13 research outputs found

    Validation of a low-cost virtual reality system for training street-crossing. A comparative study in healthy, neglected and non-neglected stroke individuals

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    Unilateral spatial neglect is a common consequence of stroke that directly affects the performance of activities of daily living. This impairment is traditionally assessed with paper-and-pencil tests that can lack correspondence to real life and are easily compensated. Virtual reality can immerse patients in more ecological scenarios, thus providing therapists with new tools to assess and train the effects of this impairment in simulated real tasks. This paper presents the clinical validation and convergent validity of a low-cost virtual reality system for training street-crossing in stroke patients with and without neglect. The performance of neglect patients was significantly worse than the performance of non-neglect and healthy participants. In addition, several correlations between the scores in the system and in the traditional scales were detected.This study was funded in part by Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia Spain, Projects Consolider-C (SEJ2006-14301/PSIC), "CIBER of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition, an initiative of ISCIII" and the Excellence Research Program PROMETEO (Generalitat Valenciana. Conselleria de Educacion, 2008-157).Navarro, MD.; Llorens Rodríguez, R.; Noé, E.; Ferri, J.; Alcañiz Raya, ML. (2013). Validation of a low-cost virtual reality system for training street-crossing. A comparative study in healthy, neglected and non-neglected stroke individuals. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. 23(4):597-618. https://doi.org/10.1080/09602011.2013.806269S597618234Allegri, R. F. (2000). Atención y negligencia: bases neurológicas, evaluación y trastornos. Revista de Neurología, 30(05), 491. doi:10.33588/rn.3005.99645Appelros, P., Karlsson, G. M., Seiger, Åke, & Nydevik, I. (2002). Neglect and Anosognosia After First-Ever Stroke: Incidence and Relationship to Disability. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 34(5), 215-220. doi:10.1080/165019702760279206Baheux, K., Yoshizawa, M., & Yoshida, Y. (2007). Simulating hemispatial neglect with virtual reality. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 4(1). doi:10.1186/1743-0003-4-27Boian, R. F., Burdea, G. C., Deutsch, J. E. and Winter, S. H. Street crossing using a virtual environment mobility simulator.Paper presented at 3rd Annual International Workshop on Virtual Reality. Lausanne, Switzerland.Broeren, J., Samuelsson, H., Stibrant-Sunnerhagen, K., Blomstrand, C., & Rydmark, M. (2007). Neglect assessment as an application of virtual reality. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 116(3), 157-163. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0404.2007.00821.xBuxbaum, L. J., Ferraro, M. K., Veramonti, T., Farne, A., Whyte, J., Ladavas, E., … Coslett, H. B. (2004). Hemispatial neglect: Subtypes, neuroanatomy, and disability. 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A virtual reality test battery for assessment and screening of spatial neglect. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 123(3), 167-174. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0404.2010.01390.xGupta, V., Knott, B. A., Kodgi, S., & Lathan, C. E. (2000). Using the «VREye» System for the Assessment of Unilateral Visual Neglect: Two Case Reports. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 9(3), 268-286. doi:10.1162/105474600566790Hartman-Maeir, A., & Katz, N. (1995). Validity of the Behavioral Inattention Test (BIT): Relationships With Functional Tasks. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 49(6), 507-516. doi:10.5014/ajot.49.6.507Jannink, M. J. A., Aznar, M., de Kort, A. C., van de Vis, W., Veltink, P., & van der Kooij, H. (2009). Assessment of visuospatial neglect in stroke patients using virtual reality: a pilot study. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 32(4), 280-286. doi:10.1097/mrr.0b013e3283013b1cJehkonen, M., Laihosalo, M., & Kettunen, J. (2006). 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Influence of Virtual Reality Training on the Roadside Crossing Judgments of Child Pedestrians. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 11(3), 175-186. doi:10.1037/1076-898x.11.3.175Weiss, P. L. (Tamar), Naveh, Y., & Katz, N. (2003). Design and testing of a virtual environment to train stroke patients with unilateral spatial neglect to cross a street safely. Occupational Therapy International, 10(1), 39-55. doi:10.1002/oti.176Witmer, B. G., & Singer, M. J. (1998). Measuring Presence in Virtual Environments: A Presence Questionnaire. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 7(3), 225-240. doi:10.1162/105474698565686Wu, H., Ashmead, D. H. and Bodenheimer, B.Using immersive virtual reality to evaluate pedestrian street crossing decisions at a roundabout. Paper presented at 6th Symposium on appied perception in Graphics and Visualization. Chania

