9,237 research outputs found

    The influence of self-citation corrections on Egghe's g index

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    The g index was introduced by Leo Egghe as an improvement of Hirsch's index h for measuring the overall citation record of a set of articles. It better takes into account the highly skewed frequency distribution of citations than the h index. I propose to sharpen this g index by excluding the self-citations. I have worked out nine practical cases in physics and compare the h and g values with and without self-citations. As expected, the g index characterizes the data set better than the h index. The influence of the self-citations appears to be more significant for the g index than for the h index.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Scientometric

    Anisotropic Electron Spin Lifetime in (In,Ga)As/GaAs (110) Quantum Wells

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    Anisotropic electron spin lifetimes in strained undoped (In,Ga)As/GaAs (110) quantum wells of different width and height are investigated by time-resolved Faraday rotation and time-resolved transmission and are compared to the (001)-orientation. From the suppression of spin precession, the ratio of in-plane to out-of-plane spin lifetimes is calculated. Whereas the ratio increases with In concentration in agreement with theory, a surprisingly high anisotropy of 480 is observed for the broadest quantum well, when expressed in terms of spin relaxation times.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, revise

    A laser gyroscope system to detect the Gravito-Magnetic effect on Earth

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    Large scale square ring laser gyros with a length of four meters on each side are approaching a sensitivity of 1x10^-11 rad/s/sqrt(Hz). This is about the regime required to measure the gravitomagnetic effect (Lense Thirring) of the Earth. For an ensemble of linearly independent gyros each measurement signal depends upon the orientation of each single axis gyro with respect to the rotational axis of the Earth. Therefore at least 3 gyros are necessary to reconstruct the complete angular orientation of the apparatus. In general, the setup consists of several laser gyroscopes (we would prefer more than 3 for sufficient redundancy), rigidly referenced to each other. Adding more gyros for one plane of observation provides a cross-check against intra-system biases and furthermore has the advantage of improving the signal to noise ratio by the square root of the number of gyros. In this paper we analyze a system of two pairs of identical gyros (twins) with a slightly different orientation with respect to the Earth axis. The twin gyro configuration has several interesting properties. The relative angle can be controlled and provides a useful null measurement. A quadruple twin system could reach a 1% sensitivity after 3:2 years of data, provided each square ring has 6 m length on a side, the system is shot noise limited and there is no source for 1/f- noise.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. 2010 Honourable mention of the Gravity Research Foundation; to be published on J. Mod. Phys.

    Divergence Measure Between Chaotic Attractors

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    We propose a measure of divergence of probability distributions for quantifying the dissimilarity of two chaotic attractors. This measure is defined in terms of a generalized entropy. We illustrate our procedure by considering the effect of additive noise in the well known H\'enon attractor. Comparison of two H\'enon attractors for slighly different parameter values, has shown that the divergence has complex scaling structure. Finally, we show how our approach allows to detect non-stationary events in a time series.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Multifractal analysis of the metal-insulator transition in anisotropic systems

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    We study the Anderson model of localization with anisotropic hopping in three dimensions for weakly coupled chains and weakly coupled planes. The eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, as computed by Lanczos diagonalization for systems of sizes up to 48348^3, show multifractal behavior at the metal-insulator transition even for strong anisotropy. The critical disorder strength WcW_c determined from the system size dependence of the singularity spectra is in a reasonable agreement with a recent study using transfer matrix methods. But the respective spectrum at WcW_c deviates from the ``characteristic spectrum'' determined for the isotropic system. This indicates a quantitative difference of the multifractal properties of states of the anisotropic as compared to the isotropic system. Further, we calculate the Kubo conductivity for given anisotropies by exact diagonalization. Already for small system sizes of only 12312^3 sites we observe a rapidly decreasing conductivity in the directions with reduced hopping if the coupling becomes weaker.Comment: 25 RevTeX pages with 10 PS-figures include

    Monte-Carlo Simulations of the Dynamical Behavior of the Coulomb Glass

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    We study the dynamical behavior of disordered many-particle systems with long-range Coulomb interactions by means of damage-spreading simulations. In this type of Monte-Carlo simulations one investigates the time evolution of the damage, i.e. the difference of the occupation numbers of two systems, subjected to the same thermal noise. We analyze the dependence of the damage on temperature and disorder strength. For zero disorder the spreading transition coincides with the equilibrium phase transition, whereas for finite disorder, we find evidence for a dynamical phase transition well below the transition temperature of the pure system.Comment: 10 pages RevTeX, 8 Postscript figure

    Distribution of fractal dimensions at the Anderson transition

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    We investigated numerically the distribution of participation numbers in the 3d Anderson tight-binding model at the localization-delocalization threshold. These numbers in {\em one} disordered system experience strong level-to-level fluctuations in a wide energy range. The fluctuations grow substantially with increasing size of the system. We argue that the fluctuations of the correlation dimension, D2D_2 of the wave functions are the main reason for this. The distribution of these correlation dimensions at the transition is calculated. In the thermodynamic limit (LL\to \infty) it does not depend on the system size LL. An interesting feature of this limiting distribution is that it vanishes exactly at D2max=1.83D_{\rm 2max}=1.83, the highest possible value of the correlation dimension at the Anderson threshold in this model

    Principal 2-bundles and their gauge 2-groups

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    In this paper we introduce principal 2-bundles and show how they are classified by non-abelian Cech cohomology. Moreover, we show that their gauge 2-groups can be described by 2-group-valued functors, much like in classical bundle theory. Using this, we show that, under some mild requirements, these gauge 2-groups possess a natural smooth structure. In the last section we provide some explicit examples.Comment: 40 pages; v3: completely revised and extended, classification corrected, name changed, to appear in Forum Mat

    Quantification of depth of anesthesia by nonlinear time series analysis of brain electrical activity

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    We investigate several quantifiers of the electroencephalogram (EEG) signal with respect to their ability to indicate depth of anesthesia. For 17 patients anesthetized with Sevoflurane, three established measures (two spectral and one based on the bispectrum), as well as a phase space based nonlinear correlation index were computed from consecutive EEG epochs. In absence of an independent way to determine anesthesia depth, the standard was derived from measured blood plasma concentrations of the anesthetic via a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model for the estimated effective brain concentration of Sevoflurane. In most patients, the highest correlation is observed for the nonlinear correlation index D*. In contrast to spectral measures, D* is found to decrease monotonically with increasing (estimated) depth of anesthesia, even when a "burst-suppression" pattern occurs in the EEG. The findings show the potential for applications of concepts derived from the theory of nonlinear dynamics, even if little can be assumed about the process under investigation.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Observation of many-body localization of interacting fermions in a quasi-random optical lattice

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    We experimentally observe many-body localization of interacting fermions in a one-dimensional quasi-random optical lattice. We identify the many-body localization transition through the relaxation dynamics of an initially-prepared charge density wave. For sufficiently weak disorder the time evolution appears ergodic and thermalizing, erasing all remnants of the initial order. In contrast, above a critical disorder strength a significant portion of the initial ordering persists, thereby serving as an effective order parameter for localization. The stationary density wave order and the critical disorder value show a distinctive dependence on the interaction strength, in agreement with numerical simulations. We connect this dependence to the ubiquitous logarithmic growth of entanglement entropy characterizing the generic many-body localized phase.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures + supplementary informatio