248 research outputs found

    Exact magnetohydrodynamic equilibria with flow and effects on the Shafranov shift

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    Exact solutions of the equation governing the equilibrium magetohydrodynamic states of an axisymmetric plasma with incompressible flows of arbitrary direction [H. Tasso and G.N.Throumoulopoulos, Phys. Pasmas {\bf 5}, 2378 (1998)] are constructed for toroidal current density profiles peaked on the magnetic axis in connection with the ansatz S=−kuS=-ku, where S=d/du[ϱ(dΦ/du)2]S=d/d u [\varrho (d\Phi/du)^2] (kk is a parameter, uu labels the magnetic surfaces; ϱ(u)\varrho(u) and Φ(u)\Phi(u) are the density and the electrostatic potential, respectively). They pertain to either unbounded plasmas of astrophysical concern or bounded plasmas of arbitrary aspect ratio. For k=0k=0, a case which includes flows parallel to the magnetic field, the solutions are expressed in terms of Kummer functions while for k≠0k\neq 0 in terms of Airy functions. On the basis of a tokamak solution with k≠0k\neq 0 describing a plasma surrounded by a perfectly conducted boundary of rectangular cross-section it turns out that the Shafranov shift is a decreasing function which can vanish for a positive value of kk. This value is larger the smaller the aspect ratio of the configuration.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. v2:Eq (3) has been corrected. A new figure (Fig. 2) has been added in order to illustrate u-contours in connection with solution (24) and the Shafranov shift. Also, a sentence referring to Fig. 2 has been added after Eq. (25

    Magnetohydrodynamic equilibria of a cylindrical plasma with poloidal mass flow and arbitrary cross section shape

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    The equilibrium of a cylindrical plasma with purely poloidal mass flow and cross section of arbitrary shape is investigated within the framework of the ideal MHD theory. For the system under consideration it is shown that only incompressible flows are possible and, conscequently, the general two dimensional flow equilibrium equations reduce to a single second-order quasilinear partial differential equation for the poloidal magnetic flux function ψ\psi, in which four profile functionals of ψ\psi appear. Apart from a singularity occuring when the modulus of Mach number associated with the Alfv\'en velocity for the poloidal magnetic field is unity, this equation is always elliptic and permits the construction of several classes of analytic solutions. Specific exact equlibria for a plasma confined within a perfectly conducting circular cylindrical boundary and having i) a flat current density and ii) a peaked current density are obtained and studied.Comment: Accepted to Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion, 14 pages, revte

    Quantum transport and momentum conserving dephasing

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    We study numerically the influence of momentum-conserving dephasing on the transport in a disordered chain of scatterers. Loss of phase memory is caused by coupling the transport channels to dephasing reservoirs. In contrast to previously used models, the dephasing reservoirs are linked to the transport channels between the scatterers, and momentum conserving dephasing can be investigated. Our setup provides a model for nanosystems exhibiting conductance quantization at higher temperatures in spite of the presence of phononic interaction. We are able to confirm numerically some theoretical predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Moduli of Abelian varieties, Vinberg theta-groups, and free resolutions

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    We present a systematic approach to studying the geometric aspects of Vinberg theta-representations. The main idea is to use the Borel-Weil construction for representations of reductive groups as sections of homogeneous bundles on homogeneous spaces, and then to study degeneracy loci of these vector bundles. Our main technical tool is to use free resolutions as an "enhanced" version of degeneracy loci formulas. We illustrate our approach on several examples and show how they are connected to moduli spaces of Abelian varieties. To make the article accessible to both algebraists and geometers, we also include background material on free resolutions and representation theory.Comment: 41 pages, uses tabmac.sty, Dedicated to David Eisenbud on the occasion of his 65th birthday; v2: fixed some typos and added reference

    On the geometry of C^3/D_27 and del Pezzo surfaces

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    We clarify some aspects of the geometry of a resolution of the orbifold X = C3/D_27, the noncompact complex manifold underlying the brane quiver standard model recently proposed by Verlinde and Wijnholt. We explicitly realize a map between X and the total space of the canonical bundle over a degree 1 quasi del Pezzo surface, thus defining a desingularization of X. Our analysis relys essentially on the relationship existing between the normalizer group of D_27 and the Hessian group and on the study of the behaviour of the Hesse pencil of plane cubic curves under the quotient.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. JHEP style. Added references. Corrected typos. Revised introduction, results unchanged

    Differential Forms on Log Canonical Spaces

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    The present paper is concerned with differential forms on log canonical varieties. It is shown that any p-form defined on the smooth locus of a variety with canonical or klt singularities extends regularly to any resolution of singularities. In fact, a much more general theorem for log canonical pairs is established. The proof relies on vanishing theorems for log canonical varieties and on methods of the minimal model program. In addition, a theory of differential forms on dlt pairs is developed. It is shown that many of the fundamental theorems and techniques known for sheaves of logarithmic differentials on smooth varieties also hold in the dlt setting. Immediate applications include the existence of a pull-back map for reflexive differentials, generalisations of Bogomolov-Sommese type vanishing results, and a positive answer to the Lipman-Zariski conjecture for klt spaces.Comment: 72 pages, 6 figures. A shortened version of this paper has appeared in Publications math\'ematiques de l'IH\'ES. The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Mass Limit on a Positively Charged Heavy Muon

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    We report a preliminary search for a positively charged lepton (Y+) coupled directly to the μ- and νμ (i.e., muon number = + 1). Using the production process νμ+N→Y++anything, we have looked for the μ+ from the decay Y+→μ++νμ+νμ. The expected number of μ+ events is given as a function of the heavy-lepton mass, the branching fraction to muons, and the heavy-lepton coupling. For typical gauge-theory predictions, we obtain the 90% confidence limit MY>2 GeV/c^2
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