    Clinical Validation of a Virtual Environment Test for Safe Street Crossing in the Assessment of Acquired Brain Injury Patients with and without Neglect

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    Part 1: Long and Short PapersInternational audienceAcquired brain injury (ABI) is a complex disease that involves loss of brain functions related to cognitive and motor capabilities and that can produce unilateral spatial neglect (USN). The heterogeneity of the symptoms of these disorders causes a lack of consensus on suitable tools for evaluation and treatment. Recently, several studies have initiated the application of virtual reality (VR) systems as an evaluation instrument for neuropsychological disorders. Our main objective was to evaluate the validity of the VR Street Crossing Test (VRSCT) as an assessment tool. Twenty-five patients with ABI were evaluated with traditional tests and with the VRSCT. The results showed significant correlations between the conventional tests and the measures obtained with the VRSCT in non-negligent patients. Moreover, the VRSCT indicated significant differences in performance of negligent and non-negligent subjects. These pilot results indicate that ABI patients with and without USN can be assessed by the therapists using the VRSCT system as a complementary tool

    Quality of counselling assessed by patients after total knee arthroplasty:a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Patient counselling is a key function in nursing. High-quality counselling promotes adherence to treatment and reduces complications. The purpose of the study was to describe the quality of counselling experienced by total knee arthroplasty patients following surgery. The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The data were collected from patients following total knee arthroplasty (N = 60) in 2016 with a modified Quality of Counselling Instrument, and analysed using statistical methods. Over half of the patients (58%) were women and the mean age was 68 years (range 49–84). Over a quarter of patients (28.9%) lived alone, and about two-thirds were overweight (42.1%), or obese (31.6%). After surgery, many patients (88%) experienced moderate pain. Half of patients (52.6%) received a good quality of counselling for the disease and its treatment, and counselling for recovery from treatment (81.6%) was good. Most patients (92.1%) received satisfactory counselling about physical activity. There was a correlation between the disease and its treatment counselling and quality of life (r = −0.553, p = 0.003) and pain (r = −0657, p = 0.000). Interaction during counselling was good (97.4%) and it was implemented in a patient-centred way (89.5%). High-quality counselling implemented in a patient-centred manner can play a part in reducing pain and increasing patients’ quality of life

    Probing Time-Dependent Molecular Dipoles on the Attosecond Time Scale

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    Photoinduced molecular processes start with the interaction of the instantaneous electric field of the incident light with the electronic degrees of freedom. This early attosecond electronic motion impacts the fate of the photoinduced reactions. We report the first observation of attosecond time scale electron dynamics in a series of small-and medium-sized neutral molecules (N-2, CO2, and C2H4), monitoring time-dependent variations of the parent molecular ion yield in the ionization by an attosecond pulse, and thereby probing the time-dependent dipole induced by a moderately strong near-infrared laser field. This approach can be generalized to other molecular species and may be regarded as a first example of molecular attosecond Stark spectroscopy

    Microwave metrology for superconducting quantum circuits

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    Quantum technologies and quantum computing offer exciting new possibilities but also significant challenges that must be overcome to achieve their potential, including the need for fundamental microwave metrology at cryogenic temperatures to support the booming quantum technology industry. The European SuperQuant project, which is introduced in this contribution, aims at establishing novel metrological and scientific tools for the measurement of microwave signals in circuits in-situ in cryogenic environments down to the millikelvin range using a combination of superconducting, semiconducting, integrated and conventional photonics, and plasmonic techniques