217 research outputs found

    Room-Temperature Cubic Phase Crystallization and High Stability of Vacuum-Deposited Methylammonium Lead Triiodide Thin Films for High-Efficiency Solar Cells

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    Methylammonium lead triiodide (MAPI) has emerged as a high-performance photovoltaic material. Common understanding is that at room temperature it adopts a tetragonal phase and it only converts to the perfect cubic phase around 50-60 ºC. Most MAPI films are prepared using a solution-based coating process, yet they can also be obtained by vapor phase deposition methods. Vapor phase processed MAPI films have significantly different characteristics compared to their solvent processed analogous, such as a relatively small crystal grain sizes and short excited state lifetimes. Yet solar cells based on vapor phase processed MAPI films exhibit high power conversion efficiencies. Surprisingly, after detailed characterization we find that our vapor phase processed MAPI films adopt a cubic crystal structure at room temperature that is stable for weeks, even in ambient atmosphere. Furthermore, we demonstrate that by tuning the deposition rates of both precursors during co-deposition it is possible to vary the perovskite phase from cubic to tetragonal at room temperature. Our finding challenges the common belief that MAPI is only stable in tetragonal phase at room temperature. Additionally, these findings can be used to explain the somewhat unexpected high performance of solar cells based on vacuum processed MAPI films with sub 100 nm grain sizes and excited state lifetimes < 100 nanoseconds

    Landau Model for Commensurate-Commensurate Phase Transitions in Uniaxial Improper Ferroelectric Crystals

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    We propose the Landau model for lock-in phase transitions in uniaxially modulated improper ferroelectric incommensurate-commensurate systems of class I. It includes Umklapp terms of third and fourth order and secondary order parameter representing the local polarization. The corresponding phase diagram has the structure of harmless staircase, with the allowed wave numbers obeying the Farey tree algorithm. Among the stable commensurate phases only those with periods equal to odd number of lattice constants have finite macroscopic polarizations. These results are in excellent agreement with experimental findings in some A2BX4 compounds.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, revtex, to be published in Journal of Physics: Cond. Matter as a Letter to the Edito

    Collective modes in uniaxial incommensurate-commensurate systems with the real order parameter

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    The basic Landau model for uniaxial systems of the II class is nonintegrable, and allows for various stable and metastable periodic configurations, beside that representing the uniform (or dimerized) ordering. In the present paper we complete the analysis of this model by performing the second order variational procedure, and formulating the combined Floquet-Bloch approach to the ensuing nonstandard linear eigenvalue problem. This approach enables an analytic derivation of some general conclusions on the stability of particular states, and on the nature of accompanied collective excitations. Furthermore, we calculate numerically the spectra of collective modes for all states participating in the phase diagram, and analyze critical properties of Goldstone modes at all second order and first order transitions between disordered, uniform and periodic states. In particular it is shown that the Goldstone mode softens as the underlying soliton lattice becomes more and more dilute.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, REVTeX, to be published in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    High order amplitude equation for steps on creep curve

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    We consider a model proposed by one of the authors for a type of plastic instability found in creep experiments which reproduces a number of experimentally observed features. The model consists of three coupled non-linear differential equations describing the evolution of three types of dislocations. The transition to the instability has been shown to be via Hopf bifurcation leading to limit cycle solutions with respect to physically relevant drive parameters. Here we use reductive perturbative method to extract an amplitude equation of up to seventh order to obtain an approximate analytic expression for the order parameter. The analysis also enables us to obtain the bifurcation (phase) diagram of the instability. We find that while supercritical bifurcation dominates the major part of the instability region, subcritical bifurcation gradually takes over at one end of the region. These results are compared with the known experimental results. Approximate analytic expressions for the limit cycles for different types of bifurcations are shown to agree with their corresponding numerical solutions of the equations describing the model. The analysis also shows that high order nonlinearities are important in the problem. This approach further allows us to map the theoretical parameters to the experimentally observed macroscopic quantities.Comment: LaTex file and eps figures; Communicated to Phys. Rev.

    Wide Dynamic Range Neutron Flux Monitor Having Fast Time Response for the Large Helical Device

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    A fast time response, wide dynamic range neutron flux monitor has been developed toward the LHD deuterium operation by using leading-edge signal processing technologies providing maxi- mum counting rate up to ?5 × 109 counts/s. Because a maximum total neutron emission rate over 1 × 1016 n/s is predicted in neutral beam-heated LHD plasmas, fast response and wide dy- namic range capabilities of the system are essential. Preliminary tests have demonstrated success- ful performance as a wide dynamic range monitor along the design

    Universal mechanism of discontinuity of commensurate-incommensurate transitions in three-dimensional solids: Strain dependence of soliton self-energy

