1,083 research outputs found

    Illumination in symbiotic binary stars: Non-LTE photoionization models. II. Wind case

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    We describe a non-LTE photoionization code to calculate the wind structure and emergent spectrum of a red giant wind illuminated by the hot component of a symbiotic binary system. We consider spherically symmetric winds with several different velocity and temperature laws and derive predicted line fluxes as a function of the red giant mass loss rate, \mdot. Our models generally match observations of the symbiotic stars EG And and AG Peg for \mdot about 10^{-8} \msunyr to 10^{-7} \msunyr. The optically thick cross- section of the red giant wind as viewed from the hot component is a crucial parameter in these models. Winds with cross-sections of 2--3 red giant radii reproduce the observed fluxes, because the wind density is then high, about 10^9 cm^{-3}. Our models favor winds with acceleration regions that either lie far from the red giant photosphere or extend for 2--3 red giant radii.Comment: 51 pages, LaTeX including three tables, requires 15 Encapsulated Postscript figures, to appear in Ap

    Optical Observations of the Binary Pulsar System PSR B1718-19: Implications for Tidal Circularization

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    We report on Keck and Hubble Space Telescope optical observations of the eclipsing binary pulsar system PSR B1718-19, in the direction of the globular cluster NGC 6342. These reveal a faint star (mF702W=25.21±0.07m_{\rm F702W}=25.21\pm0.07; Vega system) within the pulsar's 0\farcs5 radius positional error circle. This may be the companion. If it is a main-sequence star in the cluster, it has radius \rcomp\simeq0.3 \rsun, temperature \teff\simeq3600 K, and mass \mcomp\simeq0.3 \msun. In many formation models, however, the pulsar (spun up by accretion or newly formed) and its companion are initially in an eccentric orbit. If so, for tidal circularization to have produced the present-day highly circular orbit, a large stellar radius is required, i.e., the star must be bloated. Using constraints on the radius and temperature from the Roche and Hayashi limits, we infer from our observations that \rcomp\simlt0.44 \rsun and \teff\simgt3300 K. Even for the largest radii, the required efficiency of tidal dissipation is larger than expected for some prescriptions.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, aas4pp2.sty. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Primary Proton Spectrum of Cosmic Rays measured with Single Hadrons

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    The flux of cosmic-ray induced single hadrons near sea level has been measured with the large hadron calorimeter of the KASCADE experiment. The measurement corroborates former results obtained with detectors of smaller size if the enlarged veto of the 304 m^2 calorimeter surface is encounted for. The program CORSIKA/QGSJET is used to compute the cosmic-ray flux above the atmosphere. Between E_0=300 GeV and 1 PeV the primary proton spectrum can be described with a power law parametrized as dJ/dE_0=(0.15+-0.03)*E_0^{-2.78+-0.03} m^-2 s^-1 sr^-1 TeV^-1. In the TeV region the proton flux compares well with the results from recent measurements of direct experiments.Comment: 13 pages, accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    Results from the KASCADE, KASCADE-Grande, and LOPES experiments

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    The origin of high-energy cosmic rays in the energy range from 10^14 to 10^18 eV is explored with the KASCADE and KASCADE-Grande experiments. Radio signals from air showers are measured with the LOPES experiment. An overview on results is given.Comment: Talk at The ninth International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, TAUP 2005, Zaragoza, September 10-14, 200

    A new method to measure the attenuation of hadrons in extensive air showers

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    Extensive air showers are generated through interactions of high-energy cosmic rays impinging the Earth's atmosphere. A new method is described to infer the attenuation of hadrons in air showers. The numbers of electrons and muons, registered with the scintillator array of the KASCADE experiment are used to estimate the energy of the shower inducing primary particle. A large hadron calorimeter is used to measure the hadronic energy reaching observation level. The ratio of energy reaching ground level to the energy of the primary particle is used to derive an attenuation length of hadrons in air showers. In the energy range from 10610^6 GeV to 31073\cdot10^7 GeV the attenuation length obtained increases from 170 \gcm2 to 210 \gcm2. The experimental results are compared to predictions of simulations based on contemporary high energy interaction models.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Frequency spectra of cosmic ray air shower radio emission measured with LOPES

