26,316 research outputs found

    Rayleigh lidar observations of gravity wave activity in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere

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    Forty-two monochromatic gravity wave events were observed in the 25 to 55 km altitude region during 16 nights of Rayleigh lidar measurements at Poker Flat, Alaska and Urbana, Illinois. The measured wave parameters were compared to previous radar and lidar measurements of gravity wave activity. Vertical wavelengths, lambda(z), between 2 and 11.5 km with vertical phase velocities, c(z), between 0.1 and 1 m/s were observed. Measured values of lambda(z) and c(z) were used to infer observed wave periods, T(ob), between 50 and 1000 minutes and horizontal wavelengths, lambda(x), from 25 to 2000 km. Dominant wave activity was found at vertical wavelengths between 2 to 4 km and 7 to 10 km. No seasonal variations were evident in the observed wave parameters. Vertical and horizontal wavelengths showed a clear tendency to increase with T(ob), which is consistent with recent sodium lidar studies of monochromatic wave events near the mesopause. Measured power law relationships between the wave parameters were lambda(z) varies as T(ob) sup 0.96, lambda(x) varies as T(ob) sup 1.8, and c(z) varies as T(ob) sup -0.85. The kinetic energy calculated for the monochromatic wave events varied as k(z) sup -2, k(x) sup -1, and f(ob) sup -1.7. The atmospheric scale heights calculated for each observation date range from 6.5 to 7.6 km with a mean value of 7 km. The increase of rms wind perturbations with altitude indicated an amplitude growth length of 20.9 km. The altitude profile of kinetic energy density decreased with height, suggesting that waves in this altitude region were subject to dissipation or saturation effects

    Rayleigh lidar observations of gravity wave activity in the upper stratosphere at Urbana, Ill.

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    During 13 nights of Rayleigh lidar measurements at Urbana, Ill. in 1984 to 1986, thirty-six quasi-monochromatic gravity waves were observed in the 35 to 50 km altitude region of the stratosphere. The characteristics of the waves are compared with other lidar and radar measurements of gravity waves and the theoretical models of wave saturation and dissipation phenomena. The measured vertical wavelengths ranged from 2 to 11.5 km and the measured vertical phase velocities ranged from 10 to 85 cm/s. The vertical wavelengths and vertical phase velocities were used to infer observed wave periods which ranged from 100 to 1000 min and horizontal wavelengths which ranged from 70 to 2000 km. Dominant wave activity was found at vertical wavelengths between 2 to 4 km and 7 to 10 km. No significant seasonal variations were evident in the observed parameters. Vertical and horizontal wavelengths showed a clear tendency to increase with wave periods, which is consistent with recent sodium lidar studies of quasi-monochromatic waves near the mesopause. An average amplitude growth length of 20.9 km for the rms wind perturbations was estimated from the data. Kinetic energy density associated with the waves decreased with height, suggesting that waves in this altitude region were subject to dissipation or saturation effects

    The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Tidewater Project

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    High pressure rotary piston coal feeder

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    This feeder concept uniquely combines the functions of solids feeding, metering, and pressurization into one compact system. Success with the rotary-piston concept would provide a lower-cost alternative to lock-hopper systems. The design of the feeder is presented, with special emphasis on the difficult problem of seal design. Initial tests will be to check seal performance. Subsequent tests will evaluate solids-feeding ability

    In-Situ Colloidal MnO2 Deposition and Ozonation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene

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    Laboratory experiments are presented that demonstrate a novel in situ semipassive reactive barrier for the degradation of 2,4 dinitrotoluene created by coating aquifer surfaces by deposition of colloidal MnO2, which catalyzes ozone degradation and enhances contaminant oxidation. Ozone is added to the reactive barrier and is transported through the zone with the contaminants by existing hydraulic gradients. The communication presents the preliminary laboratory investigation demonstrating the viability of this method. Studies were conducted by coating Ottawa sand with colloidal MnO2. Results show that concentrations of MnO2 in the range of 0.2 mg/g can be deposited with no measurable change in hydraulic conductivity, that there is significant coverage of the sand material by MnO2, and the deposition was not reversible under a wide range of chemical conditions. Ozonation of 2,4-dinitrotoluene in the presence of MnO2- coated sand was demonstrated to result in pseudo-first-order degradation kinetics with respect to DNT with half-lives ranging from 28 to 22 min (at pH 6 and 7, respectively), approximately 25% faster than experiments performed in the absence of MnO2

    Daytime lidar measurements of tidal winds in the mesospheric sodium layer at Urbana, Illinois

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    For more than 15 years lidar systems have been used to study the chemistry and dynamics of the mesospheric sodium layer. Because the layer is an excellent tracer of atmospheric wave motions, sodium lidar has proven to be particularly useful for studying the influence of gravity waves and tides on mesospheric dynamics. These waves, which originate in the troposphere and stratosphere, propagate through the mesosphere and dissipate their energy near the mesopause making important contributions to the momentum and turbulence budget in this region of the atmosphere. Recently, the sodium lidar was modified for daytime operation so that wave phenomena and chemical effects could be monitored throughout the complete diurnal cycle. The results of continuous 24 hour lidar observations of the sodium layer structure are presented alond with measurement of the semidiurnal tidal winds

    Poison plants of Western Australia - Cabbage poison (Velleia discophora F. Muell.)

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    Cabbage poison is a plant of bitter and disagreeable taste, not readily eaten by stock, but field evidence suggests that on occasions it may be responsible for moralities, particularly of sheep. It was first tested and found to be toxic in 1939, with material obtained from Koorda-Mollerin district

    Paspalum grass

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    Originally native to Uruguay and Argentina, Paspalum dilatatum was introduced into the U.S.A. about the middle of the 19th century and is now firmly established and cultivated in the Gulf States where it is known as Dallis erass after A. T. Dallis of La Grange, Georgia. It was introduced into Australia by Baron von Mueller about 1880 and since 1898 its cultivation has steadily increased

    Poison plants of Western Australia: isotropis

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    The genus Isotropis is restricted to Australia. Of the total of nine species six are recorded in Western Australia, two of them being known as Lamb poisons while the remainder have no common names. Three are known to be toxic to stock, but concerning the remaining three we have no definite information. * Poison Plants of Western Australia is an ongoing series of articles. Toxic Plants of the Genus Isotropis is the subtitle and primary focus of this article

    Poison plants of Western Australia: the thorn apples (datura species)

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    Many garden enthusiasts are familiar with a shrub or small tree known as the Angel\u27s Trumpet or Trumpet-flowered Brugmansia. Some nurserymen call it Brugsmania. There is another garden favourite which does not appear to possess a common name but is an annual or perennial plant from one to four feet in height, of summer growth and carrying erect violet or white trumpet-shaped flowers succeeded by large bristly or prickly pods. Both these are species of Datura. Another species is native to Western Australia while four more are introduced noxious weeds
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