412 research outputs found

    Emission Line Galaxies in the STIS Parallel Survey I: Observations and Data Analysis

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    In the first three years of operation STIS obtained slitless spectra of approximately 2500 fields in parallel to prime HST observations as part of the STIS Parallel Survey (SPS). The archive contains almost 300 fields at high galactic latitude (|b|>30) with spectroscopic exposure times greater than 3000 seconds. This sample contains 220 fields (excluding special regions and requiring a consistent grating angle) observed between 6 June 1997 and 21 September 2000, with a total survey area of about 160 square arcminutes. At this depth, the SPS detects an average of one emission line galaxy per three fields. We present the analysis of these data, and the identification of 131 low to intermediate redshift galaxies detected by optical emission lines. The sample contains 78 objects with emission lines that we infer to be redshifted [OII]3727 emission at 0.43<z<1.7. The comoving number density of these objects is comparable to that of H-alpha emitting galaxies in the NICMOS parallel observations. One quasar and three probable Seyfert galaxies are detected. Many of the emission-line objects show morphologies suggestive of mergers or interactions. The reduced data are available upon request from the authors.Comment: 58 preprint pages, including 26 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ

    Magnetic field diagnostics and spatio-temporal variability of the solar transition region

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    Magnetic field diagnostics of the transition region from the chromosphere to the corona faces us with the problem that one has to apply extreme UV spectro-polarimetry. While for coronal diagnostic techniques already exist through infrared coronagraphy above the limb and radio observations on the disk, for the transition region one has to investigate extreme UV observations. However, so far the success of such observations has been limited, but there are various projects to get spectro-polarimetric data in the extreme UV in the near future. Therefore it is timely to study the polarimetric signals we can expect for such observations through realistic forward modeling. We employ a 3D MHD forward model of the solar corona and synthesize the Stokes I and Stokes V profiles of C IV 1548 A. A signal well above 0.001 in Stokes V can be expected, even when integrating for several minutes in order to reach the required signal-to-noise ratio, despite the fact that the intensity in the model is rapidly changing (just as in observations). Often this variability of the intensity is used as an argument against transition region magnetic diagnostics which requires exposure times of minutes. However, the magnetic field is evolving much slower than the intensity, and thus when integrating in time the degree of (circular) polarization remains rather constant. Our study shows the feasibility to measure the transition region magnetic field, if a polarimetric accuracy on the order of 0.001 can be reached, which we can expect from planned instrumentation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physics (4.Mar.2013), 19 pages, 9 figure

    The Diagnostic Potential of Transition Region Lines under-going Transient Ionization in Dynamic Events

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    We discuss the diagnostic potential of high cadence ultraviolet spectral data when transient ionization is considered. For this we use high cadence UV spectra taken during the impulsive phase of a solar flares (observed with instruments on-board the Solar Maximum Mission) which showed excellent correspondence with hard X-ray pulses. The ionization fraction of the transition region ion O V and in particular the contribution function for the O V 1371A line are computed within the Atomic Data and Analysis Structure, which is a collection of fundamental and derived atomic data and codes which manipulate them. Due to transient ionization, the O V 1371A line is enhanced in the first fraction of a second with the peak in the line contribution function occurring initially at a higher electron temperature than in ionization equilibrium. The rise time and enhancement factor depend mostly on the electron density. The fractional increase in the O V 1371A emissivity due to transient ionization can reach a factor of 2--4 and can explain the fast response in the line flux of transition regions ions during the impulsive phase of flares solely as a result of transient ionization. This technique can be used to diagnostic the electron temperature and density of solar flares observed with the forth-coming Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Better long-term speech outcomes in stroke survivors who received early clinical speech and language therapy: What's driving recovery?

