153 research outputs found

    Constraining the nature of the accreting binary in CXOGBS J174623.5-310550

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    We report optical and infrared observations of the X-ray source CXOGBS J174623.5-310550. This Galactic object was identified as a potential quiescent low-mass X-ray binary accreting from an M-type donor on the basis of optical spectroscopy and the broad Halpha emission line. The analysis of X-shooter spectroscopy covering 3 consecutive nights supports an M2/3-type spectral classification. Neither radial velocity variations nor rotational broadening is detected in the photospheric lines. No periodic variability is found in I- and r'-band light curves. We derive r' = 20.8, I = 19.2 and Ks = 16.6 for the optical and infrared counterparts with the M-type star contributing 90% to the I-band light. We estimate its distance to be 1.3-1.8 kpc. The lack of radial velocity variations implies that the M-type star is not the donor star in the X-ray binary. This could be an interloper or the outer body in a hierarchical triple. We constrain the accreting binary to be a < 2.2 hr orbital period eclipsing cataclysmic variable or a low-mass X-ray binary lying in the foreground of the Galactic Bulge.Comment: (9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

    Ballistic spin-polarized transport and Rashba spin precession in semiconductor nanowires

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    We present numerical calculations of the ballistic spin-transport properties of quasi-one-dimensional wires in the presence of the spin-orbit (Rashba) interaction. A tight-binding analog of the Rashba Hamiltonian which models the Rashba effect is used. By varying the robustness of the Rashba coupling and the width of the wire, weak and strong coupling regimes are identified. Perfect electron spin-modulation is found for the former regime, regardless of the incident Fermi energy and mode number. In the latter however, the spin-conductance has a strong energy dependence due to a nontrivial subband intermixing induced by the strong Rashba coupling. This would imply a strong suppression of the spin-modulation at higher temperatures and source-drain voltages. The results may be of relevance for the implementation of quasi-one-dimensional spin transistor devices.Comment: 19 pages (incl. 9 figures). To be published in PR

    Zero-field spin splitting in InAs-AlSb quantum wells revisited

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    We present magnetotransport experiments on high-quality InAs-AlSb quantum wells that show a perfectly clean single-period Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation down to very low magnetic fields. In contrast to theoretical expectations based on an asymmetry induced zero-field spin splitting, no beating effect is observed. The carrier density has been changed by the persistent photo conductivity effect as well as via the application of hydrostatic pressure in order to influence the electric field at the interface of the electron gas. Still no indication of spin splitting at zero magnetic field was observed in spite of highly resolved Shubnikov- de Haas oscillations up to filling factors of 200. This surprising and unexpected result is discussed in view of other recently published data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Reflectionless tunneling in ballistic normal-metal--superconductor junctions

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    We investigate the phenomenon of reflectionless tunneling in ballistic normal-metal--superconductor (NS) structures, using a semiclassical formalism. It is shown that applied magnetic field and superconducting phase difference both impair the constructive interference leading to this effect, but in a qualitatively different way. This is manifested both in the conductance and in the shot noise properties of the system considered. Unlike diffusive systems, the features of the conductance are sharp, and enable fine spatial control of the current, as well as single channel manipulations. We discuss the possibility of conducting experiments in ballistic semiconductor-superconductor structures with smooth interfaces and some of the phenomena, specific to such structures, that could be measured. A general criterion for the barrier at NS interfaces, though large, to be effectively transparent to pair current is obtained.Comment: published versio

    Andreev Reflection in Strong Magnetic Fields

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    We have studied the interplay of Andreev reflection and cyclotron motion of quasiparticles at a superconductor-normal-metal interface with a strong magnetic field applied parallel to the interface. Bound states are formed due to the confinement introduced both by the external magnetic field and the superconducting gap. These bound states are a coherent superposition of electron and hole edge excitations similar to those realized in finite quantum-Hall samples. We find the energy spectrum for these Andreev edge states and calculate transport properties.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, RevTex, revised to include more detailed discussion of currents and transpor

    Ballistic Josephson junctions in edge-contacted graphene

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    Hybrid graphene-superconductor devices have attracted much attention since the early days of graphene research. So far, these studies have been limited to the case of diffusive transport through graphene with poorly defined and modest quality graphene-superconductor interfaces, usually combined with small critical magnetic fields of the superconducting electrodes. Here we report graphene based Josephson junctions with one-dimensional edge contacts of Molybdenum Rhenium. The contacts exhibit a well defined, transparent interface to the graphene, have a critical magnetic field of 8 Tesla at 4 Kelvin and the graphene has a high quality due to its encapsulation in hexagonal boron nitride. This allows us to study and exploit graphene Josephson junctions in a new regime, characterized by ballistic transport. We find that the critical current oscillates with the carrier density due to phase coherent interference of the electrons and holes that carry the supercurrent caused by the formation of a Fabry-P\'{e}rot cavity. Furthermore, relatively large supercurrents are observed over unprecedented long distances of up to 1.5 ÎĽ\mum. Finally, in the quantum Hall regime we observe broken symmetry states while the contacts remain superconducting. These achievements open up new avenues to exploit the Dirac nature of graphene in interaction with the superconducting state.Comment: Updated version after peer review. Includes supplementary material and ancillary file with source code for tight binding simulation

    Applications of the PowerGlove

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    The hand is important in many daily life activities. During aging, quality of fine motor control of hand and fingers is decreasing. Also motor symptoms of the hand are important to define for instance the neurological state of a Parkinson’s disease patient. Although objective and reliable measurement of hand and finger dynamics is of interest, current measurement systems are limited. This paper describes the application of the PowerGlove, a new measurement system based on miniature inertial and magnetic sensors, to study the finger interdependency in healthy elderly and objectively quantify hand motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease. Results of pilot experiments in young healthy subjects are shown to evaluate the feasibility of the applications

    Measurement of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit magnetic fields

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    Spin-orbit coupling is a manifestation of special relativity. In the reference frame of a moving electron, electric fields transform into magnetic fields, which interact with the electron spin and lift the degeneracy of spin-up and spin-down states. In solid-state systems, the resulting spin-orbit fields are referred to as Dresselhaus or Rashba fields, depending on whether the electric fields originate from bulk or structure inversion asymmetry, respectively. Yet, it remains a challenge to determine the absolute value of both contributions in a single sample. Here we show that both fields can be measured by optically monitoring the angular dependence of the electrons' spin precession on their direction of movement with respect to the crystal lattice. Furthermore, we demonstrate spin resonance induced by the spin-orbit fields. We apply our method to GaAs/InGaAs quantum-well electrons, but it can be used universally to characterise spin-orbit interactions in semiconductors, facilitating the design of spintronic devices

    Co-ordination between Rashba spin-orbital interaction and space charge effect and enhanced spin injection into semiconductors

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    We consider the effect of the Rashba spin-orbital interaction and space charge in a ferromagnet-insulator/semiconductor/insulator-ferromagnet junction where the spin current is severely affected by the doping, band structure and charge screening in the semiconductor. In diffusion region, if the the resistance of the tunneling barriers is comparable to the semiconductor resistance, the magnetoresistance of this junction can be greatly enhanced under appropriate doping by the co-ordination between the Rashba effect and screened Coulomb interaction in the nonequilibrium transport processes within Hartree approximation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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