590 research outputs found

    On Isoconcentration Surfaces of Three Dimensional Turing Patterns

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    We consider three-dimensional Turing patterns and their isoconcentration surfaces corresponding to the equilibrium concentration of the reaction kinetics. We call these surfaces equilibrium concentration surfaces (EC surfaces). They are the interfaces between the regions of high and low concentrations in Turing patterns. We give alternate characterizations of EC surfaces by means of two variational principles, one of them being that they are optimal for diffusive transport. Several examples of EC surfaces are considered. Remarkably, they are often very well approximated by certain minimal surfaces. We give a dynamical explanation for the emergence of Scherk\u27s surface in certain cases, a structure that has been observed numerically previously in [De Wit et al., 1997]

    Bound States at Threshold resulting from Coulomb Repulsion

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    The eigenvalue absorption for a many-particle Hamiltonian depending on a parameter is analyzed in the framework of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The long-range part of pair potentials is assumed to be pure Coulomb and no restriction on the particle statistics is imposed. It is proved that if the lowest dissociation threshold corresponds to the decay into two likewise non-zero charged clusters then the bound state, which approaches the threshold, does not spread and eventually becomes the bound state at threshold. The obtained results have applications in atomic and nuclear physics. In particular, we prove that atomic ion with atomic critical charge ZcrZ_{cr} and NeN_e electrons has a bound state at threshold given that Zcr(Ne2,Ne1)Z_{cr} \in (N_e -2, N_e -1), whereby the electrons are treated as fermions and the mass of the nucleus is finite.Comment: This is a combined and updated version of the manuscripts arXiv:math-ph/0611075v2 and arXiv:math-ph/0610058v

    Measuring the Hausdorff Dimension of Quantum Mechanical Paths

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    We measure the propagator length in imaginary time quantum mechanics by Monte Carlo simulation on a lattice and extract the Hausdorff dimension dHd_{H}. We find that all local potentials fall into the same universality class giving dH=2d_{H}=2 like the free motion. A velocity dependent action (SdtvαS \propto \int dt \mid \vec{v} \mid^{\alpha}) in the path integral (e.g. electrons moving in solids, or Brueckner's theory of nuclear matter) yields dH=αα1d_{H}=\frac{\alpha }{\alpha - 1} if α>2\alpha > 2 and dH=2d_{H}=2 if α2\alpha \leq 2. We discuss the relevance of fractal pathes in solid state physics and in QFTQFT, in particular for the Wilson loop in QCDQCD.Comment: uuencoded and compressed shell archive file. 8 pages with 7 figure

    Thermal Quantum Fields without Cut-offs in 1+1 Space-time Dimensions

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    We construct interacting quantum fields in 1+1 dimensional Minkowski space, representing neutral scalar bosons at positive temperature. Our work is based on prior work by Klein and Landau and Hoegh-KrohnComment: 48 page

    Two and Three Loops Beta Function of Non Commutative Φ44\Phi^4_4 Theory

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    The simplest non commutative renormalizable field theory, the ϕ44\phi_4^4 model on four dimensional Moyal space with harmonic potential is asymptotically safe at one loop, as shown by H. Grosse and R. Wulkenhaar. We extend this result up to three loops. If this remains true at any loop, it should allow a full non perturbative construction of this model.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Finite difference schemes for the symmetric Keyfitz-Kranzer system

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    We are concerned with the convergence of numerical schemes for the initial value problem associated to the Keyfitz-Kranzer system of equations. This system is a toy model for several important models such as in elasticity theory, magnetohydrodynamics, and enhanced oil recovery. In this paper we prove the convergence of three difference schemes. Two of these schemes is shown to converge to the unique entropy solution. Finally, the convergence is illustrated by several examples.Comment: 31 page

    On the mixing property for a class of states of relativistic quantum fields

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    Let ω\omega be a factor state on the quasi-local algebra A\cal{A} of observables generated by a relativistic quantum field, which in addition satisfies certain regularity conditions (satisfied by ground states and the recently constructed thermal states of the P(ϕ)2P(\phi)_2 theory). We prove that there exist space and time translation invariant states, some of which are arbitrarily close to ω\omega in the weak* topology, for which the time evolution is weakly asymptotically abelian

    A Non-Riemannian Metric on Space-Time Emergent From Scalar Quantum Field Theory

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    We show that the two-point function \sigma(x,x')=\sqrt{} of a scalar quantum field theory is a metric (i.e., a symmetric positive function satisfying the triangle inequality) on space-time (with imaginary time). It is very different from the Euclidean metric |x-x'| at large distances, yet agrees with it at short distances. For example, space-time has finite diameter which is not universal. The Lipschitz equivalence class of the metric is independent of the cutoff. \sigma(x,x') is not the length of the geodesic in any Riemannian metric. Nevertheless, it is possible to embed space-time in a higher dimensional space so that \sigma(x,x') is the length of the geodesic in the ambient space. \sigma(x,x') should be useful in constructing the continuum limit of quantum field theory with fundamental scalar particles