3,838 research outputs found

    Average persistence in random walks

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    We study the first passage time properties of an integrated Brownian curve both in homogeneous and disordered environments. In a disordered medium we relate the scaling properties of this center of mass persistence of a random walker to the average persistence, the latter being the probability P_pr(t) that the expectation value of the walker's position after time t has not returned to the initial value. The average persistence is then connected to the statistics of extreme events of homogeneous random walks which can be computed exactly for moderate system sizes. As a result we obtain a logarithmic dependence P_pr(t)~{ln(t)}^theta' with a new exponent theta'=0.191+/-0.002. We note on a complete correspondence between the average persistence of random walks and the magnetization autocorrelation function of the transverse-field Ising chain, in the homogeneous and disordered case.Comment: 6 pages LaTeX, 3 postscript figures include

    Inorganic Chemistry.

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    Critical Behavior and Griffiths-McCoy Singularities in the Two-Dimensional Random Quantum Ising Ferromagnet

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    We study the quantum phase transition in the two-dimensional random Ising model in a transverse field by Monte Carlo simulations. We find results similar to those known analytically in one-dimension. At the critical point, the dynamical exponent is infinite and the typical correlation function decays with a stretched exponential dependence on distance. Away from the critical point there are Griffiths-McCoy singularities, characterized by a single, continuously varying exponent, z', which diverges at the critical point, as in one-dimension. Consequently, the zero temperature susceptibility diverges for a RANGE of parameters about the transition.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 3 eps-figures include

    Functional Forms for the Squeeze and the Time-Displacement Operators

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    Using Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff relations, the squeeze and harmonic-oscillator time-displacement operators are given in the form exp[δI]exp[α(x2)]exp[β(x)]exp[γ()2]\exp[\delta I] \exp[\alpha (x^2)]\exp[\beta(x\partial)] \exp[\gamma (\partial)^2], where α\alpha, β\beta, γ\gamma, and δ\delta are explicitly determined. Applications are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Q-Dependent Susceptibilities in Ferromagnetic Quasiperiodic Z-Invariant Ising Models

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    We study the q-dependent susceptibility chi(q) of a series of quasiperiodic Ising models on the square lattice. Several different kinds of aperiodic sequences of couplings are studied, including the Fibonacci and silver-mean sequences. Some identities and theorems are generalized and simpler derivations are presented. We find that the q-dependent susceptibilities are periodic, with the commensurate peaks of chi(q) located at the same positions as for the regular Ising models. Hence, incommensurate everywhere-dense peaks can only occur in cases with mixed ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic interactions or if the underlying lattice is aperiodic. For mixed-interaction models the positions of the peaks depend strongly on the aperiodic sequence chosen.Comment: LaTeX2e, 26 pages, 9 figures (27 eps files). v2: Misprints correcte

    Vacancy localization in the square dimer model

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    We study the classical dimer model on a square lattice with a single vacancy by developing a graph-theoretic classification of the set of all configurations which extends the spanning tree formulation of close-packed dimers. With this formalism, we can address the question of the possible motion of the vacancy induced by dimer slidings. We find a probability 57/4-10Sqrt[2] for the vacancy to be strictly jammed in an infinite system. More generally, the size distribution of the domain accessible to the vacancy is characterized by a power law decay with exponent 9/8. On a finite system, the probability that a vacancy in the bulk can reach the boundary falls off as a power law of the system size with exponent 1/4. The resultant weak localization of vacancies still allows for unbounded diffusion, characterized by a diffusion exponent that we relate to that of diffusion on spanning trees. We also implement numerical simulations of the model with both free and periodic boundary conditions.Comment: 35 pages, 24 figures. Improved version with one added figure (figure 9), a shift s->s+1 in the definition of the tree size, and minor correction

    Zero--Temperature Quantum Phase Transition of a Two--Dimensional Ising Spin--Glass

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    We study the quantum transition at T=0T=0 in the spin-12\frac12 Ising spin--glass in a transverse field in two dimensions. The world line path integral representation of this model corresponds to an effective classical system in (2+1) dimensions, which we study by Monte Carlo simulations. Values of the critical exponents are estimated by a finite-size scaling analysis. We find that the dynamical exponent, zz, and the correlation length exponent, ν\nu, are given by z=1.5±0.05z = 1.5 \pm 0.05 and ν=1.0±0.1\nu = 1.0 \pm 0.1. Both the linear and non-linear susceptibility are found to diverge at the critical point.Comment: RevTeX 10 pages + 4 figures (appended as uuencoded, compressed tar-file), THP21-9

    New results for virial coefficients of hard spheres in D dimensions

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    We present new results for the virial coefficients B_k with k <= 10 for hard spheres in dimensions D=2,...,8.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, to appear in conference proceedings of STATPHYS 2004 in Pramana - Journal of Physic

    Ethics and Efficacy of Unsolicited Anti-Trafficking {SMS} Outreach

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    The sex industry exists on a continuum based on the degree of work autonomy present in labor conditions: a high degree exists on one side of the continuum where independent sex workers have a great deal of agency, while much less autonomy exists on the other side, where sex is traded under conditions of human trafficking. Organizations across North America perform outreach to sex industry workers to offer assistance in the form of services (e.g., healthcare, financial assistance, housing), prayer, and intervention. Increasingly, technology is used to look for trafficking victims or facilitate the provision of assistance or services, for example through scraping and parsing sex industry workers' advertisements into a database of contact information that can be used by outreach organizations. However, little is known about the efficacy of anti-trafficking outreach technology, nor the potential risks of using it to identify and contact the highly stigmatized and marginalized population of those working in the sex industry. In this work, we investigate the use, context, benefits, and harms of an anti-trafficking technology platform via qualitative interviews with multiple stakeholders: the technology developers (n=6), organizations that use the technology (n=17), and sex industry workers who have been contacted or wish to be contacted (n=24). Our findings illustrate misalignment between developers, users of the platform, and sex industry workers they are attempting to assist. In their current state, anti-trafficking outreach tools such as the one we investigate are ineffective and, at best, serve as a mechanism for spam and, at worst, scale and exacerbate harm against the population they aim to serve. We conclude with a discussion of best practices for technology-facilitated outreach efforts to minimize risk or harm to sex industry workers while efficiently providing needed services

    Duality symmetry, strong coupling expansion and universal critical amplitudes in two-dimensional \Phi^{4} field models

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    We show that the exact beta-function \beta(g) in the continuous 2D g\Phi^{4} model possesses the Kramers-Wannier duality symmetry. The duality symmetry transformation \tilde{g}=d(g) such that \beta(d(g))=d'(g)\beta(g) is constructed and the approximate values of g^{*} computed from the duality equation d(g^{*})=g^{*} are shown to agree with the available numerical results. The calculation of the beta-function \beta(g) for the 2D scalar g\Phi^{4} field theory based on the strong coupling expansion is developed and the expansion of \beta(g) in powers of g^{-1} is obtained up to order g^{-8}. The numerical values calculated for the renormalized coupling constant g_{+}^{*} are in reasonable good agreement with the best modern estimates recently obtained from the high-temperature series expansion and with those known from the perturbative four-loop renormalization-group calculations. The application of Cardy's theorem for calculating the renormalized isothermal coupling constant g_{c} of the 2D Ising model and the related universal critical amplitudes is also discussed.Comment: 16 pages, REVTeX, to be published in J.Phys.A:Math.Ge