two relational constructs developed by the authors; and (4) the Defining Issues Test-2. Results suggest that current Earth Science curriculum, overall, positively contributes to students' ethical growth. However, the Biomedical Engineering courses showed no evidence of change. As the Earth Science courses do not explicitly focus on ethics, one potential explanation for this trend is the community-engaged nature of the Earth Science curriculum. These findings will be beneficial locally to help direct improvements in departmental STEM instruction. In addition, these findings pave the way for future comparative analyses exploring how variations in ethical instruction contribute to students' ethical and professional formation. © 2019 American Society for Engineering Educatio