104 research outputs found

    Carbon/graphite fiber risk analysis and assessment study: An assessment of the risk to Douglas commercial transport aircraft

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    The potential hazard to electrical and electronic devices should there be a release of free carbon fibers due to an aircraft crash and fire was assessed. Exposure and equipment sensitivity data were compiled for a risk analysis. Results are presented in the following areas: DC-9/DC-10 electrical/electronic component characterization; DC-9 and DC-10 fiber transfer functions; potential for transport aircraft equipment exposure to carbon fibers; and equipment vulnerability assessment. Results reflect only a negligible increase in risk for the DC-9 and DC-10 fleets either now or projected to 1993

    Ambulant oppfølgning i hjemmet til eldre kvinner med kols

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    Introduksjon: Forekomsten av kronisk obstruktiv lungesykdom (kols) er økende hos kvinner og ved stigende alder. Ved forverring av kols kan oppfølgning av sykepleiere i hjemmet være et trygt og gjennomførbart alternativ til at kols-pasienter forblir innlagt i sykehus. Få studier har undersøkt om kols-pasienters helserelaterte livskvalitet endrer seg ved oppfølgning av sykepleiere i hjemmet. Hensikt: Å undersøke om det er en endring i helserelatert livskvalitet hos eldre kvinner med kols etter oppfølging av sykepleier i hjemmet etter sykehusutskrivelse og få kunnskap om hvordan eldre kvinner med kols erfarer oppfølgning av sykepleier i hjemmet. Metode: Utviklingsprosjektet kombinerte kvantitativ og kvalitativ metode. Femten pasienters helserelaterte livskvalitet ble kartlagt på tre måletidspunkter i forbindelse med oppfølgning av sykepleier i hjemmet etter sykehusutskrivelse. Ni av pasientene ble dybdeintervjuet for å få kunnskap om deres erfaringer med å bli fulgt opp av sykepleier i hjemmet. Resultater: Pasientenes helserelaterte livskvalitet endret seg ikke signifikant i prosjektperioden. Tre temaer trådde frem i den kvalitative tekstanalysen: den personlige relasjonen til sykepleierne, kontinuitet i undervisning og veiledning fra sykepleierne og eget sosiale nettverk. Konklusjon: Resultatene fra prosjektet støtter implementering av ambulant oppfølgning hjemme for eldre kvinner med kols

    Robust Bounds on Choosing from Large Tournaments

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    Tournament solutions provide methods for selecting the "best" alternatives from a tournament and have found applications in a wide range of areas. Previous work has shown that several well-known tournament solutions almost never rule out any alternative in large random tournaments. Nevertheless, all analytical results thus far have assumed a rigid probabilistic model, in which either a tournament is chosen uniformly at random, or there is a linear order of alternatives and the orientation of all edges in the tournament is chosen with the same probabilities according to the linear order. In this work, we consider a significantly more general model where the orientation of different edges can be chosen with different probabilities. We show that a number of common tournament solutions, including the top cycle and the uncovered set, are still unlikely to rule out any alternative under this model. This corresponds to natural graph-theoretic conditions such as irreducibility of the tournament. In addition, we provide tight asymptotic bounds on the boundary of the probability range for which the tournament solutions select all alternatives with high probability.Comment: Appears in the 14th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE), 201

    Social rank in schools of juvenile yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata

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    The composition, stability and biotic factors of social rank in juvenile marine fish schools are demonstrated using juvenile yellowtails, Seriola quinequeradiata (Temminck et Schlegel: Carangidae). According to the frequency of aggressive behaviour, members within a school were divided into three categories: dominants (10-20%) intermediates (10-20%) and sub-ordinates (60-80%). Social rank was reset with the same hierarchy composition when dominants and intermediates were combined. Observation of individual aggressive behaviour using a video image analysis system revealed that starvation and an increase in fish densities accelerated aggression only in the dominants. In order to determine the durability of social rank, otoliths of dominant fish in eight experimental groups were labelled and the fish returned to their groups; six dominants appeared after one day and three after one week of rearing, indicating that social rank was maintained for at least one week (binomial distribution; P < 0.05). Total lengths of dominants were larger than tose of subordinates after one day of rearing, whereas dominants were smaller after one week. Social rank of this species is decided upon by individual aggressive tendency, but is not beneficial for feeding or growth


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    Decompression of the Forearm After Injury

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    Kliniske neurosestudier

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    Newspaper differentiation and investments in journalism: the role of tax policy

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    Many countries levy reduced-rate indirect taxes on newspapers, with proclaimed policy goals of stimulating investment in journalism and ensuring low newspaper prices. However, by taking into account the fact that the media industry operates in two-sided markets, we find the paradoxical result that the consequences of a low-tax regime might be quite the opposite. We also show that the low-tax regime tends to increase newspaper differentiation. If the advertising market is relatively small, the newspapers might invest too little in journalism and be too differentiated from a social point of view. In this case a tax increase will be welfare-enhancing.Hans Jarle Kind, Guttorm Schjelderup, and Frank Stähle

    Final shape of a dynamically loaded elastic- plastic redundant structure

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