16 research outputs found

    Dental profile of patients with Gaucher disease

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    BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to determine whether patients with Gaucher disease had significant dental pathology because of abnormal bone structure, pancytopenia, and coagulation abnormalities. METHODS: Each patient received a complete oral and periodontal examination in addition to a routine hematological evaluation. RESULTS: Gaucher patients had significantly fewer carious lesions than otherwise healthy carriers. Despite prevalence of anemia, there was no increase in gingival disease; despite the high incidence of thrombocytopenia, gingival bleeding was not noted; and despite radiological evidence of bone involvement, there was no greater incidence loss of teeth or clinical tooth mobility. CONCLUSIONS: These data represent the first survey of the oral health of a large cohort of patients with Gaucher disease. It is a pilot study of a unique population and the results of the investigation are indications for further research. Based on our findings, we recommend regular oral examinations with appropriate dental treatment for patients with Gaucher disease as for other individuals. Consultation between the dentist and physician, preferably one with experience with Gaucher disease, should be considered when surgical procedures are planned

    Análise do conhecimento de professores de Educação Infantil sobre saúde bucal

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    A figura do professor exerce grande influência sobre o comportamento dos alunos, pelo contato diário durante longo tempo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar o conhecimento dos professores de escolas estaduais e municipais de educação infantil no que diz respeito à saúde bucal. Foi realizado um estudo exploratório descritivo, com abordagem quanti-qualitativa com 164 professores, utilizando-se um questionário, autoaplicável, com perguntas sobre o tema. Os mesmos foram digitados e analisados pelo programa Epi Info, 3.5.1. Entre os resultados obtidos, pode-se observar que 94,5% relataram atuar em escolas que possuem atividades de educação em saúde bucal. Sobre as informações a respeito dos cuidados necessários para a manutenção da saúde bucal, 85,4% relataram ter recebido em algum momento. Segundo eles, a informação foi fornecida principalmente pelo cirurgião dentista (64,3%), alunos FOA-UNESP (16,4%), família (5,7%). 95,7% responderam saber o que é cárie dentária. Dentre esses indivíduos, 12,2% relacionaram-na a resíduos acumulados no dente. No que se refere à função do flúor em relação à cárie dentária, 88,4% indicaram conhecê-la. Destes, 50,3% atribuíram ao mesmo a função de proteção da estrutura dental. Pode-se concluir que embora a escola seja um espaço importante de informação, esta é ainda muito pouco aproveitada, os professores possuem pouco conhecimento a respeito dos cuidados necessários para a manutenção da saúde bucal e necessitam de maiores informações para abordarem com segurança estes temas em sala de aula

    Critique of the review of 'Water fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries' published by the Cochrane Collaboration in 2015

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    The Cochrane Review on water fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries was published in 2015 and attracted considerable interest and comment, especially in countries with extensive water fluoridation programmes. The Review had two objectives: (i) to evaluate the effects of water fluoridation (artificial or natural) on the prevention of dental caries, and (ii) to evaluate the effects of water fluoridation (artificial or natural) on dental fluorosis. The authors concluded, inter alia, that there was very little contemporary evidence, meeting the Review's inclusion criteria, that evaluated the effectiveness of water fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries. The purpose of this critique is to examine the conduct of the above Review, and to put it into context in the wider body of evidence regarding the effectiveness of water fluoridation. While the overall conclusion that water fluoridation is effective in caries prevention agrees with previous reviews, many important public health questions could not be answered by the Review because of the restrictive criteria used to judge adequacy of study design and risk of bias. The potential benefits of using wider criteria in order to achieve a fuller understanding of the effectiveness of water fluoridation are discussed

    Dental erosive wear assessment among adolescents and adults utilizing the basic erosive wear examination (BEWE) scoring system.

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    OBJECTIVES To investigate erosive tooth wear and related variables among adolescents and adults in Israel, utilizing the new basic erosive wear examination (BEWE) scoring system, in an attempt to contribute to the ongoing review, evaluation, and further development of an international standardized index. MATERIAL AND METHODS A cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytic survey was conducted among 500 subjects of five age groups. Dental erosion was measured according to the new BEWE scoring system. Independent variables included gender, age, origin, education, employment status, and diet. A backward stepwise linear regression model was applied to identify significantly associated variables. RESULTS Fifty percent of the survey subjects demonstrated erosive tooth wear; among them, 10 % had distinct erosion of over 50 % of the dental surface. Total BEWE score differences by age groups were statistically significant; as the age increased, the mean total BEWE scores increased (p < 0.001). The association between acidic foods and erosion was evident among the younger population (p = 0.038). In a multiple regression model, age (p < 0.001) and diet (p = 0.044) achieved statistical significance as variables associated with dental erosive wear. CONCLUSIONS Our study is one of the first to use the BEWE scoring system in an epidemiological survey among adolescents and adults. It was found that the BEWE index is straightforward, easy to conduct, and comfortably accepted by the examinees. CLINICAL RELEVANCE The present findings, together with further international research, should contribute toward continued evaluation of the BEWE system as an international standard and thereby, toward more optimal understanding, evidence-based treatment, and prevention of dental erosive wear