2,987 research outputs found

    Numerical evidence for the spin-Peierls state in the frustrated quantum antiferromagnet

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    We study the spin-121\over2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet with an antiferromagnetic J3J_3 (third nearest neighbor) interaction on a square lattice. We numerically diagonalize this ``J1J_1-J3J_3'' model on clusters up to 32-sites and search for novel ground state properties as the frustration parameter J3/J1J_3/J_1 changes. For ``larger'' J3/J1J_3/J_1 we find enhancement of incommensurate spin order, in agreement with spin-wave, large-NN expansions, and other predictions. But for intermediate J3/J1J_3/J_1, the low lying excitation energy spectrum suggests that this incommensurate order is short-range. In the same region, the first excited state has the symmetries of the columnar dimer (spin-Peierls) state. The columnar dimer order parameter suggests the presence of long-range columnar dimer order. Hence, this spin-Peierls state is the best candidate for the ground state of the J1J_1-J3J_3 model in an intermediate J3/J1J_3/J_1 region.Comment: RevTeX file with five postscript figures uuencode

    Fractionalized Fermi liquids

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    In spatial dimensions d >= 2, Kondo lattice models of conduction and local moment electrons can exhibit a fractionalized, non-magnetic state (FL*) with a Fermi surface of sharp electron-like quasiparticles, enclosing a volume quantized by (\rho_a-1)(mod 2), with \rho_a the mean number of all electrons per unit cell of the ground state. Such states have fractionalized excitations linked to the deconfined phase of a gauge theory. Confinement leads to a conventional Fermi liquid state, with a Fermi volume quantized by \rho_a (mod 2), and an intermediate superconducting state for the Z_2 gauge case. The FL* state permits a second order metamagnetic transition in an applied magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; (v2) changed title and terminology, but content largely unchanged; (v3) updated version to appear in PR

    Turning a First Order Quantum Phase Transition Continuous by Fluctuations: General Flow Equations and Application to d-Wave Pomeranchuk Instability

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    We derive renormalization group equations which allow us to treat order parameter fluctuations near quantum phase transitions in cases where an expansion in powers of the order parameter is not possible. As a prototypical application, we analyze the nematic transition driven by a d-wave Pomeranchuk instability in a two-dimensional electron system. We find that order parameter fluctuations suppress the first order character of the nematic transition obtained at low temperatures in mean-field theory, so that a continuous transition leading to quantum criticality can emerge

    Ultracold atoms in one-dimensional optical lattices approaching the Tonks-Girardeau regime

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    Recent experiments on ultracold atomic alkali gases in a one-dimensional optical lattice have demonstrated the transition from a gas of soft-core bosons to a Tonks-Girardeau gas in the hard-core limit, where one-dimensional bosons behave like fermions in many respects. We have studied the underlying many-body physics through numerical simulations which accommodate both the soft-core and hard-core limits in one single framework. We find that the Tonks-Girardeau gas is reached only at the strongest optical lattice potentials. Results for slightly higher densities, where the gas develops a Mott-like phase already at weaker optical lattice potentials, show that these Mott-like short range correlations do not enhance the convergence to the hard-core limit.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, replaced with published versio

    Superconducting d-wave stripes in cuprates: Valence bond order coexisting with nodal quasiparticles

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    We point out that unidirectional bond-centered charge-density-wave states in cuprates involve electronic order in both s- and d-wave channels, with non-local Coulomb repulsion suppressing the s-wave component. The resulting bond-charge-density wave, coexisting with superconductivity, is compatible with recent photoemission and tunneling data and as well as neutron-scattering measurements, once long-range order is destroyed by slow fluctuations or glassy disorder. In particular, the real-space structure of d-wave stripes is consistent with the scanning-tunneling-microscopy measurements on both underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x and Ca2-xNaxCuO2Cl2 of Kohsaka et al. [Science 315, 1380 (2007), arXiv:cond-mat/0703309].Comment: 5 pages, 3 figs, (v2) final version to be published in PR

    Infinite disorder scaling of random quantum magnets in three and higher dimensions

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    Using a very efficient numerical algorithm of the strong disorder renormalization group method we have extended the investigations about the critical behavior of the random transverse-field Ising model in three and four dimensions, as well as for Erd\H os-R\'enyi random graphs, which represent infinite dimensional lattices. In all studied cases an infinite disorder quantum critical point is identified, which ensures that the applied method is asymptotically correct and the calculated critical exponents tend to the exact values for large scales. We have found that the critical exponents are independent of the form of (ferromagnetic) disorder and they vary smoothly with the dimensionality.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Entanglement and particle correlations of Fermi gases in harmonic traps

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    We investigate quantum correlations in the ground state of noninteracting Fermi gases of N particles trapped by an external space-dependent harmonic potential, in any dimension. For this purpose, we compute one-particle correlations, particle fluctuations and bipartite entanglement entropies of extended space regions, and study their large-N scaling behaviors. The half-space von Neumann entanglement entropy is computed for any dimension, obtaining S_HS = c_l N^(d-1)/d ln N, analogously to homogenous systems, with c_l=1/6, 1/(6\sqrt{2}), 1/(6\sqrt{6}) in one, two and three dimensions respectively. We show that the asymptotic large-N relation S_A\approx \pi^2 V_A/3, between the von Neumann entanglement entropy S_A and particle variance V_A of an extended space region A, holds for any subsystem A and in any dimension, analogously to homogeneous noninteracting Fermi gases.Comment: 15 pages, 22 fig

    Geometric phases and quantum phase transitions

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    Quantum phase transition is one of the main interests in the field of condensed matter physics, while geometric phase is a fundamental concept and has attracted considerable interest in the field of quantum mechanics. However, no relevant relation was recognized before recent work. In this paper, we present a review of the connection recently established between these two interesting fields: investigations in the geometric phase of the many-body systems have revealed so-called "criticality of geometric phase", in which geometric phase associated with the many-body ground state exhibits universality, or scaling behavior in the vicinity of the critical point. In addition, we address the recent advances on the connection of some other geometric quantities and quantum phase transitions. The closed relation recently recognized between quantum phase transitions and some of geometric quantities may open attractive avenues and fruitful dialog between different scientific communities.Comment: Invited review article for IJMPB; material covered till June 2007; 10 page

    Columnar Fluctuations as a Source of Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in Weak Metallic Magnets

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    It is shown that columnar fluctuations, in conjunction with weak quenched disorder, lead to a T^{3/2} temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity. This is proposed as an explanation of the observed non-Fermi-liquid behavior in the helimagnet MnSi, with one possible realization of the columnar fluctuations provided by skyrmion lines that have independently been proposed to be present in this material.Comment: 4pp, 4 figure

    Dynamical phases and intermittency of the dissipative quantum Ising model

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    We employ the concept of a dynamical, activity order parameter to study the Ising model in a transverse magnetic field coupled to a Markovian bath. For a certain range of values of the spin-spin coupling, magnetic field and dissipation rate, we identify a first order dynamical phase transition between active and inactive {\em dynamical phases}. We demonstrate that dynamical phase-coexistence becomes manifest in an intermittent behavior of the bath quanta emission. Moreover, we establish the connection between the dynamical order parameter that quantifies the activity, and the longitudinal magnetization that serves as static order parameter. The system we consider can be implemented in current experiments with Rydberg atoms and trapped ions
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