8,000 research outputs found

    Galaxy phase-space density data exclude Bose-Einstein condensate Axion Dark Matter

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    Light scalars (as the axion) with mass m ~ 10^{-22} eV forming a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) exhibit a Jeans length in the kpc scale and were therefore proposed as dark matter (DM) candidates. Our treatment here is generic, independent of the particle physics model and applies to all DM BEC, in or out of equilibrium. Two observed quantities crucially constrain DM in an inescapable way: the average DM density rho_{DM} and the phase-space density Q. The observed values of rho_{DM} and Q in galaxies today constrain both the possibility to form a BEC and the DM mass m. These two constraints robustly exclude axion DM that decouples just after the QCD phase transition. Moreover, the value m ~ 10^{-22} eV can only be obtained with a number of ultrarelativistic degrees of freedom at decoupling in the trillions which is impossible for decoupling in the radiation dominated era. In addition, we find for the axion vacuum misalignment scenario that axions are produced strongly out of thermal equilibrium and that the axion mass in such scenario turns to be 17 orders of magnitude too large to reproduce the observed galactic structures. Moreover, we also consider inhomogenous gravitationally bounded BEC's supported by the bosonic quantum pressure independently of any particular particle physics scenario. For a typical size R ~ kpc and compact object masses M ~ 10^7 Msun they remarkably lead to the same particle mass m ~ 10^{-22} eV as the BEC free-streaming length. However, the phase-space density for the gravitationally bounded BEC's turns to be more than sixty orders of magnitude smaller than the galaxy observed values. We conclude that the BEC's and the axion cannot be the DM particle. However, an axion in the mili-eV scale may be a relevant source of dark energy through the zero point cosmological quantum fluctuations.Comment: 8 pages, no figures. Expanded versio

    Strings in Cosmological and Black Hole Backgrounds: Ring Solutions

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    The string equations of motion and constraints are solved for a ring shaped Ansatz in cosmological and black hole spacetimes. In FRW universes with arbitrary power behavior [R(X^0) = a\;|X^0|^{\a}\, ], the asymptotic form of the solution is found for both X0→0X^0 \to 0 and X0→∞X^0 \to \infty and we plot the numerical solution for all times. Right after the big bang (X0=0X^0 = 0), the string energy decreasess as R(X0)−1 R(X^0)^{-1} and the string size grows as R(X0) R(X^0) for 01 0 1 . Very soon [ X0∼1 X^0 \sim 1 ] , the ring reaches its oscillatory regime with frequency equal to the winding and constant size and energy. This picture holds for all values of \a including string vacua (for which, asymptotically, \a = 1). In addition, an exact non-oscillatory ring solution is found. For black hole spacetimes (Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstr\oo m and stringy), we solve for ring strings moving towards the center. Depending on their initial conditions (essentially the oscillation phase), they are are absorbed or not by Schwarzschild black holes. The phenomenon of particle transmutation is explicitly observed (for rings not swallowed by the hole). An effective horizon is noticed for the rings. Exact and explicit ring solutions inside the horizon(s) are found. They may be interpreted as strings propagating between the different universes described by the full black hole manifold.Comment: Paris preprint PAR-LPTHE-93/43. Uses phyzzx. Includes figures. Text and figures compressed using uufile

    Equation of state, universal profiles, scaling and macroscopic quantum effects in Warm Dark Matter galaxies

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    The Thomas-Fermi approach to galaxy structure determines selfconsistently and nonlinearly the gravitational potential of the fermionic WDM particles given their quantum distribution function f(E). Galaxy magnitudes as the halo radius r_h, mass M_h, velocity dispersion and phase space density are obtained. We derive the general equation of state for galaxies (relation between the pressure and the density), and provide an analytic expression. This clearly exhibits two regimes: (i) Large diluted galaxies for M_h > 2.3 10^6 Msun corresponding to temperatures T_0 > 0.017 K, described by the classical self gravitating WDM Boltzman regime and (ii) Compact dwarf galaxies for 1.6 10^6 Msun > M_h>M_{h,min}=30000 (2keV/m)^{16/5} Msun, T_0<0.011 K described by the quantum fermionic WDM regime. The T_0=0 degenerate quantum limit predicts the most compact and smallest galaxy (minimal radius and mass M_{h,min}). All magnitudes in the diluted regime exhibit square root of M_h scaling laws and are universal functions of r/r_h when normalized to their values at the origin or at r_h. We find that universality in galaxies (for M_h > 10^6 Msun) reflects the WDM perfect gas behaviour. These theoretical results contrasted to robust and independent sets of galaxy data remarkably reproduce the observations. For the small galaxies, 10^6>M_h>M_{h,min} corresponding to effective temperatures T_0 < 0.017 K, the equation of state is galaxy dependent and the profiles are no more universal. These non-universal properties in small galaxies account to the quantum physics of the WDM fermions in the compact regime. Our results are independent of any WDM particle physics model, they only follow from the gravitational interaction of the WDM particles and their fermionic quantum nature.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1309.229

    Statistical Mechanics of the Self-Gravitating Gas: Thermodynamic Limit, Unstabilities and Phase Diagrams

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    We show that the self-gravitating gas at thermal equilibrium has an infinite volume limit in the three ensembles (GCE, CE, MCE) when (N, V) -> infty, keeping N/V^{1/3} fixed, that is, with eta = G m^2 N/[ V^{1/3} T] fixed. We develop MonteCarlo simulations, analytic mean field methods (MF) and low density expansions. We compute the equation of state and find it to be locally p(r) = T rho_V(r), that is a local ideal gas equation of state. The system is in a gaseous phase for eta < eta_T = 1.51024...and collapses into a very dense object for eta > eta_T in the CE with the pressure becoming large and negative. The isothermal compressibility diverges at eta = eta_T. We compute the fluctuations around mean field for the three ensembles. We show that the particle distribution can be described by a Haussdorf dimension 1 < D < 3.Comment: 12 pages, Invited lecture at `Statistical Mechanics of Non-Extensive Systems', Observatoire de Paris, October 2005, to be published in a Special issue of `Les Comptes rendus de l'Acade'mie des sciences', Elsevie