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    AIMS: We wish to study the spectral dependence of the radio emission from cosmic-ray air showers around 100 PeV (1017 eV). METHODS: We observe short radio pulses in a broad frequency band with the dipole-interferometer LOPES (LOFAR Prototype Station), which is triggered by a particle detector array named Karlsruhe Shower Core and Array Detector (KASCADE). LOFAR is the Low Frequency Array. For this analysis, 23 strong air shower events are selected using parameters from KASCADE. RESULTS: The resulting electric field spectra fall off to higher frequencies. An average electric field spectrum is fitted with an exponential, or alternatively, with a power law. The spectral slope obtained is not consistent within uncertainties and it is slightly steeper than the slope obtained from Monte Carlo simulations based on air showers simulated with CORSIKA (Cosmic Ray Simulations for KASCADE). One of the strongest events was measured during thunderstorm activity in the vicinity of LOPES and shows the longest pulse length measured of 110 ns and a spectral slope of -3.6. CONCLUSIONS: We show with two different methods that frequency spectra from air shower radio emission can be reconstructed on event-by-event basis, with only two dozen dipole antennae simultaneously over a broad range of frequencies. According to the obtained spectral slopes, the maximum power is emitted below 40 MHz. Furthermore, the decrease in power to higher frequencies indicates a loss in coherence determined by the shower disc thickness. We conclude that a broader bandwidth, larger collecting area, and longer baselines, as will be provided by LOFAR, are necessary to further investigate the relation of the coherence, pulse length, and spectral slope of cosmic ray air showers.Comment: 13 pages, 21 figures. Nigl, A. et al. (LOPES Collaboration), Frequency spectra of cosmic ray air shower radio emission measured with LOPES, accepted by A&A on 17/06/200

    Azimuthal anisotropy and correlations in the hard scattering regime at RHIC

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    Azimuthal anisotropy (v2v_2) and two-particle angular correlations of high pTp_T charged hadrons have been measured in Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}=130 GeV for transverse momenta up to 6 GeV/c, where hard processes are expected to contribute significantly. The two-particle angular correlations exhibit elliptic flow and a structure suggestive of fragmentation of high pTp_T partons. The monotonic rise of v2(pT)v_2(p_T) for pT<2p_T<2 GeV/c is consistent with collective hydrodynamical flow calculations. At \pT>3 GeV/c a saturation of v2v_2 is observed which persists up to pT=6p_T=6 GeV/c.Comment: As publishe

    Azimuthal anisotropy of K0S and Lambda + Lambda -bar production at midrapidity from Au+Au collisions at sqrt[sNN]=130 GeV

