168 research outputs found

    Metastability in Markov processes

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    We present a formalism to describe slowly decaying systems in the context of finite Markov chains obeying detailed balance. We show that phase space can be partitioned into approximately decoupled regions, in which one may introduce restricted Markov chains which are close to the original process but do not leave these regions. Within this context, we identify the conditions under which the decaying system can be considered to be in a metastable state. Furthermore, we show that such metastable states can be described in thermodynamic terms and define their free energy. This is accomplished showing that the probability distribution describing the metastable state is indeed proportional to the equilibrium distribution, as is commonly assumed. We test the formalism numerically in the case of the two-dimensional kinetic Ising model, using the Wang--Landau algorithm to show this proportionality explicitly, and confirm that the proportionality constant is as derived in the theory. Finally, we extend the formalism to situations in which a system can have several metastable states.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures; version with one higher quality figure available at http://www.fis.unam.mx/~dsanders

    Refined Simulations of the Reaction Front for Diffusion-Limited Two-Species Annihilation in One Dimension

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    Extensive simulations are performed of the diffusion-limited reaction A++B0\to 0 in one dimension, with initially separated reagents. The reaction rate profile, and the probability distributions of the separation and midpoint of the nearest-neighbour pair of A and B particles, are all shown to exhibit dynamic scaling, independently of the presence of fluctuations in the initial state and of an exclusion principle in the model. The data is consistent with all lengthscales behaving as t1/4t^{1/4} as tt\to\infty. Evidence of multiscaling, found by other authors, is discussed in the light of these findings.Comment: Resubmitted as TeX rather than Postscript file. RevTeX version 3.0, 10 pages with 16 Encapsulated Postscript figures (need epsf). University of Geneva preprint UGVA/DPT 1994/10-85

    Occurrence of normal and anomalous diffusion in polygonal billiard channels

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    From extensive numerical simulations, we find that periodic polygonal billiard channels with angles which are irrational multiples of pi generically exhibit normal diffusion (linear growth of the mean squared displacement) when they have a finite horizon, i.e. when no particle can travel arbitrarily far without colliding. For the infinite horizon case we present numerical tests showing that the mean squared displacement instead grows asymptotically as t log t. When the unit cell contains accessible parallel scatterers, however, we always find anomalous super-diffusion, i.e. power-law growth with an exponent larger than 1. This behavior cannot be accounted for quantitatively by a simple continuous-time random walk model. Instead, we argue that anomalous diffusion correlates with the existence of families of propagating periodic orbits. Finally we show that when a configuration with parallel scatterers is approached there is a crossover from normal to anomalous diffusion, with the diffusion coefficient exhibiting a power-law divergence.Comment: 9 pages, 15 figures. Revised after referee reports: redrawn figures, additional comments. Some higher quality figures available at http://www.fis.unam.mx/~dsander

    Static Pairwise Annihilation in Complex Networks

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    We study static annihilation on complex networks, in which pairs of connected particles annihilate at a constant rate during time. Through a mean-field formalism, we compute the temporal evolution of the distribution of surviving sites with an arbitrary number of connections. This general formalism, which is exact for disordered networks, is applied to Kronecker, Erd\"os-R\'enyi (i.e. Poisson) and scale-free networks. We compare our theoretical results with extensive numerical simulations obtaining excellent agreement. Although the mean-field approach applies in an exact way neither to ordered lattices nor to small-world networks, it qualitatively describes the annihilation dynamics in such structures. Our results indicate that the higher the connectivity of a given network element, the faster it annihilates. This fact has dramatic consequences in scale-free networks, for which, once the ``hubs'' have been annihilated, the network disintegrates and only isolated sites are left.Comment: 7 Figures, 10 page

    The Reaction-Diffusion Front for A+BA+B \to\emptyset in One Dimension

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    We study theoretically and numerically the steady state diffusion controlled reaction A+BA+B\rightarrow\emptyset, where currents JJ of AA and BB particles are applied at opposite boundaries. For a reaction rate λ\lambda, and equal diffusion constants DD, we find that when λJ1/2D1/21\lambda J^{-1/2} D^{-1/2}\ll 1 the reaction front is well described by mean field theory. However, for λJ1/2D1/21\lambda J^{-1/2} D^{-1/2}\gg 1, the front acquires a Gaussian profile - a result of noise induced wandering of the reaction front center. We make a theoretical prediction for this profile which is in good agreement with simulation. Finally, we investigate the intrinsic (non-wandering) front width and find results consistent with scaling and field theoretic predictions.Comment: 11 pages, revtex, 4 separate PostScript figure

    Diffusion-Limited Annihilation with Initially Separated Reactants

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    A diffusion-limited annihilation process, A+B->0, with species initially separated in space is investigated. A heuristic argument suggests the form of the reaction rate in dimensions less or equal to the upper critical dimension dc=2d_c=2. Using this reaction rate we find that the width of the reaction front grows as t1/4t^{1/4} in one dimension and as t1/6(lnt)1/3t^{1/6}(\ln t)^{1/3} in two dimensions.Comment: 9 pages, Plain Te

    Localisation Transition of A Dynamic Reaction Front

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    We study the reaction-diffusion process A+BA+B\to \emptyset with injection of each species at opposite boundaries of a one-dimensional lattice and bulk driving of each species in opposing directions with a hardcore interaction. The system shows the novel feature of phase transitions between localised and delocalised reaction zones as the injection rate or reaction rate is varied. An approximate analytical form for the phase diagram is derived by relating both the domain of reactants AA and the domain of reactants BB to asymmetric exclusion processes with open boundaries, a system for which the phase diagram is known exactly, giving rise to three phases. The reaction zone width ww is described by a finite size scaling form relating the early time growth, relaxation time and saturation width exponents. In each phase the exponents are distinct from the previously studied case where the reactants diffuse isotropically.Comment: 13 pages, latex, uses eps

    Memory Effects in Nonequilibrium Transport for Deterministic Hamiltonian Systems

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    We consider nonequilibrium transport in a simple chain of identical mechanical cells in which particles move around. In each cell, there is a rotating disc, with which these particles interact, and this is the only interaction in the model. It was shown in \cite{eckmann-young} that when the cells are weakly coupled, to a good approximation, the jump rates of particles and the energy-exchange rates from cell to cell follow linear profiles. Here, we refine that study by analyzing higher-order effects which are induced by the presence of external gradients for situations in which memory effects, typical of Hamiltonian dynamics, cannot be neglected. For the steady state we propose a set of balance equations for the particle number and energy in terms of the reflection probabilities of the cell and solve it phenomenologically. Using this approximate theory we explain how these asymmetries affect various aspects of heat and particle transport in systems of the general type described above and obtain in the infinite volume limit the deviation from the theory in \cite{eckmann-young} to first-order. We verify our assumptions with extensive numerical simulations.Comment: Several change

    Scaling exponents for fracture surfaces in homogenous glass and glassy ceramics

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    We investigate the scaling properties of post-mortem fracture surfaces in silica glass and glassy ceramics. In both cases, the 2D height-height correlation function is found to obey Family-Viseck scaling properties, but with two sets of critical exponents, in particular a roughness exponent ζ0.75\zeta\simeq 0.75 in homogeneous glass and ζ0.4\zeta\simeq 0.4 in glassy ceramics. The ranges of length-scales over which these two scalings are observed are shown to be below and above the size of process zone respectively. A model derived from Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) in the quasistatic approximation succeeds to reproduce the scaling exponents observed in glassy ceramics. The critical exponents observed in homogeneous glass are conjectured to reflect damage screening occurring for length-scales below the size of the process zone