79 research outputs found

    Metallorganische Lewissäuren

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    Metallorganische Lewissäuren

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    Cymantrene–Triazole "Click" Products: Structural Characterization and Electrochemical Properties

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    We report the first known examples of triazole-derivatized cymantrene complexes (η5-[4-substituted triazol-1-yl]cyclopentadienyl)tricarbonylmanganese(I), obtained via a “click” chemical synthesis, bearing a phenyl, 3-aminophenyl, or 4-aminophenyl moiety at the 4-position of the triazole ring. Structural characterization data using multinuclear NMR, UV–vis, ATR-IR, and mass spectrometric methods are provided, as well as crystallographic data for (η5-[4-phenyltriazol-1-yl]cyclopentadienyl)tricarbonylmanganese(I) and (η5-[4-(3-aminophenyl)triazol-1-yl]cyclopentadienyl)tricarbonylmanganese(I). Cyclic voltammetric characterization of the redox behavior of each of the three cymantrene–triazole complexes is presented together with digital simulations, in situ infrared spectroelectrochemistry, and DFT calculations to extract the associated kinetic and thermodynamic parameters. The trypanocidal activity of each cymantrene–triazole complex is also examined, and these complexes are found to be more active than cymantrene alone

    Determinação de função covariância local para a predição de anomalias da gravidade Bouguer e valores da gravidade visando à obtenção de números geopotenciais

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    Considerando as dimensões de um país como o Brasil, realizar observações gravimétricas sobre todas as linhas de nivelamento do país ainda constitui-se um problema pertinente quando o objetivo é a determinação de números geopotenciais e/ou quantidades relacionadas ao campo da gravidade (e.g. anomalias da gravidade). Funções de covariância locais foram construídas a partir de valores da gravidade disponibilizados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Estes valores foram digitalizados e anexados à base de dados do Laboratório de Referenciais Geodésicos e Altimetria por Satélites (LARAS) da UFPR, a qual já contém dados da rede gravimétrica argentina. Estas funções de covariância foram desenvolvidas para anomalias da gravidade Bouguer na região fronteiriça Brasil/Argentina. Estudos com funções polinomiais e de Fourier foram avaliadas utilizando dez por cento dos pontos originais para checagem. Os resultados obtidos em termos de Erro Médio Quadrático (RMS) para a função polinomial de quarta ordem e para a função de Fourier de terceira ordem foram do nível do mGal

    Height Systems and Vertical Datums: a Review in the Australian Context

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    This paper reviews (without equations) the various definitions of height systems and vertical geodetic datum surfaces, together with their practical realisation for users in Australia. Excluding geopotential numbers, a height system is a one-dimensional coordinate system used to express the metric distance (height) of a point from some reference surface. Its definition varies according to the reference surface chosen and the path along which the height is measured. A vertical geodetic datum is the practical realisation of a height system and its reference surface for users, nominally tied to mean sea level. In Australia, the normal-orthometric height system is used, which is embedded in the Australian Height Datum (AHD). The AHD was realised by the adjustment of ~195,000 km of spirit-levelling observations fixed to limited-term observations of mean sea level at multiple tide-gauges. The paper ends by giving some explanation of the problems with the AHD and of the differences between the AHD and the national geoid model, pointing out that it is preferable to recompute the AHD

    Closed-Form transformation between geodetic and ellipsoidal coordinates

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    We present formulas for direct closed-form transformation between geodetic coordinates(Φ, λ, h) and ellipsoidal coordinates (β, λ, u) for any oblate ellipsoid of revolution.These will be useful for those dealing with ellipsoidal representations of the Earth's gravityfield or other oblate ellipsoidal figures. The numerical stability of the transformations for nearpolarand near-equatorial regions is also considered

    GSPP a general surface representation module designed for geodesy

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    Third International Summer School in the Mountains on Geodesy and Global Geodynamics

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