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    We report STAR results on the azimuthal anisotropy parameter v2 for strange particles K0S, Lambda , and Lambda -bar at midrapidity in Au+Au collisions at sqrt[sNN]=130 GeV at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The value of v2 as a function of transverse momentum, pt, of the produced particle and collision centrality is presented for both particles up to pt~3.0 GeV/c. A strong pt dependence in v2 is observed up to 2.0 GeV/c. The v2 measurement is compared with hydrodynamic model calculations. The physics implications of the pt integrated v2 magnitude as a function of particle mass are also discussed.Alle Autoren: C. Adler, Z. Ahammed, C. Allgower, J. Amonett, B. D. Anderson, M. Anderson, G. S. Averichev, J. Balewski, O. Barannikova, L. S. Barnby, J. Baudot, S. Bekele, V. V. Belaga, R. Bellwied, J. Berger, H. Bichsel, A. Billmeier, L. C. Bland, C. O. Blyth, B. E. Bonner, A. Boucham, A. Brandin, A. Bravar, R. V. Cadman, H. Caines, M. Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, A. Cardenas, J. Carroll, J. Castillo, M. Castro, D. Cebra, P. Chaloupka, S. Chattopadhyay, Y. Chen, S. P. Chernenko, M. Cherney, A. Chikanian, B. Choi, W. Christie, J. P. Coffin, T. M. Cormier, J. G. Cramer, H. J. Crawford, W. S. Deng, A. A. Derevschikov, L. Didenko, T. Dietel, J. E. Draper, V. B. Dunin, J. C. Dunlop, V. Eckardt, L. G. Efimov, V. Emelianov, J. Engelage, G. Eppley, B. Erazmus, P. Fachini, V. Faine, K. Filimonov, E. Finch, Y. Fisyak, D. Flierl, K. J. Foley, J. Fu, C. A. Gagliardi, N. Gagunashvili, J. Gans, L. Gaudichet, M. Germain, F. Geurts, V. Ghazikhanian, O. Grachov, V. Grigoriev, M. Guedon, E. Gushin, T. J. Hallman, D. Hardtke, J. W. Harris, T. W. Henry, S. Heppelmann, T. Herston, B. Hippolyte, A. Hirsch, E. Hjort, G. W. Hoffmann, M. Horsley, H. Z. Huang, T. J. Humanic, G. Igo, A. Ishihara, Yu. I. Ivanshin, P. Jacobs, W. W. Jacobs, M. Janik, I. Johnson, P. G. Jones, E. G. Judd, M. Kaneta, M. Kaplan, D. Keane, J. Kiryluk, A. Kisiel, J. Klay, S. R. Klein, A. Klyachko, A. S. Konstantinov, M. Kopytine, L. Kotchenda, A. D. Kovalenko, M. Kramer, P. Kravtsov, K. Krueger, C. Kuhn, A. I. Kulikov, G. J. Kunde, C. L. Kunz, R. Kh. Kutuev, A. A. Kuznetsov, L. Lakehal-Ayat, M. A. C. Lamont, J. M. Landgraf, S. Lange, C. P. Lansdell, B. Lasiuk, F. Laue, A. Lebedev, R. Lednický, V. M. Leontiev, M. J. LeVine, Q. Li, S. J. Lindenbaum, M. A. Lisa, F. Liu, L. Liu, Z. Liu, Q. J. Liu, T. Ljubicic, W. J. Llope, G. LoCurto, H. Long, R. S. Longacre, M. Lopez-Noriega, W. A. Love, T. Ludlam, D. Lynn, J. Ma, R. Majka, S. Margetis, C. Markert, L. Martin, J. Marx, H. S. Matis, Yu. A. Matulenko, T. S. McShane, F. Meissner, Yu. Melnick, A. Meschanin, M. Messer, M. L. Miller, Z. Milosevich, N. G. Minaev, J. Mitchell, V. A. Moiseenko, C. F. Moore, V. Morozov, M. M. de Moura, M. G. Munhoz, J. M. Nelson, P. Nevski, V. A. Nikitin, L. V. Nogach, B. Norman, S. B. Nurushev, G. Odyniec, A. Ogawa, V. Okorokov, M. Oldenburg, D. Olson, G. Paic, S. U. Pandey, Y. Panebratsev, S. Y. Panitkin, A. I. Pavlinov, T. Pawlak, V. Perevoztchikov, W. Peryt, V. A Petrov, M. Planinic, J. Pluta, N. Porile, J. Porter, A. M. Poskanzer, E. Potrebenikova, D. Prindle, C. Pruneau, J. Putschke, G. Rai, G. Rakness, O. Ravel, R. L. Ray, S. V. Razin, D. Reichhold, J. G. Reid, F. Retiere, A. Ridiger, H. G. Ritter, J. B. Roberts, O. V. Rogachevski, J. L. Romero, A. Rose, C. Roy, V. Rykov, I. Sakrejda, S. Salur, J. Sandweiss, A. C. Saulys, I. Savin, J. Schambach, R. P. Scharenberg, N. Schmitz, L. S. Schroeder, A. Schüttauf, K. Schweda, J. Seger, D. Seliverstov, P. Seyboth, E. Shahaliev, K. E. Shestermanov, S. S. Shimanskii, V. S. Shvetcov, G. Skoro, N. Smirnov, R. Snellings, P. Sorensen, J. Sowinski, H. M. Spinka, B. Srivastava, E. J. Stephenson, R. Stock, A. Stolpovsky, M. Strikhanov, B. Stringfellow, C. Struck, A. A. P. Suaide, E. Sugarbaker, C. Suire, M. Šumbera, B. Surrow, T. J. M. Symons, A. Szanto de Toledo, P. Szarwas, A. Tai, J. Takahashi, A. H. Tang, J. H. Thomas, M. Thompson, V. Tikhomirov, M. Tokarev, M. B. Tonjes, T. A. Trainor, S. Trentalange, R. E. Tribble, V. Trofimov, O. Tsai, T. Ullrich, D. G. Underwood, G. Van Buren, A. M. VanderMolen, I. M. Vasilevski, A. N. Vasiliev, S. E. Vigdor, S. A. Voloshin, F. Wang, H. Ward, J. W. Watson, R. Wells, G. D. Westfall, C. Whitten, Jr., H. Wieman, R. Willson, S. W. Wissink, R. Witt, J. Wood, N. Xu, Z. Xu, A. E. Yakutin, E. Yamamoto, J. Yang, P. Yepes, V. I. Yurevich, Y. V. Zanevski, I. Zborovský, H. Zhang, W. M. Zhang, R. Zoulkarneev, and A. N. Zubarev (STAR Collaboration

    Elliptic flow from two- and four-particle correlations in Au + Au collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}} = 130 GeV

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    Elliptic flow holds much promise for studying the early-time thermalization attained in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions. Flow measurements also provide a means of distinguishing between hydrodynamic models and calculations which approach the low density (dilute gas) limit. Among the effects that can complicate the interpretation of elliptic flow measurements are azimuthal correlations that are unrelated to the reaction plane (non-flow correlations). Using data for Au + Au collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}} = 130 GeV from the STAR TPC, it is found that four-particle correlation analyses can reliably separate flow and non-flow correlation signals. The latter account for on average about 15% of the observed second-harmonic azimuthal correlation, with the largest relative contribution for the most peripheral and the most central collisions. The results are also corrected for the effect of flow variations within centrality bins. This effect is negligible for all but the most central bin, where the correction to the elliptic flow is about a factor of two. A simple new method for two-particle flow analysis based on scalar products is described. An analysis based on the distribution of the magnitude of the flow vector is also described.Comment: minor text change

    Disappearance of back-to-back high pTp_T hadron correlations in central Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV

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    Azimuthal correlations for large transverse momentum charged hadrons have been measured over a wide pseudo-rapidity range and full azimuth in Au+Au and p+p collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV. The small-angle correlations observed in p+p collisions and at all centralities of Au+Au collisions are characteristic of hard-scattering processes already observed in elementary collisions. A strong back-to-back correlation exists for p+p and peripheral Au + Au. In contrast, the back-to-back correlations are reduced considerably in the most central Au+Au collisions, indicating substantial interaction as the hard-scattered partons or their fragmentation products traverse the medium.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. Let