4,007 research outputs found

    Toy model for two chiral nonets

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    Motivated by the possibility that nonets of scalar mesons might be described as mixtures of "two quark" and "four quark" components, we further study a toy model in which corresponding chiral nonets (containing also the pseudoscalar partners) interact with each other. Although the "two quark" and "four quark" chiral fields transform identically under SU(3)L×_L \times SU(3)R_R transformations they transform differently under the U(1)A_A transformation which essentially counts total (quark + antiquark) content of the mesons. To implement this we formulate an effective Lagrangian which mocks up the U(1)A_A behavior of the underlying QCD. We derive generating equations which yield Ward identity type relations based only on the assumed symmetry structure. This is applied to the mass spectrum of the low lying pseudoscalars and scalars. as well as their "excitations". Assuming isotopic spin invariance, it is possible to disentangle the amount of"two quark" vs."four quark" content in the pseudoscalar π,K,η\pi, K ,\eta type states and in the scalar κ\kappa type states. It is found that a small "four quark" content in the lightest pseudoscalars is consistent with a large "four quark" content in the lightest of the scalar κ\kappa mesons. The present toy model also allows one to easily estimate the strength of a "four quark" vacuum condensate. There seems to be a rich and interesting structure.Comment: Numerical results updated, typos corrected, references update

    Mitomycin C application in resistant caustic esophageal stricture

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    Background/purpose Caustic esophageal strictures still represent a catastrophic problem in children of our country. Management protocol is usually started by regular esophageal dilatation in which multiple sessions may be needed until the resolution of dysphagia; however, in many cases endoscopic dilatation fails and therefore esophageal replacement is eventually required. Our aim is to assess the role of mitomycin C application in the management of caustic esophageal stricture refractory to regular endoscopic dilatation.Patients and methods Patients with resistant caustic esophageal stricture were subjected to topical mitomycin C application on stricture site after endoscopic dilatation. Patients were followed up clinically using validated dysphagia score to assess the improvement of dysphagia, radiologically by contrast esophagogram and endoscopically to confirm resolution of the stricture. Results were analyzed and compared with results of a control group managed at the institution by a regular dilatation protocol.Results During the period January 2008 to June 2010, 12 patients with resistant caustic esophageal stricture were followed at our unit of whom six had a short esophageal stricture (< 3 cm) and six had a long stricture ( >3 cm). Topical mitomycin C application resulted in clinical and radiological resolution of dysphagia and strictures in 83% and 66% respectively, compared with 44 (eight out of 18 patients with short stricture) and 25% (two out of eight patients with long stricture) in the control group.Conclusion Mitomycin C application can markedly improve the outcome of patients with caustic esophageal stricture, reducing the number of required sessions for endoscopic dilatation. However, double-blinded randomized controlled trial is needed to prove its effectiveness.Keywords: caustic esophageal stricture, esophageal dilatation, mitomycin

    Precision measurement of vector and tensor analyzing powers in elastic deuteron-proton scattering

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    High precision vector and tensor analyzing powers of elastic deuteron-proton d+p scattering have been measured at intermediate energies to investigate effects of three-nucleon forces (3NF). Angular distribution in the range of 70-120 degree in the center-of mass frame for incident-deuteron energies of 130 and 180 MeV were obtained using the RIKEN facility. The beam polarization was unambiguously determined by measuring the 12C(d,alpha)10B(2+) reaction at 0 degree. Results of the measurements are compared with state-of-the-art three-nucleon calculations. The present modeling of nucleon-nucleon forces and its extension to the three-nucleon system is not sufficient to describe the high precision data consistently and requires, therefore, further investigation

    The Fokker-Planck equation, and stationary densities

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    The most general local Markovian stochastic model is investigated, for which it is known that the evolution equation is the Fokker-Planck equation. Special cases are investigated where uncorrelated initial states remain uncorrelated. Finally, stochastic one-dimensional fields with local interactions are studied that have kink-solutions.Comment: 10 page

    Ricci Collineations of the Bianchi Type II, VIII, and IX Space-times

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    Ricci and contracted Ricci collineations of the Bianchi type II, VIII, and IX space-times, associated with the vector fields of the form (i) one component of ξa(xb)\xi^a(x^b) is different from zero and (ii) two components of ξa(xb)\xi^a(x^b) are different from zero, for a,b=1,2,3,4a,b=1,2,3,4, are presented. In subcase (i.b), which is ξa=(0,ξ2(xa),0,0)\xi^a= (0,\xi^2(x^a),0,0), some known solutions are found, and in subcase (i.d), which is ξa=(0,0,0,ξ4(xa))\xi^a =(0,0,0,\xi^4(x^a)), choosing S(t)=const.×R(t)S(t)=const.\times R(t), the Bianchi type II, VIII, and IX space-times is reduced to the Robertson-Walker metric.Comment: 12 Pages, LaTeX, 1 Table, no figure

