677 research outputs found

    New criteria for a ring to have a semisimple left quotient ring

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    Coriolis force in Geophysics: an elementary introduction and examples

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    We show how Geophysics may illustrate and thus improve classical Mechanics lectures concerning the study of Coriolis force effects. We are then interested in atmospheric as well as oceanic phenomena we are familiar with, and are for that reason of pedagogical and practical interest. Our aim is to model them in a very simple way to bring out the physical phenomena that are involved.Comment: Accepted for publication in European Journal of Physic

    Positively charged amino acids are essential for electron transfer and protein-protein interactions in the soluble methane monooxygenase complex from methylococcus capsulatus (Bath)

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    The soluble methane monooxygenase (sMMO) complex from Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) catalyses oxygen- and NAD(P)H-dependent oxygenation of methane, propene and other substrates. Whole-complex sMMO oxygenase activity requires all three sMMO components: the hydroxylase, the reductase and protein B. Also, in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, the hydroxylase alone catalyses substrate oxygenation via the peroxide shunt reaction. We investigated the effect of amine cross-linking on hydroxylase activity in order to probe the role of a gross conformational change that occurs in the hydroxylase upon binding of the other protein components. The cross-linker inhibited hydroxylase activity in the whole complex but this effect was due to covalent modification of primary amine groups rather than cross-linking. Covalent modification of arginine side-chains on the hydroxylase had a similar effect but, most remarkably, neither form of modification affected the activity of the hydroxylase via the peroxide shunt reaction. It was shown that covalent modification of positively charged groups on the hydroxylase, which occurred at multiple sites, interfered with its physical and functional interactions with protein B and with the passage of electrons from the reductase. These results indicate that protein B and the reductase of the sMMO complex interact via positively charged groups on the surface of the hydroxylase to induce a conformational change that is necessary for delivery of electrons into the active site of the hydroxylase. Modification of positively charged groups on protein B had no effect on its function, consistent with the hypothesis that positively charged groups on the hydroxylase interact with negative charges on protein B. Thus, we have discovered a means of specifically inactivating the interactions between the sMMO complex while preserving the catalytic activity of the hydroxylase active site which provides a new method of studying intercomponent interactions within sMMO.</p

    Field theory of the inverse cascade in two-dimensional turbulence

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    A two-dimensional fluid, stirred at high wavenumbers and damped by both viscosity and linear friction, is modeled by a statistical field theory. The fluid's long-distance behavior is studied using renormalization-group (RG) methods, as begun by Forster, Nelson, and Stephen [Phys. Rev. A 16, 732 (1977)]. With friction, which dissipates energy at low wavenumbers, one expects a stationary inverse energy cascade for strong enough stirring. While such developed turbulence is beyond the quantitative reach of perturbation theory, a combination of exact and perturbative results suggests a coherent picture of the inverse cascade. The zero-friction fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT) is derived from a generalized time-reversal symmetry and implies zero anomalous dimension for the velocity even when friction is present. Thus the Kolmogorov scaling of the inverse cascade cannot be explained by any RG fixed point. The beta function for the dimensionless coupling ghat is computed through two loops; the ghat^3 term is positive, as already known, but the ghat^5 term is negative. An ideal cascade requires a linear beta function for large ghat, consistent with a Pad\'e approximant to the Borel transform. The conjecture that the Kolmogorov spectrum arises from an RG flow through large ghat is compatible with other results, but the accurate k^{-5/3} scaling is not explained and the Kolmogorov constant is not estimated. The lack of scale invariance should produce intermittency in high-order structure functions, as observed in some but not all numerical simulations of the inverse cascade. When analogous RG methods are applied to the one-dimensional Burgers equation using an FDT-preserving dimensional continuation, equipartition is obtained instead of a cascade--in agreement with simulations.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX 4. Material added on energy flux, intermittency, and comparison with Burgers equatio

    Helicity cascades in rotating turbulence

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    The effect of helicity (velocity-vorticity correlations) is studied in direct numerical simulations of rotating turbulence down to Rossby numbers of 0.02. The results suggest that the presence of net helicity plays an important role in the dynamics of the flow. In particular, at small Rossby number, the energy cascades to large scales, as expected, but helicity then can dominate the cascade to small scales. A phenomenological interpretation in terms of a direct cascade of helicity slowed down by wave-eddy interactions leads to the prediction of new inertial indices for the small-scale energy and helicity spectra.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Decay of scalar variance in isotropic turbulence in a bounded domain

