589 research outputs found

    Control of Weeds in Rice Fields.

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    11 p

    Report of Experiments at Substation No. 4, Beaumont, Texas.

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    Control of Weeds in Rice Fields.

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    11 p

    Dual phononic and photonic band gaps in a periodic array of pillars deposited on a thin plate

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    We study theoretically the simultaneous existence of phononic and photonic band gaps in a periodic array of silicon pillars deposited on a homogeneous thin silica plate. Several lattices, namely, square, triangular, and honeycomb are investigated for a wide range of geometrical parameters. We discuss the most suitable cases for dual phononic-photonic band gaps, especially in comparison to the more conventional structures constituted by a periodic array of holes in a membrane

    Premières molaires permanentes et variations palatine ou mandibulaire

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    101 children, each of them with two teleradiographies, were selected. The first X-ray was taken at the time of the mixed dentition, the second one, when the permanent dentition was established. The purpose of the research is to show the oscillations of the palatine and mandibular planes, and their link to the movements of the first permanent molars. The palatine plane is found to swing between - 7° and +5°, with an average of -0.97°. The posterior part of that plane rocks downwards in 51% of the children. The limits are -7° and -1°, with an average of -3.2°. In 22%, the plane rocks upwards between +1° and +5° with an average of +3.1°. In 27% it moves parallel to itself. The posterior part of the mandibular plane varies between -6° and +5°, with an average of -1.1°. It rocks downwards in 48% of the cases, between -6° and -1° with an average of -3.9°. In 22% of the children, this plane rocks upwards between +1° and +5°with an average of +2.5°. In 30%, it moves parallel to itself. The overall result is that the more the posterior part of the palate, or of the mandibule moves downwards, the more the first permanent molars get straight or move forwards.Le but de ce travail est de déterminer les oscillations des plans palatin et mandibulaire ainsi que leur lien avec les mouvements des premières monophysaires. Les téléradiographies, prises à quelques années d’intervalle, de 101 enfants, sont superposés sur le compas ptérygo-clivien. Plus la partie postérieure des lames palatines ou de la mandibule s’abaisse, plus les premières molaires se redressent ou se déplacent vers l’avant

    Etude télécrânienne des mouvements cervicaux et palatins au cours de la croissance

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    The sagittal and anterior position of the hyoid bone is at the origin of the changes in orientation of the palatine laminae. A posterior-anterior movement of this bone allows the tongue to liberate the posterior part of the oral cavity; the palatine laminae rotate forwards and downwards. The opposite case is verified in the same way; the naso-palatine canal is a very malleable area, allowing a lowering of the anterior part of the palatine laminae. The vertical variations of the hyoid bone have little effect on the palate.La position sagittale de l’os hyoïde est à l’origine des modifications d’orientation des lames palatines. Ceci a été montré à partir de télécrânes sagittaux. Un mouvement postéro-antérieur de cet os permet à la langue de libérer la partie postérieure de la cavité buccale: les lames palatines font une rotation vers le bas et l’avant. Le contraire se vérifie de la même façon. Le canal naso-palatin est une zone très plastique; il permet un abaissement de la partie antérieure de la lame palatine. Les variations verticales hyoïdiennes influencent peu le palais

    Influence du développement vertical du massif facial supérieur sur les différents composants palatins

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    We put the vertical rotations of the premaxilla and of the hard palate in relation with the vertical development of the maxillary fied. The latter has been evaluated by the changes of length of the right segment that was defined by the prof. Delaire point and its MH1 projection of the hard palate.The vertical variations of the maxillary fields, evaluated from the M-MH1, have an influence on the orientation of the hard palate and the premaxilla in relation to the angle of the pterygoclivian compass.This action is very perceptible at the level of the premaxilla-palatinal junction. It is lower at the level of the hard palate and of the premaxilla when these are separately studied.We got the impression that the front and the back nasal thorns are relatively steady zones during the growth compared to the premaxillo-palatinal junction.Nous avons mis en relation les rotations dans le sens vertical du prémaxillaire et des lames palatines avec le développement vertical du champ maxillaire. Celui-ci a été évalué par les changements de longueur du segment de droite défini par le point M. de DELAIRE et sa projection MH1 sur les lames palatines.Les variations verticales du champ maxillaire, évaluées à partir de MMH1 influencent l'orientation des lames palatines et du prémaxillaire par rapport au compas ptérygo-clivien. Cette action est fort sensible au niveau de la jonction prémaxillo-palatine. Elle est moindre au niveau des lames palatines et du prémaxillaire lorsque ceux-ci sont étudiés séparément.Nous avons tiré l'impression que les épines nasales antérieure et postérieure sont des zones relativement fixes par rapport à la jointure prémaxillopalatine

    Material anisotropy unveiled by random scattering of surface acoustic waves

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    We consider launching a monochromatic surface acoustic wave packet on a large set of random scatterers. The interference of the multiple scatteredwaves creates a random pattern of ripples on the crystal surface that is recorded by optical interferometry. The Fourier transform of the amplitude and phase data of the measured wave field unveils the complete slowness curve, i.e., the wave-vector as a function of the propagation angle. A simple acoustic speckle model is proposed to explain this observation.Peer reviewe

    Technical and economic feasibility of the capture and geological storage of CO2 from a bio-fuel distillery: CPER Artenay project

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    AbstractThis paper first focuses on the environmental benefits of the CCS system applied to a bio-ethanol distillery before estimating its feasibility under geological and economic constraints.First, the calculation of CO2 balance in this application shows that the introduction of CO2 capture and sto rage in biomass energy systems (B-CCS) can si gnificantly increase the CO2 abat ement potential of the system and even leads to negative carbon emissions. Besides, a preliminary geological investigation reveals that the studied area has a good storage potential although the presence of major faults, while the low capture costs of CO2 from biomass fermentation emphasize the economic potential o f such a solution