588 research outputs found

    Procena potencijalnog rizika po zdravlje ljudi usled prisustva teških metala u zemljištu centralne zone Beograda

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    An investigation of the soil quality in the centre of Belgrade was performed to define how seriously the soil is polluted. On the basis of the heavy metal content (Zn, Cd, Pb, Co, Ni, Cu, Cr and Mn), the potential health risk assessment calculated for a lifetime of exposure (ingestion and inhalation), based on the USEPA model, was determined as the cumulative carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk for children and adults. The study proved that soil contamination in Belgrade is not insignificant; risk assessment indicated that the carcinogenic risk is completely insignificant but the cumulative non-carcinogenic risk tends to became significant, mainly for children, since it approaches unacceptable values. There is no particularly dangerous single heavy metal, but their cumulative effect, expressed as Child Soil Ingestion Hazardous Index, is for concern.Ispitivanje zemljišta centralne zone Beograda rađeno je sa ciljem da se odredi nivo njegove zagađenosti teškim metalima. Polazeći od sadržaja teških metala (Zn, Cd, Pb, Co, Ni, Cu, Cr i Mn) procenjen je kumulativni potencijalni kancerogeni i nekancerogeni zdravstveni rizik (za ingestiju i inhalaciju) za životni vek čoveka, dece i odraslih, polazeći od modela koji je razvila američka agencija za zaštitu životne sredine. Istraživanja pokazuju da zagađenje zemljišta u Beogradu nije zanemarljivo iako procena kancerogenog rizika ukazuje da je on zanemarljiv, ali da nekancerogeni rizik postaje značajan, posebno u slučaju dece. Za sada ne postoji određeni teški metal koji se može identifikovati kao opasan, ali kumulativni efekat svih ispitivanih metala iskazan kroz ingestioni hazardni indeks za decu postaje zabrinjavajući pošto se približava vrednostima koje se smatraju nepovoljnim

    N-[4-(Phenyl­imino­meth­yl)phen­yl]acetamide 0.67-hydrate

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    The title compound, C15H14N2O·0.67H2O, was prepared by the reaction of 4-acetoamine­benzaldehyde and aniline. The asymmetric unit contains six organic mol­ecules and four water mol­ecules. The dihedral angles between the aromatic ring planes in each organic mol­ecule vary from 42.4 (2) to 53.8 (2)°. In the crystal, an extensive network of inter­molecular N—H⋯O, O—H⋯N and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into [010] chains

    De novo development of gliomas in a child with neurofibromatosis type 1, fragile X and previously normal brain magnetic resonance imaging

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    AbstractFifteen to 20% of children with neurofibromatosis type 1 develop low-grade glial neoplasms. However, since neuroimaging is not routinely obtained until a child is clinically symptomatic, little is known about presymptomatic radiographic characteristics of gliomas in this at-risk population. Herein, we describe a child with neurofibromatosis type 1 who initially had normal brain imaging before the development of multifocal gliomas. Comparison of these serial images demonstrated that brain tumors can arise de novo in children with this cancer predisposition syndrome, further underscoring the limited prognostic value of normal baseline magnetic resonance imaging

    Time Series Modelling of Oil Price Fluctuations: Applications to Libya and Nigeria

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    This study aims to analyse the behaviour of crude oil prices and to determine the dynamic relationships between domestic crude oil prices and fundamental macroeconomic variables in Libya and Nigeria. The analysis in this study involves two stages. The first stage is to analyse and model oil price returns of the Libyan, Nigerian and OPEC markets. Unlike previous studies, this study examines the existence of a structural break in crude oil prices data. The empirical analysis uses the AR-GARCH, AR-EGARCH, AR-GJR-GARCH, AR-APARCH, AR-CGARCH and AR-ACGARCH models for modelling the conditional mean and conditional variance of the oil prices returns under three error distributions, namely the normal distribution, student-t distribution and generalized error distribution. The results show that the three return series exhibit no structural break in the mean and variance equations but we find evidence of volatility clustering and leverage effect response to good and bad news in the asymmetric models in the three markets. We also assess the out-of-sample forecasts of the class of GARCH models by using four loss functions. The results indicate that the AR-CGARCH-GED model is the best model for forecasting oil returns in Libya, whilst the best models for Nigeria and OPEC are the AR-GARCH-GED and AR-EGARCH-t models, respectively. The second stage is to examine the dynamic relationship between oil prices and GDP, exchange rate and inflation using annual data for the 1970-2017 periods in Libya and Nigeria. Both short-run and long-run relationships between these variables are explored by applying cointegration tests, the vector autoregressive model (VAR), and vector error correction (VECM) model, Granger causality tests, impulse response functions and forecast variance decompositions. The results show that there is a cointegrating relationship between domestic oil prices and macroeconomic variables in both Libya and Nigeria. Furthermore, the results show that there is a unidirectional Granger-causality relationship running from Libyan oil prices to Libya's GDP. Moreover, the results show a unidirectional causality running from Nigerian oil prices to GDP and exchange rate in Nigeria. The findings of the impulse response functions suggest significant impacts of domestic oil prices shocks on the macroeconomic variables in Libya and Nigeria in the short and long term. The results of the variance decompositions analysis indicate that the changes in Libyan oil prices can impact Libyan GDP. While, Nigerian oil price shocks could affect most of macroeconomic variables in Nigeria. The main policy implications from these findings are that policymakers should monitor and predict future oil prices and take these expectations into account when adopting a particular monetary policy

