38 research outputs found

    Water Requirement of Sugarcane and Its Relation with the Springkle and Drip Irrigation System

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    During vegetative growth period, sugarcane required a lot of water but decreasing afterward and minimum at ripening period. Sugarcane water requirement was calculated by radiation method and USDA (1969) method was used to determinate effective rainfall. Average of monthly actual evapotranspiration (ETa) was calculated by the available soil water index. The total of water requirement of sugarcane (1-12 month) was around 37.38 mmlmonth to 143.22 mmlmonth. The highest water requirement was found at age of 4 to 9 month, while the lowest was in the ripening period. Accordingly drip irrigation should be operated at maximum water use of about 3.96 mm/day, or by sprinkle irrigation not less than 118.70 mm/mounth

    During Vegetative Growth Period, Sugarcane Required a Lot of Water But Decreasing Afterward and Minimum at Ripening Period. Sugarcane Water Requirement Was Calculated by Radiation Method and USDA (1969) Method Was Used to Determinate Effective Rainfall. Average of Monthly Actual Evapotranspiration (ETa) Was Calculated by the Available Soil Water Index. the Total of Water Requirement of Sugarcane (1-12 Month) Was Around 37.38 Mmlmonth to 143.22 Mmlmonth. the Highest Water Requirement Was Found A

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    During vegetative growth period, sugarcane required a lot of water but decreasing afterward and minimum at ripening period. Sugarcane water requirement was calculated by radiation method and USDA (1969) method was used to determinate effective rainfall. Average of monthly actual evapotranspiration (ETa) was calculated by the available soil water index. The total of water requirement of sugarcane (1-12 month) was around 37.38 mmlmonth to 143.22 mmlmonth. The highest water requirement was found at age of 4 to 9 month, while the lowest was in the ripening period. Accordingly drip irrigation should be operated at maximum water use of about 3.96 mm/day, or by sprinkle irrigation not less than 118.70 mm/mounth

    Kajian Sifat Fisik Lahan Gambut dalam Hubungan dengan Drainase untuk Lahan Pertanian

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    Kajian tentang tanah gambut banyak di lakukan dalam rangkausaha pengembangan lahan gambut sebagai lahan pertanian. Penelitian yang mendasar tentang gambut, khususnya sifat gambut tropika di Indonesia masih sangat terbatas. Pengetahuan tentang sifat gambut tropika sangat penting karena selainsifatnya yang sangat khusus, data tersebut diperlukan apabila ingin mengembangkan lahan gambut sebagai laban pertanian

    Strategi Pengembangan Pasar Usahatani Pembesaran Ternak Babi di Kabupaten Tolikara, Papua

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    Usaha peternakan babi sudah berjalan lama di Indonesia, tetapi pada umumnya masih dalam bentuk usaha sampingan yang bersifat tradisional. Peternak yang memelihara ternak babi secara tradisional (semi intensif) memanfaatkan ternaknya sebagai penampung sisa-sisa dapur atau sisa makanan dari restoran, yang sewaktu-waktu dapat dipasarkan menurut umur dan keperluan (tabungan). Tujuan penelitian adalah (1) mengidentifikasi faktor internal dan eksternal usahatani ternak babi; (2) menganalisis kondisi pemasaran ternak babi; dan (3) menyusun alternatif strategi pengembangan pasar usahatani ternak Babi di Kabupaten Tolikara Papua. Penentuan responden dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling, dimana pakar yang dipilih lima orang dan lima usaha tani. Pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif; analisis matriks EFE (External Factor Evaluation) dan IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation), matriks IE (Internal External); analisis SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), dan analisis QSPM (quantitative strategic planning matrix). Berdasarkan hasil penjumlahan skor total pada matriks IFE 2,69, terlihat posisi strategi usahatani berada pada tingkat rataan yang mampu merespon iklim internal dan eksternal yang dimiliki. Matriks EFE 2,70, mengindikasikan posisi strategi usahatani pembesaran ternak Babi stabil dalam merespon situasi eksternal yang dihadapi. Perumusan strategi dengan matriks SWOT menghasilkan alternatif strategi yang diterapkan. Pemilihan strategi yang paling tepat untuk diimplementasikan dengan matriks QSP adalah (a) memperluas jaringan pemasaran; (b) meningkatkan pelayanan dan loyalitas konsumen; dan (c) memperkuat permodalan agar dapat bersaing dengan pesain

    Analisis Tekno Ekonomi Industri Kecil untuk Akses ke Lembaga Perbankan (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Kecap Damai di Purwokerto)

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    In 1997 Indonesia experienced an economic crisis which is started with the decrease in value of Rupiah towards the US Dollar. Many industries were closed, but a lot of small and medium scale industries survived and still exist until now. One of them is “Damai” kecap industry in Purwokerto. For most of small and medium scale industries, the limited capital is one of the problems to developing their business. There were several requirements to gain access to banking services, such as current ratio (CR), debt equity ratio (DER) and value of warranty. To establish a kecap industry a working capital of Rp. 62.099.500,- is needed to fulfill a one-month operational cost. Fixed assets require approximately Rp. 211.350.000,- (excluding land), so the total capital needed is Rp. 273.449. 500,-. The marketing analysis shows that the break-even point (BEP) of the kecap industry is 14.625 bottles or approximately Rp. 68.471.671,-, and CR is 165,90%. It means that the kecap industry should be able (liquid) to settle current liabilities from its current assets. The banks ask for a minimum current ratio of 120,00%. DER of this kecap industry is 20,45%, which means that the kecap industry has enough capital to settle its liabilities. The banks ask for maximum DER of 200,00%. In order to enlarge its business, the industry needs to increase its capacity. It means that “Damai” kecap Industry needs an extra credit from bank or kecap industry can cooperate with the third party as investor. An industry needs a lot of time to gain credit from a bank. The “Damai” kecap Industry can obtain extra credit of  Rp. 100.000.000,- from its land and building because their value is more than Rp. 400.000.000,-