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    The decay of scalar variance in isotropic turbulence in a bounded domain is investigated. Extending the study of Touil, Bertoglio and Shao (2002; Journal of Turbulence, 03, 49) to the case of a passive scalar, the effect of the finite size of the domain on the lengthscales of turbulent eddies and scalar structures is studied by truncating the infrared range of the wavenumber spectra. Analytical arguments based on a simple model for the spectral distributions show that the decay exponent for the variance of scalar fluctuations is proportional to the ratio of the Kolmogorov constant to the Corrsin-Obukhov constant. This result is verified by closure calculations in which the Corrsin-Obukhov constant is artificially varied. Large-eddy simulations provide support to the results and give an estimation of the value of the decay exponent and of the scalar to velocity time scale ratio

    The imprint of large-scale flows on turbulence

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    We investigate the locality of interactions in hydrodynamic turbulence using data from a direct numerical simulation on a grid of 1024^3 points; the flow is forced with the Taylor-Green vortex. An inertial range for the energy is obtained in which the flux is constant and the spectrum follows an approximate Kolmogorov law. Nonlinear triadic interactions are dominated by their non-local components, involving widely separated scales. The resulting nonlinear transfer itself is local at each scale but the step in the energy cascade is independent of that scale and directly related to the integral scale of the flow. Interactions with large scales represent 20% of the total energy flux. Possible explanations for the deviation from self-similar models, the link between these findings and intermittency, and their consequences for modeling of turbulent flows are briefly discussed

    A Multiresolution Census Algorithm for Calculating Vortex Statistics in Turbulent Flows

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    The fundamental equations that model turbulent flow do not provide much insight into the size and shape of observed turbulent structures. We investigate the efficient and accurate representation of structures in two-dimensional turbulence by applying statistical models directly to the simulated vorticity field. Rather than extract the coherent portion of the image from the background variation, as in the classical signal-plus-noise model, we present a model for individual vortices using the non-decimated discrete wavelet transform. A template image, supplied by the user, provides the features to be extracted from the vorticity field. By transforming the vortex template into the wavelet domain, specific characteristics present in the template, such as size and symmetry, are broken down into components associated with spatial frequencies. Multivariate multiple linear regression is used to fit the vortex template to the vorticity field in the wavelet domain. Since all levels of the template decomposition may be used to model each level in the field decomposition, the resulting model need not be identical to the template. Application to a vortex census algorithm that records quantities of interest (such as size, peak amplitude, circulation, etc.) as the vorticity field evolves is given. The multiresolution census algorithm extracts coherent structures of all shapes and sizes in simulated vorticity fields and is able to reproduce known physical scaling laws when processing a set of voriticity fields that evolve over time

    Classical and quantum regimes of two-dimensional turbulence in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We investigate two-dimensional turbulence in finite-temperature trapped Bose-Einstein condensates within damped Gross-Pitaevskii theory. Turbulence is produced via circular motion of a Gaussian potential barrier stirring the condensate. We systematically explore a range of stirring parameters and identify three regimes, characterized by the injection of distinct quantum vortex structures into the condensate: (A) periodic vortex dipole injection, (B) irregular injection of a mixture of vortex dipoles and co-rotating vortex clusters, and (C) continuous injection of oblique solitons that decay into vortex dipoles. Spectral analysis of the kinetic energy associated with vortices reveals that regime (B) can intermittently exhibit a Kolmogorov k−5/3k^{-5/3} power law over almost a decade of length or wavenumber (kk) scales. The kinetic energy spectrum of regime (C) exhibits a clear k−3/2k^{-3/2} power law associated with an inertial range for weak-wave turbulence, and a k−7/2k^{-7/2} power law for high wavenumbers. We thus identify distinct regimes of forcing for generating either two-dimensional quantum turbulence or classical weak-wave turbulence that may be realizable experimentally.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. Minor updates to text and figures 1, 2 and
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