    Planetoid String Solutions in 3 + 1 Axisymmetric Spacetimes

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    The string propagation equations in axisymmetric spacetimes are exactly solved by quadratures for a planetoid Ansatz. This is a straight non-oscillating string, radially disposed, which rotates uniformly around the symmetry axis of the spacetime. In Schwarzschild black holes, the string stays outside the horizon pointing towards the origin. In de Sitter spacetime the planetoid rotates around its center. We quantize semiclassically these solutions and analyze the spin/(mass2^2) (Regge) relation for the planetoids, which turns out to be non-linear.Comment: Latex file, 14 pages, two figures in .ps files available from the author

    Strings Next To and Inside Black Holes

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    The string equations of motion and constraints are solved near the horizon and near the singularity of a Schwarzschild black hole. In a conformal gauge such that τ=0\tau = 0 (τ\tau = worldsheet time coordinate) corresponds to the horizon (r=1r=1) or to the black hole singularity (r=0r=0), the string coordinates express in power series in τ\tau near the horizon and in power series in τ1/5\tau^{1/5} around r=0r=0. We compute the string invariant size and the string energy-momentum tensor. Near the horizon both are finite and analytic. Near the black hole singularity, the string size, the string energy and the transverse pressures (in the angular directions) tend to infinity as r−1r^{-1}. To leading order near r=0r=0, the string behaves as two dimensional radiation. This two spatial dimensions are describing the S2S^2 sphere in the Schwarzschild manifold.Comment: RevTex, 19 pages without figure

    Multi-String Solutions by Soliton Methods in De Sitter Spacetime

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    {\bf Exact} solutions of the string equations of motion and constraints are {\bf systematically} constructed in de Sitter spacetime using the dressing method of soliton theory. The string dynamics in de Sitter spacetime is integrable due to the associated linear system. We start from an exact string solution q(0)q_{(0)} and the associated solution of the linear system Ψ(0)(λ)\Psi^{(0)} (\lambda), and we construct a new solution Ψ(λ)\Psi(\lambda) differing from Ψ(0)(λ)\Psi^{(0)}(\lambda) by a rational matrix in λ\lambda with at least four poles λ0,1/λ0,λ0∗,1/λ0∗\lambda_{0},1/\lambda_{0},\lambda_{0}^*,1/\lambda_{0}^*. The periodi- city condition for closed strings restrict λ0\lambda _{0} to discrete values expressed in terms of Pythagorean numbers. Here we explicitly construct solu- tions depending on (2+1)(2+1)-spacetime coordinates, two arbitrary complex numbers (the 'polarization vector') and two integers (n,m)(n,m) which determine the string windings in the space. The solutions are depicted in the hyperboloid coor- dinates qq and in comoving coordinates with the cosmic time TT. Despite of the fact that we have a single world sheet, our solutions describe {\bf multi- ple}(here five) different and independent strings; the world sheet time τ\tau turns to be a multivalued function of TT.(This has no analogue in flat space- time).One string is stable (its proper size tends to a constant for T→∞T\to\infty , and its comoving size contracts); the other strings are unstable (their proper sizes blow up for T→∞T\to\infty, while their comoving sizes tend to cons- tants). These solutions (even the stable strings) do not oscillate in time. The interpretation of these solutions and their dynamics in terms of the sinh- Gordon model is particularly enlighting.Comment: 25 pages, latex. LPTHE 93-44. Figures available from the auhors under reques

    Warm dark matter primordial spectra and the onset of structure formation at redshift z

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    Analytic formulas reproducing the warm dark matter (WDM) primordial spectra are obtained for WDM particles decoupling in and out of thermal equilibrium which provide the initial data for WDM non-linear structure formation. We compute and analyze the corresponding WDM overdensities and compare them to the CDM case. We consider the ratio of the WDM to CDM primordial spectrum and the WDM to CDM overdensities: they turn to be self-similar functions of k/k_{1/2} and R/R_{1/2} respectively, k_{1/2} and R_{1/2} being the wavenumber and length where the WDM spectrum and overdensity are 1/2 of the respective CDM magnitudes. Both k_{1/2} and R_{1/2} show scaling as powers of the WDM particle mass m while the self-similar functions are independent of m. The WDM primordial spectrum sharply decreases around k_{1/2} with respect to the CDM spectrum, while the WDM overdensity slowly decreases around R_{1/2}. The nonlinear regions where WDM structure formation takes place are shown and compared to those in CDM: the WDM non-linear structures start to form later than in CDM, and as a general trend, decreasing the DM particle mass delays the onset of the non-linear regime. The non-linear regime starts earlier for smaller objects than for larger ones; smaller objects can form earlier both in WDM and CDM. We compute and analyze the differential mass function dN/dM for WDM at redshift z in the Press-Schechter approach. The WDM suppression effect of small scale structure increases with the redshift z. Our results for dN/dM are useful to be contrasted with observations, in particular for 4 < z < 12. We perfom all these studies for the most popular WDM particle physics models. Contrasting them to observations should point out the precise value of the WDM particle mass in the keV scale, and help to single out the best WDM particle physics model (Abridged).Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures. To appear in Phys Rev
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