    Prospek Usaha Pembuatan Arang Tempurung Kelapa (Studi kasus UD. Beringin Jaya)

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    A coconut plant has a comparatively competitive advantage compared to other estate commodities due to its highly competitive advantage of each part of this plant for human lives. One example is a coconut industry that performs processing of husk, hard shell, coconut meat, and coconut liquid (horizontal diversity) and further processing of other parts into various products, either as raw materials or other supplementary materials for other industries (vertical diversity). One of the products from the hard shell with its vertical diversity, which has high economic value, is the processing of hard shell into charcoal, which is the raw material for industries of active coal for export.  This study aims to evaluate the prospect of the coconut coal production business and identify necessary information required for the business development. All the information regarding the data of this study was analyzed by Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) and feasibility aspect by using Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Break Event Point (BEP), Payback Period (PBP) and Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C).  The results of the study show that the operation of 3-6 processing units to produce coconut charcoal was considered prospective and feasible, as it was shown by its NPV of IDR 259,675,377, IRR of 99.3%-105.0%, BEP of 461,01 kg – 651,42, 1 year PBP and B/C Ratio of 3.14 – 3.42. Another aspect is that the availability of coconut charcoal production unit such as the of Beringin Jaya, doing business in this line, although located in an isolated area, can offer job opportunities for the local people

    Kajian Sifat Fisik Lahan Gambut dalam Hubungan dengan Drainase untuk Lahan Pertanian

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    Kajian tentang tanah gambut banyak di lakukan dalam rangkausaha pengembangan lahan gambut sebagai lahan pertanian. Penelitian yang mendasar tentang gambut, khususnya sifat gambut tropika di Indonesia masih sangat terbatas. Pengetahuan tentang sifat gambut tropika sangat penting karena selainsifatnya yang sangat khusus, data tersebut diperlukan apabila ingin mengembangkan lahan gambut sebagai laban pertanian

    During vegetative growth period, sugarcane required a lot of water but decreasing afterward and minimum at ripening period. Sugarcane water requirement was calculated by radiation method and USDA (1969) method was used to determinate effective rainfall. Average of monthly actual evapotranspiration (ETa) was calculated by the available soil water index. The total of water requirement of sugarcane (1-12 month) was around 37.38 mmlmonth to 143.22 mmlmonth. The highest water requirement was found at age of 4 to 9 month, while the lowest was in the ripening period. Accordingly drip irrigation should be operated at maximum water use of about 3.96 mm/day, or by sprinkle irrigation not less than 118.70 mm/mounth.

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    During vegetative growth period, sugarcane required a lot of water but decreasing afterward and minimum at ripening period. Sugarcane water requirement was calculated by radiation method and USDA (1969) method was used to determinate effective rainfall. Average of monthly actual evapotranspiration (ETa) was calculated by the available soil water index. The total of water requirement of sugarcane (1-12 month) was around 37.38 mmlmonth to 143.22 mmlmonth. The highest water requirement was found at age of 4 to 9 month, while the lowest was in the ripening period. Accordingly drip irrigation should be operated at maximum water use of about 3.96 mm/day, or by sprinkle irrigation not less than 118.70 mm/mounth

    Evaluasi Keamanan Dam Jatiluhur Berbasis Indeks Resiko

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    The dams have very important roles to agricultural activities. Especially, West Java with 240,000 hectares of agricultural land, needs a good dam structure that can be used sustainably. Jatiluhur dam in Purwakarta, West Java is one of big dams in Indonesia which has important rules not only for Purwakarta but also for Jakarta, Karawang and Bekasi residents. A study and observation about safety and dam stability is needed to prevent any damage. The purpose of this research were to identify parameters that influenced dam safety and to evaluate dam reliability based on index tools. Analysis was done using risk index tools. The result showed that the condition of the dam of Jatiluhur is still satisfied with indicators, "Idam"-750. The total index risk was 127.22 and the safety factor was 83.04 out of 100. Therefore, Jatiluhur dam could be classified as safe and no need for particular treatments. Jatiluhur dam can be operated in normal condition or abnormal condition with periodic monitoring


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    The dams have very important roles to agricultural activities. Especially, West Java with 240,000 hectares of agricultural land, needs a good dam structure that can be used sustainably. Jatiluhur dam in Purwakarta, West Java is one of big dams in Indonesia which has important rules not only for Purwakarta but also for Jakarta, Karawang and Bekasi residents. A study and observation about safety and dam stability is needed to prevent any damage. The purpose of this research were to identify parameters that influenced dam safety and to evaluate dam reliability based on index tools. Analysis was done using risk index tools. The result showed that the condition of the dam of Jatiluhur is still satisfied with indicators, "Idam"-750. The total index risk was 127.22 and the safety factor was 83.04 out of 100. Therefore, Jatiluhur dam could be classified as safe and no need for particular treatments. Jatiluhur dam can be operated in normal condition or abnormal condition with periodic monitoring. Keywords: dam safety, evaluation, Jatiluhur Dam, risk index tool