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    Establishing whether speech and language therapy after stroke has beneficial effects on speaking ability is challenging because of the need to control for multiple non-therapy factors known to influence recovery. We investigated how speaking ability at three time points post-stroke differed in patients who received varying amounts of clinical therapy in the first month post-stroke. In contrast to prior studies, we factored out variance from: initial severity of speaking impairment, amount of later therapy, and left and right hemisphere lesion size and site. We found that speaking ability at one month post-stroke was significantly better in patients who received early therapy (n = 79), versus those who did not (n = 64), and the number of hours of early therapy was positively related to recovery at one year post-stroke. We offer two non-mutually exclusive interpretations of these data: (1) patients may benefit from the early provision of self-management strategies; (2) therapy is more likely to be provided to patients who have a better chance of recovery (e.g., poor physical and/or mental health may impact suitability for therapy and chance of recovery). Both interpretations have implications for future studies aiming to predict individual patients' speech outcomes after stroke, and their response to therapy

    The Heavy Element Enrichment of Lyman alpha Clouds in the Virgo Supercluster

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    Using high S/N STIS echelle spectra (FWHM=7 km/s) of 3C 273, we constrain the metallicities of two Lya clouds in the vicinity of the Virgo cluster. We detect C II, Si II, and Si III absorption lines in the Lya absorber at z = 0.00530. Previous observations with FUSE have revealed Ly beta - Ly theta lines at this redshift, thereby accurately constraining N(H I). We model the ionization of the gas and derive [C/H] = -1.2^{+0.3}_{-0.2}, [Si/C] = 0.2+/-0.1, and log n_{H} = -2.8+/-0.3. The model implies a small absorber thickness, ~70 pc, and thermal pressure p/k ~ 40 cm^{-3} K. It is most likely that the absorber is pressure confined by an external medium because gravitational confinement would require a very high ratio of dark matter to baryonic matter. Based on Milky Way sight lines in which carbon and silicon abundances have been reliably measured in the same interstellar cloud (including new measurements presented herein), we argue that the overabundance of Si relative to C is not due to dust depletion. Instead, this probably indicates that the gas has been predominately enriched by Type II supernovae. Such enrichment is most plausibly provided by an unbound galactic wind, given the absence of galaxies within a projected distance of 100 kpc and the presence of galaxies capable of driving a wind at larger distances. We also constrain the metallicity and physical conditions of the Virgo absorber at z = 0.00337 based on detections of O VI and H I and an upper limit on C IV. If this absorber is collisionally ionized, the O VI/C IV limit requires T > 10^{5.3} K. For either collisional ionization or photoionization, we find that [O/H] > -2.0 at z = 0.00337.Comment: Final Ap.J. versio

    The Equivalence Principle in the Non-baryonic Regime

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    We consider the empirical validity of the equivalence principle for non-baryonic matter. Working in the context of the TH\epsilon\mu formalism, we evaluate the constraints experiments place on parameters associated with violation of the equivalence principle (EVPs) over as wide a sector of the standard model as possible. Specific examples include new parameter constraints which arise from torsion balance experiments, gravitational red shift, variation of the fine structure constant, time-dilation measurements, and matter/antimatter experiments. We find several new bounds on EVPs in the leptonic and kaon sectors.Comment: 22 pages, late

    Growing up with cancer: Accommodating the effects of cancer into young people’s social lives.

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    Adolescence and young adulthood are transitional periods of rapid and dramatic personal change. Few events can cause as unpredictable and challenging alterations to this process as the onset of a serious illness, such as cancer. Although we know much about the physical and psychological consequences of having cancer at this time, we know little about the effect of cancer on young people’s relationships. We conducted interviews with 15 women and 12 men aged between 16 and 29 years, who had survived cancer. Our findings demonstrate that the experience of cancer and how it affects relationships is complex. It arrests young people’s development by increasing their dependence on parents, giving them life experiences unavailable to peers, and complicating the process of establishing new relationships. However, it also accelerates development by facilitating closer and more mature relationships with parents and giving young people wisdom and insight not shared by peers. Cancer profoundly shapes how young people conduct their relationships. These changes require ongoing accommodation by young people with cancer, their parents, peers, and new acquaintances
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