    Systematic investigation of the elastic proton-deuteron differential cross section at intermediate energies

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    To investigate the importance of three-nucleon forces (3NF) systematically over a broad range of intermediate energies, the differential cross sections of elastic proton-deuteron scattering have been measured at proton bombarding energies of 108, 120, 135, 150, 170 and 190 MeV at center-of-mass angles between 3030^\circ and 170170^\circ. Comparisons with Faddeev calculations show unambiguously the shortcomings of calculations employing only two-body forces and the necessity of including 3NF. They also show the limitations of the latest few-nucleon calculations at backward angles, especially at higher beam energies. Some of these discrepancies could be partially due to relativistic effects. Data at lowest energy are also compared with a recent calculation based on \chipt

    Nuclear Spin Effects in Semiconductor Quantum Dots

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    The interaction of an electronic spin with its nuclear environment, an issue known as the central spin problem, has been the subject of considerable attention due to its relevance for spin-based quantum computation using semiconductor quantum dots. Independent control of the nuclear spin bath using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques and dynamic nuclear polarization using the central spin itself offer unique possibilities for manipulating the nuclear bath with significant consequences for the coherence and controlled manipulation of the central spin. Here we review some of the recent optical and transport experiments that have explored this central spin problem using semiconductor quantum dots. We focus on the interaction between 10410610^4-10^6 nuclear spins and a spin of a single electron or valence-band hole. We also review the experimental techniques as well as the key theoretical ideas and the implications for quantum information science.Physic

    Replica Bethe ansatz derivation of the Tracy-Widom distribution of the free energy fluctuations in one-dimensional directed polymers

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    The distribution function of the free energy fluctuations in one-dimensional directed polymers with δ\delta-correlated random potential is studied by mapping the replicated problem to the NN-particle quantum boson system with attractive interactions. We find the full set of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of this many-body system and perform the summation over the entire spectrum of excited states. It is shown that in the thermodynamic limit the problem is reduced to the Fredholm determinant with the Airy kernel yielding the universal Tracy-Widom distribution, which is known to describe the statistical properties of the Gaussian unitary ensemble as well as many other statistical systems.Comment: 23 page

    Gauged linear sigma model and pion-pion scattering

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    A simple gauged linear sigma model with several parameters to take the symmetry breaking and the mass differences between the vector meson and the axial vector meson into account is considered here as a possibly useful template for the role of a light scalar in QCD as well as for (at a different scale) an effective Higgs sector for some recently proposed walking technicolor models. An analytic procedure is first developed for relating the Lagrangian parameters to four well established (in the QCD application) experimental inputs. One simple equation distinguishes three different cases:1. QCD with axial vector particle heavier than vector particle, 2. possible technicolor model with vector particle heavier than the axial vector one, 3. the unphysical QCD case where both the KSRF and Weinberg relations hold. The model is applied to the s-wave pion-pion scattering in QCD. Both the near threshold region and (with an assumed unitarization) theglobal region up to about 800 MeV are considered. It is noted that there is a little tension between the choice of bare sigma mass parameter for describing these two regions. If a reasonable globa fit is made, there is some loss of precision in the near threshold region.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Tailoring the microstructure of a solid oxide fuel cell anode support by calcination and milling of YSZ

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    In this study, the effects of calcination and milling of 8YSZ (8 mol% yttria stabilized zirconia) used in the nickel-YSZ anode on the performance of anode supported tubular fuel cells were investigated. For this purpose, two different types of cells were prepared based on a Ni-YSZ/YSZ/NdNiO-YSZ configuration. For the anode preparation, a suspension was prepared by mixing NiO and YSZ in a ratio of 65:35 wt% (Ni:YSZ 50:50 vol.%) with 30 vol.% graphite as the pore former. As received Tosoh YSZ or its calcined form (heated at 1500 °C for 3 hours) was used in the anode support as the YSZ source. Electrochemical results showed that optimization of the fuel electrode microstructure is essential for the optimal distribution of gas within the support of the cell, especially under electrolysis operation where the performance for an optimized cell (calcined YSZ) was enhanced by a factor of two. In comparison with a standard cell (containing as received YSZ), at 1.5 V and 800 °C the measured current density was -1380 mA cm and -690 mA cm for the cells containing calcined and as received YSZ, respectively. The present study suggests that the anode porosity for improved cell performance under SOEC is more critical than SOFC mode due to more complex gas diffusion under electrolysis mode where large amount of steam needs to be transfered into the cell.The authors would like to acknowledge the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (CCEMC) of Canada and Fundacion Domingo Martinez and Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (grant no. MAT2015-68078-R) of Spain for funding this research.Peer Reviewe