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    We show that there exists a universal mechanism of long-range soliton attraction in three-dimensional solids and, therefore, of discontinuity of any commensurate-incommensurate (C-IC) phase transition. This mechanism is due to the strain dependence of the soliton self-energy and specific features of the solid-state elasticity. The role of this mechanism is studied in detail for a class of C-IC transitions where the IC modulation is one-dimensional, the anisotropy in the order parameter space is small, and the symmetry of the systems allows the existence of the Lifshitz invariant. Two other mechanisms of soliton attraction are operative here but the universal mechanism considered in this paper is found to be the most important one in some cases. Comparison with the most extensively studied C-IC transition in K2SeO4\rm K_2SeO_4 shows that the experimentally observed thermal anomalies can be understood as a result of the smearing of the theoretically predicted discontinuous transition.Comment: 8 pages (extended version, title changed

    Landau model for uniaxial systems with complex order parameter

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    We study the Landau model for uniaxial incommensurate-commensurate systems of the I class by keeping Umklapp terms of third and fourth order in the expansion of the free energy. It applies to systems in which the soft mode minimum lies between the corresponding commensurate wave numbers. The minimization of the Landau functional leads to the sine-Gordon equation with two nonlinear terms, equivalent to the equation of motion for the well-known classical mechanical problem of two mixing resonances. We calculate the average free energies for periodic, quasiperiodic and chaotic solutions of this equation, and show that in the regime of finite strengths of Umklapp terms only periodic solutions are absolute minima of the free energy, so that the phase diagram contains only commensurate configurations. The phase transitions between neighboring configurations are of the first order, and the wave number of ordering goes through harmless staircase with a finite number of steps. These results are the basis for the interpretation of phase diagrams for some materials from the I class of incommensurate-commensurate systems, in particular of those for A2_2BX4_4 and BCCD compounds. Also, we argue that chaotic barriers which separate metastable periodic solutions represent an intrinsic mechanism for observed memory effects and thermal hystereses.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, LaTeX, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    The Structure-Function Linkage Database

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    The Structure–Function Linkage Database (SFLD, http://sfld.rbvi.ucsf.edu/) is a manually curated classification resource describing structure–function relationships for functionally diverse enzyme superfamilies. Members of such superfamilies are diverse in their overall reactions yet share a common ancestor and some conserved active site features associated with conserved functional attributes such as a partial reaction. Thus, despite their different functions, members of these superfamilies ‘look alike’, making them easy to misannotate. To address this complexity and enable rational transfer of functional features to unknowns only for those members for which we have sufficient functional information, we subdivide superfamily members into subgroups using sequence information, and lastly into families, sets of enzymes known to catalyze the same reaction using the same mechanistic strategy. Browsing and searching options in the SFLD provide access to all of these levels. The SFLD offers manually curated as well as automatically classified superfamily sets, both accompanied by search and download options for all hierarchical levels. Additional information includes multiple sequence alignments, tab-separated files of functional and other attributes, and sequence similarity networks. The latter provide a new and intuitively powerful way to visualize functional trends mapped to the context of sequence similarity

    Mutation analysis of the p73 gene in nonastrocytic brain tumours

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    Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) involving the distal chromosome 1p36region occurs frequently in nonastrocytic brain tumours, but the tumour suppressor gene targeted by this deletion is unknown. p73is a novel gene that has high sequence homology and similar gene structure to thep53 gene; it has been mapped to 1p36, and may thus represent a candidate for this tumour suppressor gene. To determine whether p73is involved in nonastrocytic brain tumour development, we analysed 65 tumour samples including 26 oligodendrogliomas, 4 ependymomas, 5 medulloblastomas, 10 meningiomas, 2 meningeal haemangiopericytomas, 2 neurofibrosarcomas, 3 primary lymphomas, 8 schwannomas and 5 metastatic tumours to the brain, for p73 alterations. Characterization of allelic loss at 1p36–p35 showed LOH in about 50% of cases, primarily involving oligodendroglial tumours (22 of 26 cases analysed; 85%) and meningiomas (4 of 10; 40%). PCR-SSCP and direct DNA sequencing of exons 2 to 14 of p73 revealed a missense mutation in one primary lymphoma: a G-to-A transition, with Glu291Lys change. 8 additional cases displayed no tumour-specific alterations, as 3 distinct polymorphic changes were identified: a double polymorphic change of exon 5 was found in one ependymoma and both samples derived from an oligodendroglioma, as follows: a G-to-A transition with no change in Pro 146, and a C-to-T variation with no change in Asn 204: a delG at exon 3/+12 position was identified in 4 samples corresponding to 2 oligodendrogliomas, 1 ependymoma and 1 meningioma, and a C-to-T change at exon 2/+10 position was present in a metastatic tumour. Although both LOH at 1p36 and p73 sequence changes were evidenced in 4 cases, it is difficult to establish a causal role of the p73 variations and nonastrocytic brain tumours development. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co