    In vitro mineral nutrition of \u3ci\u3eCurcuma longa\u3c/i\u3e L. affects production of volatile compounds in rhizomes after transfer to the greenhouse

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    Background Turmeric is a rich source of bioactive compounds useful in both medicine and cuisine. Mineral concentrations effects (PO43−, Ca2+, Mg2+, and KNO3) were tested during in vitro rhizome development on the ex vitro content of volatile constituents in rhizomes after 6 months in the greenhouse. A response surface method (D-optimal criteria) was repeated in both high and low-input fertilizer treatments. Control plants were grown on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, acclimatized in the greenhouse and grown in the field. The volatile constituents were investigated by GC-MS. Results The total content of volatiles was affected by fertilizer treatments, and in vitro treatment with Ca2+ and KNO3; but PO43− and Mg2+ had no significant effect. The content was higher in the high-input fertilizer treatments (49.7 ± 9 mg/g DM) with 4 mM Ca2+, 60 mM KNO3 and 5 mM NH4+, than the low-input fertilizer (26.6 ± 9 mg/g DM), and the MS control (15.28 ± 2.7 mg/g DM; 3 mM Ca2+, 20 mM K+, 39 mM NO3−, 20 mM NH4+, 1.25 mM PO43−, and 1.5 mM Mg2+). The interaction of Ca2+ with KNO3affected curcumenol isomer I and II, germacrone, isocurcumenol, and β-elemenone content. Increasing in vitro phosphate concentration to 6.25 mM increased ex vitro neocurdione and methenolone contents. Conclusion These results show that minerals in the in vitro bioreactor medium during rhizome development affected biosynthesis of turmeric volatile components after transfer to the greenhouse six months later. The multi-factor design identified 1) nutrient regulation of specific components within unique phytochemical profile for Curcuma longa L. clone 35–1 and 2) the varied phytochemical profiles were maintained with integrity during the greenhouse growth in high fertility conditions

    Electron paramagnetic resonance study on n-type electron-irradiated 3C-SiC

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    Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) was used to study defects in n-type 3C-SiC films irradiated by 3-MeV electrons at room temperature with a dose of 2×1018 cm-2. After electron irradiation, two new EPR spectra with an effective spin S = 1, labeled L5 and L6, were observed. The L5 center has C3v symmetry with g = 2.004 and a fine-structure parameter D = 436.5×10-4 cm-1. The L5 spectrum was only detected under light illumination and it could not be detected after annealing at ~550°C. The principal z-axis of the D tensor is parallel to the -directions, indicating the location of spins along the Si-C bonds. Judging from the symmetry and the fact that the signal was detected under illumination in n-type material, the L5 center may be related to the divacancy in the neutral charge state. The L6 center has a C2v-symmetry with an isotropic g-value of g = 2.003 and the fine structure parameters D = 547.7×10-4 cm-1 and E = 56.2×10-4 cm-1. The L6 center disappeared after annealing at a rather low temperature (~200°C), which is substantially lower than the known annealing temperatures for vacancy-related defects in 3C-SiC. This highly mobile defect may be related to carbon interstitials

    Vitis vinifera L. cv. Karagevrek Anterlerinde Polen Ana Hücrelerinin Mayoz Bölünmesinde Görülen Aksaklıkların Işık Mikroskobunda İncelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada doğal bir melez olan Vitis vinifera L. cv. Karagevrek üzüm çeşidi anterlerindeki, polen ana hücrelerinin mayoz bölünmesinde görülen anormallikler ışık mikroskobunda incelenmiştir. Bu bitkide anter çeperi epidermis, endotesyum, 1-2 sıralı ara tabaka ve 1-2 sıra çok çekirdekli tapetum hücrelerinden meydana gelmiştir. En içte ise, 8-10 mikrospor ana hücresi görülmüştür. Mikrospor ana hücrelerinin çoğunda mayoz bölünme düzenlidir. Fakat bazı hücrelerde düzensizliklere rastlanmıştır. Mikrospor ana hücrelerinde çekirdek zarının kalınlaştığı görülmüştür. Prometafazda kromozomların halka veya grup halinde birleşmiş oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Metafaz I’de univalent ve bivalent kromozomlar gözlenmiştir. Anafaz I’in sonunda ayrılamayan kromozom grupları arasında köprü oluşumu gözlenmiştir. Mikrospor tetradları isobilateral ve tetrahedral şekillidir. Sitokinez ise simultane tiptedi